still waiting for colourblind options. where are they?

also why are the maps so f*cking dark now? i already had trouble playing killer before but this takes the cake now. autohaven is a nightmare for me with max brightness. i'm not joking. people were crouching in my face and i couldn't see them. i don't know if it was because of me being CB or if it's the game's fault.
They've been confirmed to be in patch 4.6.0, which is currently on the PTB and has been since last Tuesday. They should be here by the end of the month.
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oh thank god.
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Must be nice to want something from BHVR and BAM! You found out it’s right around the corner lol.
Cherish this moment...
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i can't believe it took them, what, 5 years to add something like this.
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it is a very rare feeling ;-;
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@0EvanRaven CB settings won't increase the brightness of the maps.
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I have filters to make the game brighter and I still can’t see dark clothes/P3 Claudette’s on autohaven.
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Oh for gods sake. Do some research and you would know!
Also, its called "patience".
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Dude like a day before trickster was in ptb I was l ik ke "I would love to see a new range killer because we only have 2" then BAM ranged killer
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it's been 5 years
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Looks like the announcement was in January. So nice try.
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this thread has devolved from it's purpose
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yes i just want excuses to post cows at this point
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only took them 4 years. haaa
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The hell you mean? We already have 4 ranged killers + doctor and clown with ranged abilities that don't do damage
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Idk they don't do damage so I dont really count them
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Seems like BHVR weren't the only ones that forgot about Plague.
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That is not instant damage
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Trickster's knives aren't either.
Also, Corrupt Purge is.