I'm tired of all the young attractive women...

When can we get our old lady BHVR? 🙃
There's already The Twins for that. Enjoy.
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New survivor: Mildred Mcmanus
Speed 75% of normal survivor run speed.
Life alert: once per match when downed can summon assistance to go back to wounded state. Works like unbreakable, but you have to wait for the phantom ambulance to arrive
Handbag with a brick in it: 1 minute cool down 5 second stun when facing the killer.
Respect your elders:
Passive, when running within 5 meters of another survivor, they are compelled to lag behind and take the protection hit.
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Well, the entity has a strange moral compass to don't take people under 18, so we can assume that it also has a weakness for old ladies
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Theres already the hag
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Well, I only buy good looking female survivors and I think alot of others think the same as well. So more cash for them with beautiful survivors.
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Plague is pretty old too
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Need me an old lady Survivor. I've wanted one since they released that terrible Laura skin that makes her look like an old lady. (I know it's based off her look in the original film but it looks awful).
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Nea, Yui, Claudette and Meg are attractive?.
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I love how male survivors have Bill,Ace,Tapp,Ash who are older but all the female survivors are in their 20's at most early 30's
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There is that Laurie outfit that makes her look like a 60 year old woman that probably keeps her sewing supplies in a cookie tin.
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Yui and Meg are pretty good looking imo.
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Yeah, we dont even have diversity with age.
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I said this before and Im going to say it again under this post. I want a dumb looking fat survivor with glasses. An old lady would not be so bad too since she could fit right next to Bill lol
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hag is 17 years old though
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Perfect name 😂
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Not even just the women, almost all survivors look like Barbie/Ken dolls
Give me more goblin people like Quentin and Nea.
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Bill is in his prime darn it. Now if the developers would give us the Borat swimsuit for Bill that would be great. TY.
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Really? Because I think the only good looking survivors are Ash, Feng, Jake and Yui
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I would main Mildred so fast!
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Yui is. Claud and Meg are more cute.
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They had a golden opportunity to make the manager a feisty old bat.
Big miss, imo.
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I'm not.
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We need more people like Quentin in Dbd.
Thank you, Quentin. We should all strive to be like you.
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Meg is cute.
IF you also find dirty scarecrows cute.
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The new survivor isn’t really that young. I think she is atleast in her late 30s according to her voice and lore.
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Give me recent halloween Laurie and I'll actually play Laurie
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I'm not.
I only play Survivor for the jiggle physics anyways. It's why I can't last more than 10 seconds in a chase. I've always got my camera facing the wrong way, except for Jane. Dat THICCness. Whew!
All jokes aside. Who cares what they look like? Slasher movies tend to feature beautiful women, and DbD has actually done a reasonable job of keeping that whole trope out. Most of the girls are either cute or pretty, but there are only 1 or 2 who could be considered "beautiful".
The game aims towards a younger playerbase, so not surprising most of the Survivors are young or seem to be young. Who's to say how old they are though. The Entity plays tricks with time, so it might be 3021 in his Realm and all the Survivors are actually 1000+ years old!
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Shannon Bartholemew: the old corrections officer that falls for the wrong men. She is strangely attracted to every killer.
Tongue Tied - Once per trial she can talk her way out of getting injured. She gained this power having to talk her way out of getting in trouble working the prison after getting caught having sex with a prisoner.
Overconfidence - Prisoners don't see women very often so when they do they think that woman is gorgeous. Shannon thinks she hears an inmate calling for a request slip so she gains heightened senses and speed for 5/7/10 seconds when the power is activated. 4 year cooldown.
Am I Pretty? - Shannon thinks the killer wants to compliment her so walking behind the killer for 5/4/2 seconds shows her all auras of all gens. Only active during PMS.
There you go!
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I thought she existed as a cosmetic
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There's old lady clothes but Laurie has been dressing like that since she was 17 god bless her
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Nancy already has an old lady outfit kekekekekekekekeke.
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Honestly i just want more diversity in men, only a few of them are diverse the rest is all caucasian.
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I love it, lmao.
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Charlotte is not old.
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I’m pretty sure she’s just mangled, she’s not stupidly old.
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Hate to say it, but nea, claud, meg, feng and yui look like potatoes.
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I personally have a weird sense of enjoyment on chasing after a good loking girl and hooking her 😅..
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Wouldn’t have anything against Carol from TWD, Older Laurie or Wickerbottom from Don’t Starve...
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How about my race is not your character to play with.
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Hag is like 20 something
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Oh how many sacrifices I would do to get a Laurie from the new Halloween.
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Isn't plague literally hundreds of years old?
Although, she would look alright without all that....gunk on her....
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Behaviour probably thought adding a thicc girl would be enough to diversify the female survivor pool.
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There are lots of ugly women in the game.
Like Nea.
Lots of old women too. Like Laurie.
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The Laurie we have is 17/18.
Also, I'm talking about the most recent women. Yun, Elodie, Zarina, Yui, Jane, Kate are all seen as pretty attractive to most of the community. They're all also in their late teens, 20s and at the most early to mid 30s.
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The Laurie we got a teenager though.
and even the cosmetic that makes her look so old is not actually supposed to do so.. (Obst least think that outfit is based on some outfit in the original film...)
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Right, Right, "doesn't take people under 18," we believe that line.
Sideways look a Spirit.
Squints at Feng.
Absolutely the truth and not conveniently glossing over details in any way.
In all seriousness, though, I understand why it's necessary. I'm not complaining, just ribbing a bit.1 -
More research material needed for Cheryl. Feng will always be best girl to me.
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Laurie's model looks so bad that she looks more like a crazy cat lady instead of the 17-year old that she's supposed to be, does that count?