How exciting is Wraith's power wailing bell?

WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

Now take it on overall account for both sides. Personally I think it's kinda lame. No offense if you're a Wraith main good time to be with true invisibility and Windstorm base. But I don't find his power exciting. You cloak move around find someone hit him then have to vanish again due to no chase potential. Maybe I'll change my mind but I find his hit and run style dull. Especially since it can be ruined by Medkits and healing perks.

How exciting is Wraith's power wailing bell? 33 votes

Very Exciting
KeezoThicc_Boi_MyersTheArbiter 3 votes
BossSeiko300OnryosTapeRentalsTapeKnotGeneralV[Deleted User]notstarboardYordsBitingSeaNoOneKnowsNovaZestySOMENINJANAMEBoobalemonswayClownIsUnderratedVolfgang57 16 votes
SacrilegeGGBlazelskiAhoyWolfRoboMojoAzxx93DistortedDreamNOEDaddymissjay 8 votes
WishIcouldmainQwQwRK67IWasLeft2Die 4 votes
Very Lame
AcromioAmethystPurgatory 2 votes


  • Volfgang57
    Volfgang57 Member Posts: 369

    Wraith was the first Killer I mained way back when I first started playing, so he always has a special place in my heart

  • Thunderous_670
    Thunderous_670 Member Posts: 137

    Wraith was my first killer so he's always one of my favorites, but with the new upgrade, his chase potential is even lower than before and so I play him anymore without reappearance add-ons, I still think a second ability would be great, but other than running fast, I can't play Wraith the way I used to, I can't chase people as much especially on in-door maps.

  • Thicc_Boi_Myers
    Thicc_Boi_Myers Member Posts: 52
    Very Exciting

    yeah same when i first heard abt this game from a friend and i asked him what the powers were and when i heard wraith i thought he would be a cool killer bc i was a active camo user and i liked spooking people. when i first played wraith i loved him so much i just played him for the next 13 hours of my game time. so i could never hate on my bing bong boy he just hits different and i just get flashbacks when i play him. long story short same. he also has one of the best lores

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    First killer I ever played, glad he's finally gotten the buffs he deserves.

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,278
    Very Exciting

    His power isn't amazing but I think the idea of it is awesome!

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    He needs a rework honestly. He is an old killer that has a hard time keeping up with other killers since his kit is so basic and, unfortunately, boring to a lot of people. He just needs something added to him. He is my go to recommendation for people to learn killer because he is so simple but always preface he is on the weaker side of things and not the most fun.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Although i did have fun the other day getting a 4k against a bully squad because of noed against red ranks (im purple). One of the more fun games I've had in a bit

  • RK67
    RK67 Member Posts: 101

    I think his clapper addon should be base kit to make him exciting. Or give him spirit treatment such that when he cloaks you don't hear the bell.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,703

    Bing bong

  • BitingSea
    BitingSea Member Posts: 332

    He was the first killer I played when I properly started to play the game, it'll always hold a place in my heart, that same thrill of hunting that I got when I first hit that bell

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Same, even though he is one of the worst killers atm.