Your Opinion These Days...

Hi Everyone,
I'm kinda annoyed to play the game these days, it's mainly because of one particular problem that I'm facing. Before the Hallowed blight event, games were fun ! We got a new Killer which was really cool to play against. Then the mid-chapter patch happened, and sure... Surviving solo become harder, but still doable and still having fun (a bit less maybe).
The Hallowed Blight event was really cool ! I really liked the idea of having secondary objective and all !
But now... Oh my...! Every game, EVERY SINGLE ONE I got either facecamped, tunneled or both ! I don't get it why ! I farm the hell out of the event against fair killers, and mos of the time my team got rekt, but still, we had fun ! And now we don't anymore... Killer are back to their most efficient tactit available I guess...
Anyway. I was wondering if I was the only one facing that kind of annoyance these days or if it's everybody's problem atm ? And maybe some Killers might give me an answer (a constructive one I hope...) about what they think of all that.
Sounds like business as usual. I am not having a problem with campers. Only time i might get camped is if the killer is on the fast track to losing and i am the unfortunate victim that gets caught.
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@babacouda said:
Hi Everyone,I'm kinda annoyed to play the game these days, it's mainly because of one particular problem that I'm facing. Before the Hallowed blight event, games were fun ! We got a new Killer which was really cool to play against. Then the mid-chapter patch happened, and sure... Surviving solo become harder, but still doable and still having fun (a bit less maybe).
The Hallowed Blight event was really cool ! I really liked the idea of having secondary objective and all !
But now... Oh my...! Every game, EVERY SINGLE ONE I got either facecamped, tunneled or both ! I don't get it why ! I farm the hell out of the event against fair killers, and mos of the time my team got rekt, but still, we had fun ! And now we don't anymore... Killer are back to their most efficient tactit available I guess...
Anyway. I was wondering if I was the only one facing that kind of annoyance these days or if it's everybody's problem atm ? And maybe some Killers might give me an answer (a constructive one I hope...) about what they think of all that.
At the beginning of the event there was a lot of farming, but after 2-3 days it got really boring so killers went back to normal I guess.
If you get facecamped/tunneled every game, then you should think why that is the case because apparently you stick out of your team if you are chosen to be camped/tunneled to death.
Also if you try farming with a killer that doesnt want to farm, ofc he will simply take the free kill and hook ya
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You said it yourself, "Killers are back to their most efficient tactics available..." What you seem to want are dumb killers.
There's little you can do to counter camping except simply doing generators instead of going for the save. Which is exactly what the rest of your team should be doing if you give the camping pull-up signal. It isn't fun for the person on the hook, but then it's your team's most viable option to leave you up there. It also starves the killer of BP's and progression.
Tunneling is viable when the opportunity presents itself. If someone is pulled off the hook in front of me, I'm downing him quickly and taking him out of the game instead of getting into a long chase while the injured player heals and makes more progress against me.
The counter to tunneling is doing hook saves when that the opportunity isn't presented to the killer. That is, go for the save while the killer is already chasing someone else and unlikely to break off the chase to go back to the hook. Then you can heal and hide and get back to pressing M1.
The arguments that killers shouldn't focus on an injured player are ridiculous. I'm sure none of those survivors take in exhaustion perks, tool boxes, med kits, keys, urban evasion or anything else that gives them the greatest chance at success, right? When they're seen by the killer, they stand still instead of running loops and throwing pallets, right?
Survivors do everything they can to survive, and they should. Killers will do everything they can to kill, and they should. Saying it's "toxic" to play tactically is to say the killers should roll over, or be too stupid to take an obvious advantage when presented to them.
If your team members are pulling you off the hook when the killer can pop back to tunnel you, blame your team, not the killer.
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And how exactly is blaming his team going to help when he solo queues and has no control over them? Oh right - we should play SWF exclusively.
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I am playing since last tuesday. I fell in love with the game quickly, but I'm starting to hate it just as quickly.
I escaped maybe 5% of the games I have played. I know I can pip without it, but still - killers feel too strong.
The biggest issue is that not only they kill us and get ranks/pips, but they also get tons of blood points, whereas you waste 15 min of your life for nothing. And you cannot do anything about it.
I know I am not too good and I play on gamepad, so 360 and hard jukes are not an option, but I feel that if I hardly ever miss skill check and I juke killer most of the time if he does not see me I should not be punished for things like killer spawning too close to me/tunnel vision/camping. Feels like playing with friends is too hard for a killer and playing solo is too hard for survivors.2 -
Plus - I have played 5 games as a killer - did not lose any, 2pip in 4 of them.
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Hey guys ! Thanks for all the answer !
Quickly to answer to some of you:
I'm not looking for dumb killer. I got chased, I got downed, I'm hooked, that's part of the game and I'm fine with it. But when all you've done of your game was being chased by the killer injured (because of tunneling) or worse: being hooked once and slowly watching your sacrifice bar going down, it's boring and frustrating. You weren't given the chance to do anything else of the game.
And to be fair, I don't mind being camped when the exit gates are opened. I mean... What does the Killer must do ? Looking at opened doors ? No. He must secure his kill and I get it.
Sure thing, if you want 100% win, camping and tunneling seem to be the best strategy so far, but I play Killer sometime (at rank 1), and I do fine when I go after other survivors. (I play the Spirit mostly and all of the other as well). And it's way more fun to chase survivor than just wait near the hook to see if someone comes by.
And that's a thing I don't really get. What is fun when you're playing killer ? Is it outsmarting survivors during chases ? Or wait for them to come to you ? Playing the best you can and maybe get only 1 or 2 kills ? or waiting the complete sacrifice of one survivor after the other and getting 4 kill ?
I'm really asking if you prefer 4k over actually chasing people.Tanks for the answers
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Well, I was having fun when I got the game a month ago on sale but now I am seeing the toxicity that a lot of players talk about. Jesus people take this game too serious! This is a game people!'s not "Real" Life and Death. If you want to compete with the big boys and girls go join a ESPORTS type of league for christ sake and this is in Rank 16 by the way, nowhere near the top player ranks! Maybe they got their feelings hurt because a rookie had a higher score than them. When I looked at the score I was on top and these so call "experts" players were down the scoreboard.
I am not too sure but I think I was playing with 3 SWF and there was a lot of lag too. After the game they sure let me have it!...all three of them blaming me of bumping into them while I was running from the killer and what not. I told them to go cry me a river and stop acting like immature babies. If they don't like the way I play too bad, they have no control of what I do.
It's not going to make me not play anymore because I couldn't give a ######### what these toxic brats say. I am going to continue playing and have fun! FK em!
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Getting camped, tunneled and facecamped as Survivor is like a vacation compared to what I've experienced as a Killer. I honestly don't care.
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Yeah the camping is really bad at the moment. Perhaps noobs got boosted due the event?
All you can do is hope your team have the common sense to gen rush and you just stay on the hook as long as possible to spite the killer.
Never works though. Not in solo. Only with swf.3 -
Survivors still have the advantage.
Just not as brain-dead as it used to be.
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Never understand why people resort to camping. (except for opened gates OR to punish a toxic survivor)
it's boring, doesn't score much BP, and it kinda kills the whole round.
guess trash will always be trash, just stay on the hook as long as possible to help your team and hope the next killer has some legit skills instead of Noob-fu3