
To my knowledge its possible avoid every flashlight save as killer by looking up and to the right immediately, I believe it has been that way since the mid chapter patch
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You need to time in perfectly because if you blind while the killer is still in the animation and cannot move it wont work. You should try to find a YouTube video on how to time flashlight saving
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Playing as killer I've had a couple times now where I could have sworn I was blinded, (screen went white and all) but I still had the survivor. I assume it's a bug. One of the times I was so certain I had dropped the survivor I tried to shock his saviour and it took 3 tries to realize I was still carrying someone.
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All of the saves require specific timing, if you do them to early, the save fails
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Yeah, me too. Was getting tilted that I was getting body blocked and all the survivors were on me only to realize that I had the survivor on my shoulder.
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Yeah I've gotten saves with the right timing before, just thought if the killer gets blinded at any point with a survivor they're supposed to drop.
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If the killer is running Lightborn, they are immune to all the effects of being blinded by any means.
You still get the "killer blinded" score event, though.
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Yeah, they weren't using that though.
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You were too early
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I’ve been having the same problem. It isn’t a timing issue, as I know what the timing of flashlight saves is. It’s definitely a bug of some kind. No idea what is causing it. But all these guys saying, “too early”, or “too late”, would be correct if it wasn’t a bug. But it’s a bug, not a timing issue. Once you experience it, then you will know.
Do you play on PS4? That’s what I’m on, and I’ve wondered if it is exclusive to ps4.
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it is on you then. prove that there is a bug.
should be easy, get a couple friends and go kyf.
until you do, occam's razor apply. they just misstimed.
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Problem began after update that screwed the game. I’m not wasting my time with it. Devs just don’t know about it yet because it’s a rare occurrence. But it is a bug, not a timing issue.
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Its called lightborn
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You don't get the blind score event if they have Lightborn
Edit: I meant animation but I believe both apply
Post edited by brokedownpalace on2 -
I got an animation locked save yesterday on ps5. You're early.
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It's probably a bug. I've also been able to drop survivors during the point where they blind me, canceling the effect out entirely.
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Blinding incrementally too early, by mere frames, can cause the blind to occur maybe 1 or 2 frames before the pickup animation, causing the flashlight stun to fail. I've gotten potential flashlight frames off by literally 2 frames (I tested it in KYF and slowed it down frame-by-frame).
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Probably you did it too early
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I've actually wondered that myself recently! In one match I was playing as the killer: I picked up a survivor and another was immediately on me with a flashlight. My screen did the full-bling animation and I heard the new sound that is meant to signify being blinded, but once my vision cleared I was still holding that survivor.
Either there is a bug, or there is some sync issue which gives every indication to the killer that they've been blinded, but in actuality they haven't.
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With this game you can hardly say a bug isn't at least as likely as missing the timing.
At topic I haven't experienced this, of course that doesn't rule out a bug.
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Yeah as killer I've had a couple of times now where, I've already picked someone up and got caught not paying attenion, got blinded only to not drop my survivor.
I don't mean they misstimed it at the pickup but rather I'm carrying the person and swinging away with mad grit, got a bit over zealous and got blinded, but still had the guy on my shoulder afterward and they went on the hook no probs.
Its so rare I didn't think anything of it so maybe its a bug, I'll have to keep track next time it happens.
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If you blind the killer before they are able to move then you don't get the save, it's the same as pallet saves. However if you wait to long then the killer will move out of the way.
So you need to time your blind so that you only blind the killer once their animation ends and their able to move.
The timing is roughly this. Wait till the killer picks the survivor off the ground. They'll get lifted a little, then lowered very slightly. Once the killer starts lifting again then start the blind just slightly after that. After you practice it a few times then you'll learn the timing.
If you want to see flashlight saves then here's a few that I got while I was drinking. You'll see the timing from that. Btw sorry for the stupid sounds and talk but I was drinking and chatting to mates through discord. There's about 4/5 videos full of flashlight saves from normal ones, to locker saves, to window saves, to even firecracker locker saves.
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I didn't rule out a bug.
I'm saying they most likely misstimed and are now claiming that there is a bug.
after all, they are going "there is a bug and I will do nothing to show it is real"
and they somehow think we need to take what they say as fact...
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I've not got any reports that flashlight saves are bugged and personally have not seen any issues (not ruling out a bug here just to be clear)...the only ones I've see are when the timing is off, so the blind happens but the save is not made.
If anyone has any proof that they are bugged, please make a bug report where it can be checked.
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I get them all the time on PS4, even since the update. But this occurs rarely. I think it’s happened 4 times to me since the update. It may be lag instead of a bug, but it’s not timing.
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I was probably just early, have got saves today, I just thought if you got a blind at any point they'd drop but apparently not.
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Did not know that. Was feeling a bit bad yesterday because I thought I was only able to avoid dropping the Survivor because of a bug. Glad to know that wasn't the case.
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I've had a few cases where I should've dropped the survivor but didn't on the ptb but nothing on the live build
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Yeah, as many hours as I play, it only happening 3-4 times since the game breaking update and never before is not definitely lag based on your opinion. I don’t think it’s lag at all, I’m just being open-minded. It’s a bug.
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Could be, but the blind happens simultaneously, so I’m not sure that’s possible.