Does anyone else do this?

Does anyone else let the last survivor get hatch or the gate? Most times in a really one sided match, that last survivor just comes up drops a med-kit or toolbox as offering then I take them to hatch or the exit gate. I do this bc I understand how it is as survivor in that situation just getting wrecked and boom last one alive, not much hope left, but it's cool seeing the killer show mercy and show them the way out lol


  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    I usually do this if I hear the hatch, know where it is or if the survivor isnt struggling

  • boostedsurvivormain
    boostedsurvivormain Member Posts: 399

    If they offer me an item, or I can tell they had a rough game, I'll let them go.

  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312

    It all depends for me. I had one game where one survivor was doing reallllly well during a chase and was making it very hard for me to get a hit and I had to stop chasing them. Unfortunately for that person they had potatoes for teammates who barely did any gens and went down super easy. I let the person who did well against me get the hatch out to show respect to them. If I have a wholesome moment with a survivor during a trial I'll also let them escape. However, if I notice people trying to be toxic or being a detriment to their team and they're last alive sorry but you aren't getting out.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,938

    Sometimes, it depends on how the game has gone. If I've seen that one survivor has really carried their team and sacrificed themselves to save others then yes I will often reward with the hatch or exit gate. I'm not really bothered about kills in a match as I play for fun and enjoy the chase element of the game more than anything, so I'm not bothered about whether a survivor lives.

  • I_am_not_a_Killer
    I_am_not_a_Killer Member Posts: 13

    I do this all the time, but not for one side matches. If the Survivors dominate me or I win with ease it's like whatever, but if we have a fun match and I get a 3K despite the challenge I'll usually just play nice. Obviously people just being rude or someone I've rarely met during game don't get this courtesy though.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Yeah, if the trial was rough, I like the last survivor or I come across it while carrying them to the hook and they weren't a jerk.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited March 2021

    For me it depends on a few things and it can be either a single one of these points or a combination

    1. Did that survivor carry the team on gens?

    2. Were they not toxic during the game? (if they were dead no matter what)

    3. Am I feeling particularly generous that game?

    4. Did they get screwed or abandoned by teammates wrongly?

    I havent done it a ton but kinda want to more nowadays

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Well since I got perm banned for that apperantly not.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited March 2021

    Well I posted a message and didn't mean to post it here and don't know to to delete but can here is my pointless message. Sorry lol

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    If they are near the hatch or almost finished with the exit gates I'll let them go (although I can be a little mean with the hatch and hover over it as if I'm gonna shut it, but never actually do). The exception would be if I needed to complete a challenge, but otherwise I don't need the 4k so no concern.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    I always give the last survivor hatch/gate. There might be a couple of exceptions (for instance, if I get lucky against a really, really rude team that was otherwise destroying me and then lost due to BM) but for the most part I'm very difficult to offend as a killer and I think the majority of "offensive" survivor play is really funny. If you're a little Jake Park tbagging and flashlight clicking whenever you're not on gens, you might just get the hatch anyways LMAO

    I'm a survivor main so I know well how even just giving hatch at the end to some random survivor can make an otherwise salty and frustrating match feel much better at the end. Sometimes, even if I know where hatch is and have the opportunity to close it myself, I'll even give chase to let the survivor think they got lucky finding it while running away from me because I know from my experience that it can be the most thrilling part of the game at times. Playing killer, for me, isn't really about the 4k or absolutely dominating and it honestly feels nicer to get the polite thank you messages at the end when I give someone the hatch than to just sacrifice everyone. That's just how I feel about it, though.

  • Idontknowtbh
    Idontknowtbh Member Posts: 467

    That is rare so please don't stop.

    I've seen multiple games where I have been the potato and see the last survivor that has been running the killer around and they just kill them on first hook at the end of the game out of despite.

    I've also been the last one standing and saved teammates fr hook, etc, escaped chases and survived to get a lugged in front of hatch, being teased with it, have it closed in my face and hooked (and then I thin, oh, if I had unbreakable then lol)

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    If I perceive them as doing well or as having been a bit bullied or sandbagged, I might. If they were part of a SWF trying to bully me? Hell no.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Most the time but it depends on who they are playing. If they are playing one of my mains (Jane Quentin and Jeff) they will get it

  • SamuraiDragon27
    SamuraiDragon27 Member Posts: 105

    I usually give hatch if the player was skilled, but not toxic about it like I've seen before. You can really tell the difference between hey, I'm good and trying to play the game, and HaHa I sLaMeD a PaLlEt On Ur HeAd GeT wReCkD. Also wiggling as I am trying to find hatch shall be punished with death.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I usually let the last survivor go unless it was a rather nasty/obnoxious game then everyone goes on hook.

    I make a particular effort when there are only two survivors left and one hides waiting for hatch and the other tries to progress the game.

    I'll slug in that scenario not for the 4k but to find the hider and put them on hook to give the game progress player the hatch. If you are trying to crunch out that last gen solo while your buddy cowers in a locker then kudos to you.

  • The_Nightmare
    The_Nightmare Member Posts: 65

    Yeah like if their being toxic af then that's a different story but if a survivor is doing well with an awful team, let them go is the best sign of respect to them I believe

  • The_Nightmare
    The_Nightmare Member Posts: 65

    I hate that scenario as survivor man it really sucks so empathy or respect for a good player mainly seems like why we killers do it lol