Should afk be punished more?
Right now players being afk dont get a punishment as far as I can tell unless you do it a tonnnn. Do you think this should change?
Personally I think afk is honestly worse than dcing because afk more directly benefits the killers (such as oni getting tons of blood right away as well as other killers like myers, plus the killer can use an afk player as bait). Id much rather a player dc (and I hate dcing players) than a killer get beefed up for nothing. Id want a penalty worse than dcing myself and more easily triggered.
Should afk be punished more? 57 votes
No there shouldn't be a penalty (explain)
I hate both. But I am more of a carrot than a stick person. I also don't believe in a regulating everything a person does or says. Especially in a video game.
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Yes there should be a penalty (explain below)
Yeah I can see that. I agree over regulation is not cool but feel like games with opposing sides kinda need more regulation than others. I think I could be content if the survivors who got screwed by the survivor got something though.
I had a game against a demo the other day and we had 2 afk players. He had no mercy and killer me and the other active player first. I was honestly surprised there wasn't any mercy at all lol
Id also care far less if wait times were much shorter. Waiting 15 minutes to get hosed by afk players just sucks
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No there shouldn't be a penalty (explain)
I certainly get that. And it is indeed frustrating. He may have just been trying to end the game as fast as possible knowing it was a 2v1.
I just can't support over regulation. Even if I am against the behavior.
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Yes there should be a penalty (explain below)
Absolutely. If you aren't going to play the game, don't queue up.
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No there shouldn't be a penalty (explain)
I had to vote no, because there are many reasons to be afk and while it is true that being afk will give an advantage to the killer, punish afk with something too strong might be too much. This is because something might happen that forces you to be afk and when you come back you have a penalty that you couldn't avoid because whatever happened and forced you to not start playing right away.
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Yes there should be a penalty (explain below)
Yeah that i can get. The way that I feel about it though is even if something comes up, it still screws over your team a lot. I can understand not a crazy penalty but something should happen imo (maybe the game kicks after so long and you get the standard penalty?)
Things come up and thats fine but I'm also just not okay with teammates getting screwed over regularly
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Yes there should be a penalty (explain below)
I think level 1 crows give away loud noise instead of level 3 level 1 crows don't go away unless you were slugged for them until you die or escape and on the menu screen depending on how often you go afk there will be crows if you have 3 crows your character will slowly decay on the menu screen until you are a pile of bones the pile of bones revert to your actual character when you get in a match and if you still go afk you spawn away from others and start with crows and if you keep going afk you will spawn closer than the killer than if you were on dead dawg
Edit: I voted for penalty
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No there shouldn't be a penalty (explain)
No there shouldn't be a penalty (explain)
- you can report this behaviour after the match- if someone is afk for an important reason in reallife or just stand around because of "network connection failure" and is not able to do anything or stucked in a bug (imagine this game would have bugs- it is really hard to imagine this, i know) , it is like it is. When someone does it regularly and everyone reports it, I think the player will have some consequences (softban), because this is gamethrowing.
- when a surv is afk- and raven were showing up, killer can hook him, surv can save him and heal at least 1x- if a killer decideds to camp an afk person to 2nd hook to make sure he/she dies, other player can do gens. Some killers are slowing down pressure when they realize one player is afk (or dc)- others are ignoring it and happy they have this advantage.
- When you think about this you have to think about people suiciding on hook, too- lots of surv let themselves die in first hook state- they try to jump down and then let themselves die. That has no consequences, too.
- AFK-killer - when it is not a staring at the wall with no terror radius- killer: it is bad and boring, but at most afk killers you still can make enough points to pip up. It is just annoying when an afk killer can hide himself or staring on a wall from beginning to the end of a game.
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No there shouldn't be a penalty (explain)
Okay, this is gonna be an odd take.
I mean, people forget about queueing up. I feel like they can make a system to prevent AFK people from joining lobbies, like when a match is found then you can click to join or not. If the lobby has 0, 1, 2 or 3 players depending on what I'm about to say, you are given the option to join or not without a timer. Once 3 survivors (for survivors) or 4 survivors (for killers) have joined the lobby, the prompt stays for 15 seconds then goes away for other players. This allows room for another person to join in.
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No there shouldn't be a penalty (explain)
No, because there are bugs that prevents you from not being afk.
But I think it would be better, if the crows could attack you and slowly kill.
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Yes there should be a penalty (explain below)
My big issue is that it screws over your team. Something should happen to compensate a team that has an afk players. Right now it doesn't do anything other than have the afk player easier to kill while the other survivors are just as screwed.
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No there shouldn't be a penalty (explain)
I have yet to hear a form of punishment that would not actually make the game worse.
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Yes there should be a penalty (explain below)
Kill the survivor (Entity EGC kill animation) if they're idle for 5 minuets.
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No there shouldn't be a penalty (explain)
No, unless its abused (farming bloodpoints...). I afk as killer while doing some work to get some extra rift fragments because you know, unless you play a lot, a normal person with a normal schedule cant complete it so...
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Yes there should be a penalty (explain below)
Yes, why did you que up for a match if you aren't prepared to play it all the way through?
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Yes there should be a penalty (explain below)
Easy solution to this - make it so the match won't start unless ALL the players press "ready" button.
And add an option to kick people, so there are no trolls who will just hold the game hostage in the lobby.
As for being AFK in game - I think the crow system works just fine. No need to change anything there. Sometimes you really need to go AFK for whatever reason and the crows will do their job if you stay away for too long.
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Sometimes things happen, an important call, someone you live with needing something important, I wouldn't want a ban for a 1 time afk but if it happens frequently yes because AFK survivors screw their team.
As killer afk wraith is really lame. Other afk if there's a meme to it at least it's something. Sometimes the afk bubbas in the basement are kinda funny because they'll do nothing all game and then someone decides they're gonna loot the basement chest and then the magic happens and its a tense endgame as everyone goes down trying to save.
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Yes there should be a penalty (explain below)
Yeah afk survivors have screwed me a lot more than dcing survivors honestly. Even if I know the survivor is afk the rest of my team likely doesn't and they get wrecked trying to save the afk survivor. This also doesn't include things like myers, oni, etc feeding on them.