Another killer falls...

Im one of the few in my region that plays lower tier killers daily. My mains are Plague, Trapper, Legion, Wraith and Clown. In one day of playing surv I may come up against these killers 3 times at most in a 6 hour session. I also never run pink or even purple add-ons.
I give up. There's not an ounce of positivity or reward in maintaining my red ranks every reset. To hell with ranks, your looping and decision making is soo poor you make a mockery of solo survs that have to carry soo much to stay in red ranks. The amount of swf that genrush and break the game just makes it soo stressfull for killers, not to mention ttv swf that run object while genrushing pretty much an automatic loss the moment you load in your screen.
The usual game (red rank btw) usual is as follow:
1) Load into game-relieved if theres no object
2) Hit first surv found, abandon chase and enggage second surv to spread the pressure.
3) Down surv, 1 gen pops. Start second chase, surv plays every tile super safe. Drops every pallet after just one cycle. Abandon chase to pressure of nearby gen with a quico hit. Another gen pops in main building, essentially 3 gen is broken.
4) Down 2 surv, see that 2 other surv already rushing 3rd gen. Race to apply pop, not quick enough gen pops as you approach and they run to killer shack. Guy slugged had soulguard/ub.
5) Race back to hook, manage to trade and slug. Want to apply previous pop to gen near hook, cant since pop was nerfed. Have to kick normaly in hopes to apply pop to gen at killer shack.
6) After 2 more insta drop every safe pallet chases, all gens are done. Boring DS BT camp as game ends.
7) Entity displeased. Last match I got 3k, min of 2 hooks for everyone. Let the last 1 through hatch with 1 gen remaining. Brutal Killer. How is that a draw? I DESTROYED THEM!
Gens are too quick. Killers are too weak to end chases quickly. Swf on comms allow them to preemptive react to your every action. No high-level skill whatsover is needed by swf teams, just hold M1 if friend on coms say killer is elsewhere. When killer chase, play super safe and tell friends to do gens. I win every mind game on each tile. Play every unsafe pallet correctly. No reward.
When I vs solos its absolute massacare. Ill get most surv on death hook with 2 gens remaining. Then I have to selectively hook so that no one gets 1/2 hooked so I get more hooks, hoping they go save. Most of the time I have to walk to the other side just so they can unhook in total safety. The disparity is borderline unrealistic, its like Im paying 2 diff games.
No more. No matter how hard you try, how many reads you make, how many mistakes they make theyve always got a way out. Meanwhile just 1 mistimed dead hard read and they get window to killer shack/house of pain to add 1 more minute of wasted time if you commit for 2 gens to pop. Dont get me started on pallet hitbox and autoaim. You can play 90% of you game flawlesly and just draw. The effort to reward ratio is not enough. Killers get more bp? Bloodpoints means nothing to me, in one 3 hour session as killer I can get 1 mil bp easy.
My bubba is coming out of basement retirement. Not to insidious camp just for bbq stacks and then its time to facecamp. Because beyond that doing nothing is better than tryharding with zero reward and a tbag show at the gates later. Well done genrush swf teams, a fun/uncommon killer main has fallen. Enjoy your 5th succesive match vs spirit/nurse.
Ps: I keep a namelist of tryhardswf teams so Ill know when to do this. If its not 3/4man Ill just play normaly.
I understand that it’s frustrating but it is definitely possible to beat such squads you just have to use different tactics
- make sure to slug when possible to create more pressure and keep survivors off gens
- Don’t be afraid to tunnel and camp when necessary. If they don’t want to play chill neither do you
- Find a killer you enjoy so you can have fun very game regardless of outcome
- Judging by your mains three of them are very weak so don’t expect amazing results playing them against good squads
Hope this helps but if you’re still not having fun I’d say just take a break. It’ll help you enjoy the game when you come back
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I am just slugging everyone so i rank down to the fun ranks :)
The after game chats are quite disgusting.
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Thanks for the advice. I know theyre weaker. I consider myself to be quite an experienced killer. Just started early last year but Ive somehow accumulated 1000 hours mostly as killer, sad as it is. I play every killer btw, when I feel like sweating Ill use freddy or spirit and Ill get 2-3k on average. I do tunnell on occasion but the bodyblocks dont make it easy, Ill do this and get 2k max due to ds/ub invincibility, while 5 gens are done in 5 mins. Sometimes Ill eat the ds early at 5/4 gens, but this surv will never be seen again througout the match. They'll hide and just do gens. Any risky play like unhooking will be done by the others. There comes a point where no amount of skill or strategy can overcome their advantages. Totally appreciate suggestion no 3. Ill definately not care about the outcome anymore against such team coz I know how unfair it is, I had a swf team myself once but stopped coz it was too easy. Plus the entity clealry doesnt understand how trials work based on how ######### the emblem is at rewarding boring stuff like camping/tunelling vs 'fun' gameplay of multiple chases and hooks.
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Thank, that sounds like a brilliant idea! To hell with gens, lets see who bleeds out faster.
Killers wanna have fun too right?
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If I see a TTV with Object who gives out information to his 4 manI just streamsnipe, fair is fair and streamsniping is not a bannable offense afaik.
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Use monitor and infectious and slug everyone, going for hooks against good survivors is pointless.
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It's actually funny how some of these people play.
I saw a SWF that takes Object, they picked the map and they all split up across gens and start hammering them immediately at the start of the trial. They play like it's a tourney. Half of the killers in the game can't combat that. You wonder how many games they win, and you wonder why after queuing for 10 minutes or so per game they try to rush their way out in about 3 minutes.
Next swf is one I see quite often. They always pick the map and always seem to have BNPs or good toolboxes. They'll all jump on a gen at the start and try to knock one out asap or they'll go for 2&2 and they again dont do anything but gens they just hammer them like their life depends on it.
There's only reason Nurse that can combat these kinds of groups. Spirit and Freddy are mad overrated. You're only gonna win these games by slugging but of course they'll have a few unbreakables thrown in to counter this.
These groups aren't uncommon. It's literally tournament gameplay some groups because it's just split up and hammer gens. Where's even the challenge when you face someone like Trapper? or wraith? or Demogorgon?
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Both great. Soon as I see TTV/YT with object I'll yell for my son to get on there channel and spy for me. Monitor and Infectious are like peanut butter and jelly mmmmmmgoood. Mostly use this combo on Bubba, nurse, mike but if played correctly can be used ob everyone. Well hag maybe not. plague, legion and especially Clown are underrated imo. Wraith I have not tried since his update and trapper is severly addon dependant but still dangerous in the right hands. I love your killer list.
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You should add my piggy to your list. She is soooo good. If those really are the killers you use the most you should do well with her.
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I just laugh it off as pathetic, it's basically being "that guy" at your local hobbystore who goes to yugioh players that are like 12 year old while he has a 2000+dollar deck and powergames against a kid who just started out. Except in DBD it's even more pathetic because most ppl play this game for fun since there's basically no chance to win anything worthwile, in magic and TCGs you can at least win some boosters at your local draft tournament.
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Loool thanks guys you realy crack me up!
I dont have a son yet tho so cant have my own victor to help haha
Thats why I stopped swf. Waiting sometime up to 30 mins late night to just finish in less than 5 mins. Its pointless.
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Havent got her yet maybe it is fun to force rbt like a scummy pig. Ive been longing for surveilence as well, would do wonders to my wraith!
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Not sure how to take you referring to my son as Victor but I think I get your point. Well good luck on improving in the fog.
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With survivor queue times you get used to the comfort of the lobby. Actually getting into a game can be quite unnerving, which is why some teams will do their best to get back into it in 5 minutes.
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just don't tunnel people with traps. Don't be that guy. It doesn't help anyone.
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Aside from the frustrating SWF matches, the main issue for me is the disparity. I've won with perk-less Wraith and I've lost with sweaty Spirit/Freddy/Nurse. You just never know what type of match to expect, which leads to stomps in one direction or the other usually. How often do you actually see a 2k?
The match just always feels unbalanced in some way, both because of the difference in Killer strength and the unreliable matchmaking.
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What I do is I just play fun memey builds like one I call pallet eater.
BBQ, Enduring, Brutal Strength and Fire up (or lightborn if I see 2+ flashlights for the Keks)
I used to sweat off to red ranks with your typical Ruin and Undying, I did it for achievement and for a week now I am just goofing and playing for fun.
4/5 red rank games are typical DS, unbreakable, BT, DH games, which is okay but I decide to play casual and stay at casual ranks where everyone has fun.
Lots of red rank survivors crave the superiority over killer and whine if they can't bully killer and killer wins.
If the your mental glass overflows, take a break until you feel comfy. :)
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A lot of suggestions have been made over the years to 'balance out' the game at 2k. Slower/faster gens according to number of survivors remaining, NOED tokens depending on number of hooks etc. Built-in DS or Kindred or varrying terror radius when in/not in chase.
None made progress even to be tried in ptb. Goes to show what priorities the game has.
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Yeah, the higher in rank I get (currently rank 4) the nastier chat gets.