The favoritism in this community is ridiculous

This community is constantly: “nerf survivor perks, survivors are op, survivors shouldn’t be able to do swf because it’s toxic” but every time nerfing anything about a killer is brought up it’s instantly shot down. Killers should never be nerfed and should be allowed to use whatever toxic strategies they want to while survivors should be nerfed to the point where it’s not fun to play as survivor anymore. I play both killer and survivor a lot and I can tell you that killer is extremely powerful right now and survivors are not as op as everyone thinks. Not to mention the hitboxes are still atrocious. We need to stop playing favorites and actually balance both sides instead of going nuclear on one side and leaving the other mostly untouched


  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    This forum has been hard core killer sided as long as I have been coming here, prob 2 years. I would not let it bother you this much.

  • gemjas
    gemjas Member Posts: 105
    edited March 2021

    Yeah, this forum is extremely killer-sided, but that's because killers have more reasons to air their grievances, lol. Survivors aren't OP, but it's not difficult either, especially if you're in a SWF. Meanwhile, playing some killers can be frustrating. There are some that are underpowered, have useless perks, etc. Plus, I'm sure getting BM'd by four people can wear on people's nerves.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I know, we Survivors have so much going for us I sometimes forget killers are suppose to be the power role. Thankfully we hold that over them for now.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    "Balancing both sides" is an erroneous term. For there to be an imbalance, it means one side is over the other. It is not possible to be imbalanced on both sides.

    It isn't bias to notice which side has more things going against it than the other. I play more Survivor than Killer and the problems with Killer are WHY I don't play Killer very much.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    I see it happen on both sides. It's not a survivor or killer only thing.