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The "knee jerk" reaction

dbd900bach Member Posts: 764
edited March 2021 in General Discussions

A lot of people have obviously reacted negatively to the Trickster based on his look alone. Given his throwing animation could use some work, that's the only problem he has aestheticlly. Keep in mind this isn't about his power.

People say he doesn't fit in the world of Dbd but out of all the killers he fits in no less then most of the dead by daylight roster. He's getting so much hate yet there's another killer who doesn't belong but gets no flak for it. The Legion or should I say killer(s). The Trickster killed a lot of people for the sake of killing, wanting to kill and enjoying it to the fullest. A psycho.

Legion on the other hand arguably did nothing to get themselves in the fog. They're a few teens who killed a single guy, reluctantly killed a single dude who they only killed because he saw their faces.

Who belongs now? The Trickster certainly earned his place, The Legion doesn't belong and were taken in like a bargain bin sale yet they don't get hate for not being real killers.

Another reason for hate is because he's a kpop singer. When you say it, it does admittedly sound a little stupid but when you think about it can be terrifying and for me it adds tons of personality to him. He has the most personality then a majority of the cast. He's flashy, colorful and unique, a nice change from all the dark on dark we've been getting. People should be glad we got anything in the first place as we could've gotten nothing instead or an even worse off chapter with zero detail.

People hate the character with such a passion at first glance without thinking or giving him a chance. It's an amazing chapter with detail in both the lore and look but the power is whole different thing that needs its own changes but that's expected, isn't it?

Do you agree or disagree?

P.s This is kinda of a rant so sorry for any misplaced or missing details.


  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    From what I've gathered on sites, it's a small minority that actually dislikes him. I've seen stuff with him on it getting thousands on likes whether just pictures, art, or videos of him. Meanwhile something bashing him gets a couple hundred likes at most.

    Trickster is awesome.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    I personally dislike how he was almost seemingly designed for the r34 crowd, I mean the dude has his chest completely exposed and that’s his default outfit lol. I can see why people like him though and I respect their opinion. His neon aesthetic, whilst a little at odds with DBD’s aesthetic, is still fine I guess if you consider all the silly neon cosmetics already in the game. My issue comes in when people start genuinely getting the hots for him. For two main reasons

    • Obviously the first being that he’s a fictional character, (like that’s ever stopped people from simping for these characters lol)
    • The second reason however is that I do find it slightly concerning that people took such a liking to him, considering his rather disturbing lore. Obviously this is a horror game and so you know, killers are supposed to be really bad people. However the fact that some people rather explicitly like him because he’s hot is a little concerning considering how in the context of the lore, he’s literally a serial killer.

    Maybe I’m just being a boomer here but getting the hots for serial killers, real or fictional, is very disturbing to me. Perhaps that’s why those jokey posts about which killer is the hottest make me so uncomfortable lol.

  • Shirtless_Myers
    Shirtless_Myers Member Posts: 383
  • Tank
    Tank Member Posts: 63

    My friend, please don't ever strike up a conversation with anybody that reads manga. You will probably be very grossed out. Females in those circles frequently lust after genuinely abusive men and unrepentant playboys, while Males develop crushes on criminally insane murderers and legitimate man eating monsters. It's actually pretty normal honestly, if a bit niche.

    And also google Male Kpop/Jpop stars for why he's dressed like that. He is designed to be attractive, but most likely only because that's in line with his role as pop star.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    I mean you’re absolutely within your right to do so if you want.

    I personally don’t engage much with anime or manga but I was never aware of that. I see now why Behaviour made the Trickster look the way he does, I just am a little uncomfortable with people seemingly ignoring the lore all the while adoring him design wise. Perhaps people just don’t care about the lore these days, even if said lore completely changes the way you might see them. For me personally, I knew he’d be a murderer going in (he’s the new killer so that much was obvious lol) so when I first saw him I just thought he was kind of a quirky dude but otherwise alright. Once I understood the depths of the characters depravity, I just couldn’t look at him the same way. With Clown at least most people only jokingly simp for him, with Trickster, there seems to be a genuine infatuation with him from some people. They might be the minority but it’s still a bit uncomfortable to think about.

  • rbarge
    rbarge Member Posts: 4

    just a vocal minority thinks like that, and even if the majority of the players thought that, so what? Is all about taste in the end.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    I agree, maybe I’m bias because I dislike Legion but I think he looks stupid and arguably a worse design than Trickster.

  • Tank
    Tank Member Posts: 63

    Hey now. Don't forget, we have plenty of that already with the male players developing crushes on female killers who for the most part aren't even remotely appealing. That is to say, literally every one except Hag and I personally haven't seen anyone post about Pig.

    - an easily impressionable teenage girl who frequently gives in to peer pressure. Wears a bunny hoody so you know she's insane in the membrane, but people still think it's cute so they forgive the fact that she's a dumb criminal child.

    - a eugenicist, I surely don't need to add anything else here. She's not waifu material at all, but still people go for it. I blame the outfits and the cute Mori, maybe.

    - a dismembered corpse of a college girl running around in only bandages. Her school girl outfit, if you're kinky.

    - an extremely beefy woman with a stunted mental state that effectively makes her a giant deadly child.

    - a Babylonian priestess with a rotting, and festering body infected with what is basically the black death only worse. Understandable crush, but still.

    This is just a hot male character for female players, there's nothing inherently wrong with designing characters to be attractive and it's often used in conjunction with disturbing themes to create a contrast. We've even got killers like the Male Legion outfits and Pyramid Head's explicitly sensual themes (go play Silent Hill, it's super horny).

    I get where you're coming from and you're not weird at all for finding this weird, but it's just something that's happened on the internet over the years. I won't get into how we ended up like this, but I will point out to you that these are primarily "fantasy crushes" or simply jokes in the hopes that you will feel better about it all.

    While people do develop the hots for murderers literally all the time, only crazy people are actually influenced by it (these people are criminals) or think of it as anything more than a fantasy. It very rarely goes beyond "That's kinda hot" or "if you could go out with any celebrity, who would it be?" honestly, people are very much aware of what would actually happen if they met these Killers.