What is the Lamest Killer?

What killer is the least creepy and/or scary killer in the game? Which killer really doesn't fit the horror atmosphere of Dead by Daylight?
Gonna say The Twins. Seeing a gremlin chase me is just not scary.
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My top picks would be the Huntress and Trickster, honestly.
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I'd say the Trickster or Legion there's a little too much humanity left in visible appearance p3 David/Cheryl is more intimidating.
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Which killer is least creepy?
Definitely Trickster
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I don't find Huntress scary/creepy. Trickster doesn't seem scary/creepy. Blight ping ponging between shooting up not scary/creepy. Angsty teens Legion not scary/creepy.
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A controversial pick would be Ghostface, in a good way of course. His trailer just made it too difficult for me to take him seriously, lol.
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I'll actually break the mold here and say that Wraith's always been kinda dopey and bizarre. With other Killers you can usually categorise them into horror archetypes, but Wraith's just the one that goes invisible, I guess?
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Trickster and Twins for me.
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Wraith is actually god. Simple.
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Legion. They’re just edgy teens...
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I have to say, the Huntress and the Twins are pretty surprising answers. I always thought they were both pretty creepy. That baby is just disturbing.
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Why would I be scared by a yellow person with a chainsaw trying to do a pog face
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Huntress is only scary thanks to Samination....husky girl wants to "marry" poor Tapp *shudders*
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that kpop naruto guy we will get soon
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Pig. A drug addicted weak women with a Walmart assassin’s creed hidden blade who wears a pig head for a mask
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You husband now
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Wraith has always been the lamest among killers and that probably won't ever change
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I totally read that in her voice 😂
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I would be smart to say the Trickster, but honestly nothing makes me feel afraid when I'm going against the Twins. Because it's nothing but slugging and camping from Charlotte and Victor, and you can basically karate kick Victor's lights out.
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Lamest would have to be Wraith. No animosity for those who play him, I don't get upset going against him, but he's boring. His design doesn't have anything that stands out, and his power is too straightforward to be interesting. Every other killer has something that evokes an emotional reaction to me (frustration, excitement, humor), but Wraith is just "Oh, it's him. Okay."
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Trickster is in a class all his own I feel like I've been ported into an anime cassette
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Well, here's the results so far...
Looks like Trickster is easily winning the Lamest Killer Contest.
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Hands down the Legion.
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The killer being “scary” is a matter of opinion. Not every killer has to be big and imposing to be scary.
I personally think Legion is the lamest design wise. Legion looks like a slasher villain from a D List movie
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Imo, the Legion. They're by far the most bland, boring killers the game has ever gotten. Edgy teens with ######### masks and knives that run fast.
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Least creppy: clown looks silly when he walks
While I think Trickster does fit, he does fit the least. Only counter argument I heard was about skins that players where using ( those are non canon skin, Trickster CANONICALLY looks like Joker Goro Majima) or someone brought killers that don't have supernatural elements don't fit ( missing the whole point of horror)
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Legion feels kinda like a knockoff Ghostface in looks. Just not that interesting. I can understand not loving trickster (I hate the name myself and it's just weird having one unmasked killer with a human face. I hope they offer unmasked killer cosmetics soon to make him mesh more) but he has a unique personality and is original within the game which is nice.
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me out of hatchets
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The lamest to me would be the least scary to go against irl so it's Deathslinger. Getting shot compared to what everyone else can do is meh.
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Freddy. nothing is scary about him.
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The Trickster by a mile. Watch him throwing knives from a distance. The most ridiculous thing ever. Looks like he’s chasing people down for hugs. No at all scary
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Killers that aren't supernatural don't fit? What?
Do you know how many genres of horror there are? Not everything is supposed to be supernatural.
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Makes this thread without a poll so he can count all the votes himself. Then counts a vote for the Trickster when a user slightly mentions him, EVEN THO they say someone else is actually worse. Lol.
Good job my man. Getting off on that Trickster hate don't you?
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Not my argument, I thinks it's an argument that miss the whole point of horror, just to be clear I do not agree with neither arguments I brought up.
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IMO as much as I love them, Legion. There basically stereotypical edge lords
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Blight is like a disfigured tramp. Pretty sure Mbappe or Sergio Ramos wouldn't leg it from a Blight.