Cthulhu theme

I would love to see a cthulhu killer wandering the maps (mansion) chasing after either a detektiv or a scientist, spreading horror around.

That really would makd me happy. I like the theme of cthulhu in games, cause... you know... horror... grotesk Monsters lurking in shadows, seas and in the air. That moment u become grabed of cthulhus tentakles. It makes me feel goose bumps :-)

Just pls dear devs. Keep that theme in mind.


  • Iudex_Nemesis
    Iudex_Nemesis Member Posts: 326

    Got my vote.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    Hell yes! That'd be awesome.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    They'd need a new game mode for this to really work.

    Having any kind of creature that drives Survivors raving mad just by looking at it or even being near it probably wouldn't work too well in the main game; and I can't think of many mythos creatures that should be beholden to the Entity's power.

    The whole deal with Lovecraftian horror is how inconceivably cosmic and potent that Cthulhu and those like it are. If whatever it is is just another toy of the Entity's it'd lose that.

    All this said, a few of H.P. Lovecraft's stories are public domain, so such a theoretical chapter might not even need to be licensed.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Lovecraftian Horror lives and thrives on two very simple things: subtly and showing just how insignificant we are. There will never be a video game mechanic that can actually show comprehending the incomprehensible, and THAT is why we'll never get a true Lovecraftian game or chapter. In "Call of Cthulhu" they ram the boat into the beast, but it ignores them like a fly landing on someone. Cthulhu does not care about the realms of mortals, such as us.

    That being said, it both would be cool and kind of possible to do a chapter based on Innsmouth themed chapter with one of the Fish-People as the killer, and the stereotypical grizzled detective as the survivor.

    There would also have to be a way to work around the super-racism that underlies Lovecraft's work. Like, even for THOSE times he was considered horribly racist. But then again, since quite a lot of the Cthulhu Mythos has been written by several different authors, then it should be easy to dodge.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    And we already have a Killer who drives Survivors into insanity, screaming like madmen. He's called Herman Carter.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    I mean, we have two stalking Killers too, two chainsaw wielding Killers, and four ranged Killers. I don't think already having a Killer that inflicts madness is a good point against a Cthulhu Mythos chapter.

    I just don't see how it could possibly be done in a way that is both faithful to it's source and fits within the constraints of the Dead by Daylight experience. If there were ways around those constraints, I'd be all for some creeping horror: slouching unbidden and uncontrolled through the Entity's Realm, wreaking havoc on Killer and Survivor alike - not just through gnashing teeth or crushing, viscous flesh, but even by way of it's mere presence, inspiring madness and self-destruction.

    Also there are some counterpoints against H.P. Lovecraft as an extreme racist for his time - https://motifri.com/lovecraftcontext/

    And to play Devil's Advocate for anyone else stumbling on this comment - https://lithub.com/we-cant-ignore-h-p-lovecrafts-white-supremacy/

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I prefer the Overly Sarcastic Productions look at the works of H.P. Lovecraft. Dude was scared of basically everything.

    I also don't know how we'd be able to introduce a second Madness mechanic into the game, and keep it unique yet useful. If we take a look at Leatherface and making a second chainsaw killer, then I have my reservations about making a killer that shares a core mechanic.

    This is also why I said we should base it all of Innsmouth, since the Dagon worshipping townsfolk would be both humanoid, easily recognisable and easy to work around. Not to mention the haze of a port town would look incredible and WAY better than playing on the Swamp.

  • Flatskull
    Flatskull Member Posts: 332

    I don't see it happening.

    3 reason.

    1: All killers are humanoid. It's mostly a modeling thing. it's possible you could have a cultists who's posessed or something.

    2: The main theme of lovecraft stuff is ignorance and the cost of not valuing it. Granted lovecraft suggestied costs of things were not just physical but moral. Which is why some of his "bad guys" are not even evil but detested and feared. Like the life extending air conditioner guy.

    3: I don't see this guy being true to the theme without being OP or at the very least require a butt load of work. We also don't want him to be doctor number 2, which he would probably end up being if we focused too much on the madness effect.


    if we were going to have a crack it I would suggest:

    He has a terror radius ,the terror radius only activates when a survivor sees him. When a survivor has activated it's terror radius they are plagued by all sorts of effects. These effects can changed based on the monsters add on. Such as the radius origin randomly jumping about within a certain distance of the killer, the terror radius randomly fading away as if you lost the chase and then suddenly coming back, false info on a meta level designed to mind ######### you.

    Like while in chase or while you are still suffering with a short lingering effect from...let's call it...madness radius. You see other survivors are all getting downed and seemingly moried. Which actually would be anxiety and fear inducing. When the madness effect ends the true status of everyone returns.

    Other ideas is meta level stuff. You'll randomly see the exposed status appear-it's fake- or you'll get images with message for scores that are not true. Such as chase lost even when you are still hearing the madness effect. Oblivious alert when the madness is faking you out with the "madness radius fade"

    This would fit the theme of wanting to know things but risking insanity, confusion and danger by knowing them since seeing the monster-preferably within a certai nradius so it's actually fair. Can cause you danger. The monster or cultists should also be VERY loud and preferably have some sort of lingering tail behind it. Sort of like ghosts face long ribbon things he got. So you can see where the monster went without triggering its effect.

    The monster gets a very short aura reveal of anyone afflicted with its madness state for something tiny...like 1-3 seconds.

  • Kuhthulhu
    Kuhthulhu Member Posts: 12

    Yes And to put some more madness to it, the survivors can the scrathmarks from the killer, but when driven into madness they See them all over the place and byakhees Controller the skies (or maybe replace the ravens)

    *coming back from dream*

    But yes IF they anyhow would consider cthulhu it could be hard to compliment it to the game.

    But the idea of a cultist or a innsmouth fishy really also would do it.

  • Kuhthulhu
    Kuhthulhu Member Posts: 12

    Here we go. A killer cultist of cthulhu. Its human beeing, so it wouldnt be such a problem to model it

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    Definitely! Maybe with a touch of cosmic horror would be perfect!

  • Kuhthulhu
    Kuhthulhu Member Posts: 12

    And the survivor detective. just without a pistol

  • DreamSmasher23
    DreamSmasher23 Member Posts: 12
    edited March 2021

    I'd b stoked 4 anything lovecraft. Kind of surprised they haven't yet considering its basically a free licensed character. I'm guessing in their eyes he's not popular enough lol I guess they would rather keep pumping out overpriced cosmetics and recycled characters 😪

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited March 2021

    DbD is already very Lovecraftian, I'm actually surprised not many realize it (judging by the comments).

    After all the game is all about the Entity which is an alien omnipotent being which lives off suffering and induces people to madness all around the worlds/times. Now they are even going on the route of cults and secret societies investigating the Entity... The Blight and Felix/Elodie stories are as close as they could be to a Lovecraft story.

    That said, I doubt we're likely to see something from the Lovecraft universe for the very reason that the game is heavily inspired by it. It's more likely they'll do they their own version.