Please stop DCing on first down

Just had a match as Blight where a Jane DCed on the first down. Can you people please stop with that? Play the damn game and don't ruin the other 3 survivors' experience.
You can also extend it to pls don't DC on first hook...
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Please stop DCing when a survivor runs you for 3 generators. You willingly chased them for that time period.
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I've never done that tho lol
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Please stop DCing. <---the period part there can be said aloud for emphasis
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Had a match a while ago that confused me. David DC'd on his first down (not even hooked). The Oni went around the whole map after that trying to find the rest of us. We got two gens done while he kept running around. By the second gen, he DC'd too. It was all so weird.
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Please stop downing first the survivors that intend to DC!!!!
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it really gets annoying. legit just had a Claudette not long ago dc when I pounced on her with victor, preventing her from finishing the gen. she didn't try to take him off she just dc'd, making victor constantly being where she dc'd and couldn't move him. that made me an m1 killer for majority of the game. until I saw the pounce option and got a random Adam who was nearby. probably just lucky.
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Make a thread about that if it's such an issue to you.
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I never detailed it being an issue to me; I gave the other side of the spectrum. I experience both at least once a day.
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Look, if the Blight throws an Iri hatchet at my back I'm not sticking around.
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I play both survivor and killer, and my buddy pretty much only plays survivor when ever he's over, and he binges the game for like 10hrs straight because he doesn't have it at home.
I think I've seen maybe one killer dc in all that time. If they want to give up, they will usually go afk, letting us finish the gens and farm chase points if you can find them and then leave. On the other hand, I get survivor dc's all the time, and I'm trash at killer. It's usually the first down as well. I don't get why they don't at least wait the 10secs to sacrifice themselves on hook or something. They just peace out as soon as soon as they go down. It can't be due to tunneling or camping because it's first down. I usually message and ask them why they left, but I've never gotten a response.
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thats kinda lame. but the only time i would understand dcing is when the killer has iridescent head
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DCing gives the killer less points.
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How about this
Please stop Dcing in general and proxy dcing (being afk or actively try to die)
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I dc too when I notice it’s a pc blight that uses hacks to flick 360 degrees which majority does or when pc killers have 144 fps unlocked and swing from 15 ft away and it still hits you and they start nodding like they did a awesome play or some ######### and the usual wall hacks.
Same goes for killers that watch hexy to much, even if I’m not the one getting slugged at 5 gens I dc and before I lie on the ground another 20 min I can finish another match.
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So killers take the high road by going AFK and letting survivors finish gens, do totems, etc., but you still complain about them?
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I can't see what you are trying to get across other than that I complain about killers going idle. Unless you are a gen jockey, then you're going to complain about an idle killer.
Most people play for the killer-survivor interaction. A killer giving up ruins that core aspect of the game.
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I've had several people DCthe moment they see I'm playing Freddy. It's kinda funny really
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I'll never get this. Survivors complain and complain about long queue times and how it takes forever to find a lobby... and then proceed to immediately DC because the killer downed them.
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Please fix dead hard
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iridescent heads make the game 3 times harder and make your full health state nearly worthless. i dont want to go up against 1 hit hatchets
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Had a twitch streamer dc after only 2 minutes into the game, whining that the survivors were hiding. Like, did you really look that hard lol
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What confuses me most is when we have a rather good match and a person gets hit and downed then Dc, there was 2 gens left, mine was almost done and they Dced before their final hook, would of been 12k ish blood points atleast but nope
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Totally agree
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buddy, not every round is like that. fun rounds do exist
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I barely ever DC. If I ever DC it is not for the killer bu the teammates. The last time I DCed was about 2 days ago because I led the killer to a gen I knew was being worked on to see if my friends could take a hit. Not one, but TWO survivors proceeded to hide behind a rock and leave me to die. Then they farmed me.
I do know that people DC because of killer more often than not, but most of us SoloQueuers only DC for bad teams.