Seriously fed up of awful matchmaking.

NutInMyCrosshair Member Posts: 16
edited March 2021 in General Discussions

So for clarification I work a full time job & don't get to play very often, I'm not going to pretend to be some top tier player when I'm far from it, but what's the deal with the matchmaking in this game?

I'm a rank 11 survivor, and a rank 10 killer who owns no DLC because I simply can't afford it (I live paycheck to paycheck, it is what it is when you have a family to support) and my three games tonight has been a full rank 1 SWF (who all flamed me after the game and sending toxic messages when they all managed to escape), a rank 1/4/5 swf with a rank 2 solo and the other game was all top 5, when I've been the killer. If I play solo survivor I'm almost always against top 5 ranked killers, and this is with or without crossplay.

What's the point in having a ranked system on this game when it simply doesn't seem to matter in terms of what lobby you end up in?

I really enjoy this game but I'm getting seriously fed up of playing with/against people who are simply way out of my league.

inb4: get better
