Deathslinger main

I've decided I really wanted to main deathslinger, don't ask why I know he might not be the best in the game, but idk I just love using his gun and shooting survivors it's like catching a fish lol. I really enjoy the killer but I feel like I can do better with him. Is there anyone who mains deathslinger that could give me advice on how to play him better. I know it's probably asked before, but idk where else to go to ask for advice I feel like the forums help me alot. I also would like to know what kind of perks work best for him right now I'm running bbq, save the best, pop, and monitor? Idk if that's good for him or if I need some other slow down like ruin and undying. Let me know guys and thank you for any advice.


  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    That’s a really good build and I use the exact same one often, although currently I am using Nurses instead of STBFL as you can get some cool snipes on people. Especially because it’s paired with M&A.

    Is there anything in particular you want advice on? I’m not saying I’m the best Slinger ever, but I play as him a lot and can consistently stay at Rank 1 when playing as him.

  • zack12sora
    zack12sora Member Posts: 40

    Just anything I feel like his one weakness is map pressure where survivors can get gens done pretty fast. Idk if it's the killer or me not doing better in chase.

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    Generators can definitely be a problem with him depending on the map and the efficiency of the team you’re against. A lot of Slingers will use Corrupt Intervention and I understand why but I’m personally not a fan of perks that you don’t get to use all game.

    I generally expect to lose 2/3 generators but I normally stall the game and start to snowball when I keep getting value out of BBQ and PGTW. If you’re able to down survivors fast during chases it’s so difficult for them to keep the pressure on the final generators.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    I'd say take the build petals gave yuo until you feel secure in your shots. Then shake it up for whatever. M&A and STBFL are things you don't need once you're decent with him.

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    You don’t need them, but they’re fun to use. I always keep M&A on Deathslinger and Myers as I love getting jump scares on people. M&A is terrifying to face against them both as they just appear out of nowhere lol.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Deathslinger is one of the strongest killers in the game in terms of chases.

    Even strong survivors will often go down quickly against an experienced Deathslinger depending on your aim.

    His biggest weakness is his lack of map pressure and gen defense since he's a 110% / 4.4ms killer.

    Therefore I think you should definitely run something to hold the gen progress back (this basically applies to all killers but even more so for him).

    The perk "Surge" is currently in the Shrine Of Secrets for 2000 shards. It may not be a meta perk but it works well with Deathslinger as its activation radius is 32m and requires a basic attack.

    Since Deathslinger's gun shots are considered a basic attack you can just shoot people and regress all gens in a 32m radius without having to walk to them.

    Deathslinger can't travel between the gens quickly so he needs stuff that works regardless of mobility making Surge somewhat interesting on him in my opinion.

    Another plus of his weapon shots being considered a basic attack is you can run Devour Hope on him and effectively use it with your ranged attack.

    So maybe:

    - Corrupt Intervention (slowdown regardless of mobility)

    - Surge (mild slowdown that works with your gun)

    - Devour Hope (ranged instadowns after 3 stacks. Basically iri-head Huntress on steroids since he's got no windup time unlike her)

    - Undying (to defend Devour Hope for a while and possibly find your first chase quickly due to the aura reading on dull totems)

    This build basically holds the gens back early on, possibly reveals the aura of someone allowing you to get into the first chase quickly, forces people to cleanse at the very least 2 totems (those seconds can make the difference), mildly regresses gens via Surge and allows you to snowball via ranged instadowns if they don't find your cleanse the totems quickly.

    I'm not a Deathslinger main so this is most likely not the greatest build but you could give it a "shot" anyways.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Personally I found the combo of Tinkerer and Dark Devotion to work better, sure, it's two perkslots, but it has a high chance of startling survivors so much that it kinda doubles as a gen control perk in its own

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    I was actually using Tinkerer but hearing the explosion noises started to annoy me after a while, so I swapped it for something else lol. I haven’t tried Dark Devotion Slinger before, but I like the sound of that... 😏😈

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    If they don't strafe, shoot them. If they do strafe, aim to where they keep strafing to in order to hit them, or just hold forward to gain distance on them. There will be some insane shots you can make like through tiny gaps but they won't get you the down, so only go for those to get a survivor from healthy to deep wound.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742
    edited March 2021

    i started using Dark Devotion, Tinkerer, Bloodhound and whispers... aka the 'Cotton Eye Joe' build. it works surprisingly well

    I found going for trickshots whenever you can can be better: It startles people, giving you a window where they are too surprised and sometimes outraged that the shot hit to react. <3

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    Watch Anaxandra on twitch she's a great dickslinger main!!