Basement Bubba banneble?

I was having a blast with Basement Bubba (protecting my chest with Franklins). But I also heard somewhere that it is banneble if you do it too much. But I have so much fun with it, because they always try to get back to their items.
It's also fun when survivors see what you're doing and tease you here and there and you also tease them.
So my main question is: Is it banneble or can I still have a blast with it?
It's not bannable.
You're doing god's work, my son.
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you can use it as much as you want, continue harvesting tears to your heart's content
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No, it's absolutely within the rules. Those who say it's bannable will be the same people who find it annoying.
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Okay thanks for all your answers. This makes me more relaxed knowing it's in the rules to do this :D
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Amen hallelujah
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Why would defending your house and property from trespassers and thieves incur some sort of penalty?
Addendum 3.17 in the Entity Property Charter states "Unauthorized entry to a residential domicile shall render the entrant outside of any other protection under law, and the owner can remove said entrant through means up to and including deadly force".
I've got that pinned to the wall of my Homeowner Myers house. Damned kids keep coming in and messing with my stuff! They even emptied my chest once, but I made them regret that...
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It's totally bannable!!! Everyone will report you... I did it so much that Matt Cote came to my house and took my console away.
WORK-AROUND: If you stand with one foot on the basement top step and one foot on the shack floor then you are OK. DO NOT put both feet on the basement steps though because Matt will know and he will come for your console or unhook your internet from his base in Canada.
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lol that's a great one, camping the Myers house as Myers! You could just stalk people through the windows and prepare for your 4 man slug if anyone dares to enter...
Obviously you also got camping the basement as Bubba, and maybe camping the Thompson House as Billy or Bubba.
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No. Tespassing on private property plus theft are serious violations. Put them on a time-out hook
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Unless your Bubba is currently in one of those pathetic "Duty To Retreat" realms.
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Outside of cheating there are exactly 2 things that can get you potentially banned. Basement bubba isn't one of those things. Keep living your truth.
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I came across an upper floor Slinger with insidious.. the best part was that it was solo queue and everyone except me seemed to have Kindred so we slammed gens, made the basement saves then got out lol. Kindred ratting out a rare Insidious gamer is one of the most comical things to witness hahaa
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Sometimes I want you to have Kindred. I want everyone to see me nodding.
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😂 I mean that’s up there on the amusement list lol
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Basement bubba is a tradition, thank you for doing your part for the community :)
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As much as I love basement Bubba, I feel like it could be a fair report in unsportsmanlike conduct. With the new chase mechanics and granted you are running insidious the survivors have no way to get chaser emblem points resulting in a depip or black pip. Unless you are actively chasing them out of the basement they would never pip from these games.
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It's not bannable, fullstop. Keep it up my friend
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In before bhvr bans them cuz they were reported too many times for afk killer.
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It’s funny how you had to ask.
Basement Bubba is one of the most boring matches in this game. No one does anything but hold M1.
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Yes they do and they also press the space bar once in a while, or M2 once in a while.
I don’t consider unbalanced things in this game a form of an “incentive”. Playing sacrificial lamb for the day or having your finger go numb because all you did was hold M1, doesn’t optimize your points and doesn’t make you a better player.
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If anything, you're one of the people roleplaying the character correctly. Why shouldn't you protect your home from outsiders? Your family is counting on you.
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Its a fine art, who would ban such beauty? Continue your arts, OP.
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Gens being slowed down will fix camping?
You mean the same gens people say to go fix if the killer is camping? Cuz there is already not enough time to do so. Slowing them down helps the camper not the other way around.
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unfortunately no, forcing survivors to depip is okay
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What salt lord told you basement Bubba is bannable?
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It's not bannable, but is standing still and doing nothing while waiting for a survivor to show up really fun for you?
Because that's... really boring. I play loads of Bubba at rank 1 and I'm increasingly of the opinion that if you play him skilfully he's actually kinda busted strong.
If standing still and watching paint dry is your idea if a good time then... fine, I guess. But maybe try pressing the 'w' key. Stretch your legs a bit and actually engage with the gameplay. See if that fits your groove.
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It's not bannable.