So about Billy..

I see so many people claiming that Billy was nerfed to oblivion and that hes un playable or not viable anymore.
Anyone who says this is either just jumping on a bandwagon, or you were never a good billly player to begin with.
The only major change that actually affects anyone whos good with him is the change to addons. The "overheat" is negligible for anyone who could even be close to being considered a good billy. "But but but.. I cant just facecamp and rev my chainsaw anymore!!!" Right. Doing so was stupid and nothing about it made you a good player. The heat goes down fast enough without addons that its literally ignorable, unless you are chainsawing across the map 4 times before finding anyone, which should never happen except aagainst maybe the scaredest blendettes in existence, and at that point the games an easy win anyway.
"But but but.. my instasaws!?!?!?!?" Again, not necessary in the slightest and they were an absolute crutch for mediocre billy players. Thats it. Nothing more.
"But but but.. I cant curve!!!!" Youre just bad at curving then. Nothing about curving has changed other than the speed addons being slightly more difficult to use, but again, they are not needed and any good billy can land curves without any addons. Yes, they helped. But much like instas, they were a crutch.
"But but but... he roars and its stupid!" Oh. My. #########. God. Damn. Get over yourself. You can dislike the roar, thats fair, but it in no way affects his gameplay. Not in any way at all.
"But but but.. animations!" Oh no. He looks different when performing x,y,z action. Again, no change to gameplay mechanics.
In short, you can still fake rev at pallet loops. You can still curve. Instas were never needed and have always been a crutch. The overheat is laughable to anyone with any competence.
Billy is fine. Hes not gutted. Hes still A tier easily. If you cant play him, thats fine, but it doesnt mean hes bad in any way, shape, or form.
Edit.. "I never see billy so he must be trash now" or something similar.. ok.. how often do yall see nurse? Blight? Both are considered very strong yet rarely played. Just because they arent common doesnt mean theyre bad.
Hop off the bandwagon and dump out your koolaid please. Open your eyes.
Billy is not terrible, but, like the Nurse, he's virtually non-existent.
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As someone who has almost no experience with playing Billy:
I also think that his nerf/tweak really wasn't that bad at all.
The one time I have played him, and at my level of Billy play, I haven't let the Chainsaw overheat once. I really think the overheat mechanic was for those peeps who were really adamant on using his ability ALL THE TIME...
As a survivor player I do miss the Billy players tho. I almost never see a Billy anymore in-game. And I think he is one of the most fun killers to play against, together with Oni, Leatherface, Demodog and Blight.
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Billy is gone. Don´t try to make it look like he´s still around.
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If you don't think he's trash now, you never played him that much to begin with. The useless new addons and that ludicrous and completely unnecessary cooldown aren't even the most insulting part of his nerf. No, the most insulting part of it are the numerous shadownerfs they gave him in prior patches, those that messed with his movement speed when he charges the chainsaw, his maneuverability during the sprint, the narrowing of his FOV, etc.
They completely destroyed him, just like the nurse.
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Did you not read any of the post? I literally stated why hes not gone. Played less, sure. But hes still easily A tier. Hes played less because people decided to drink the koolaid and jump on the bandwagon of "oh hes so bad now" when nothing important actually changed
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But can I be a good console billy tho? I’m not sure
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Youve clearly never played billy at a high level. He doesnt need addons at all for any reason. He can easily maneuver the map corner to corner (barring inside maps) with ease if youre not a goon. He hasnt had an shadow nerfs. Ive played billy aince 2016 and hes absolutely perfectly fine. As I stated in the post, if YOU cant play him, thats fine. But hes still an A tier killer, easily.
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People get hit by curve billy?
billy still exists?
I have full legacy billy. They murdered him with all the shadow nerfs.
He even has a 90 degree lock on his charge sprint now when he never use to.
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He's still a strong killer, but very rare to go against nowadays since the rework. I'm assuming everyone who loved playing him moved onto Oni, since Oni is better than Billy.
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I play this game for at least 10 matches every day.
I haven't seen a Billy in 6 months. It honestly doesn't matter what "tier" he is if nobody is playing him or having fun.
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his current animations are bugged, but yea i main billy with 1,000 + hours on him and hes still fine, but majority of the players just wanted his addons nerfed not his saw. But yea its very rare to find billy players at red ranks who are mostly m2s only
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"Hes not gutted. Hes still A tier easily. If you cant play him, thats fine, but it doesnt mean hes bad in any way, shape, or form."
Yes, our Billy boi still is one of the strongest killers in the game. However, in my opinion, his changes were stupid, unnecessary and should be reverted.
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He hasnt had any shadow nerfs. He is absolutely NOT locked in anything. Turn up your controller sensitivity option and use a higher mouse dpi. If you cant curve, that's on you.
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You're making it sound like our complaints about the animations aren't valid simply because it doesn't affect how good he is which is stupid. It's the main reason me and a lot of other people rarely play him anymore, not because he's worse but because he literally feels like complete garbage to play now. And getting a headache from his pushed in camera, jank animations, roar and how loud his music is doesn't sound like a fun experience to me. I don't care how unchanged he is in terms of strength, I never used charge and cooldown add-ons, he now feels like crap to play as.
Thankfully some of these are getting fixed in the near future and I'll probably go back to playing him more often.
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Then why does no one see him anymore? Like... i can´t even remember when i faced him the last time. It´s almost like they removed him from the killer roster.
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I can curve... to a maximum of 90 degrees before the slow curve kicks in.
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basekit billy was perfectly fine before his nerf.
im not saying they "gutted" him or anything (they did gut his add ons, but they kinda needed it), but i am saying that the overheat mechanic on him was extremely unnecessary.
and, at least for me, sucked the fun straight out of this killer.
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They just made him boring, having to micromanage heat at new factors while taking his best addons away giving half meme trash back and the other half decent but no where near what he once was
he just became a shell of his former self and the fun you could have with him
no more tinkerer + double charge addons instasaw
no more cooldown addons because exiting your power too fast isn't allowed I guess
+ whatever black greese is
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Because a lot of billys relied on instasaws or were just really bad with him. Now that they cant rely on instas and face camping with a revved saw, they quit playing him. Also the mob mentality of "oh man this dude says hes bad so he must be bad. Hey everyone, hes bad." And it just ripples because sheeple.
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Again, kick up your controller sens in options (yes as PC player.) And use a higher dpi mouse option. Theres absolutely no limit. Its the same concept behind blights J flick
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That literally isn't true.
Everybody knows Legion is a bottom tier Killer, but he is still played a ton. There might be more Legion's now than before his "rework."
People don't play Billy anymore for the same reason they don't play Nurse. The rework added in things nobody asked for and a ton of bugs.
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As I stated in the post, his addons were crutches. They are now fixed. Granted, I agree some of them are near useless but that doesnt change the fact that at base, hes still A tier easily. And again, in the post i stated that the heat is a laughable mechanic for anyone with competence. No one whos any good at all will ever overheat.
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A ton of bugs? Like what? And as stated in the post, his changes only affected people that were bad at him to begin with.
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You need only look at various videos of Billy bugs.
Chainsaw randomly stops. Hitting invisible walls. Shadow hits. Overheat for no reason.
I do not play Billy, but I do play a lot of Survivor, I haven't seen him in 6 months.
His changes made him annoying to play. Why does he need an overheat mechanic? It's just another thing to keep track of. Why does he need that stupid scream? Why does he need extra loud chase music?
People wanted his insta-saw nerfed (and rightfully so) but they kinda went too far everywhere else.
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No, it´s not the mob mentality. As said above: other weak killers are still being played. But Billy just vanished.
He was the gold standard on how other killers should be balanced. Now he´s just a bad example on how a "slight addon rework" shouldn´t be done. He´s the reason, i profoundly sweat, whenever i read that the devs want to do a "slight addon rework" on any killer i play.
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I haven't overheated as billy however my poor ears have removed him entirely from wanting to play him on a consistant basis
revving the chainsaw has gone from a normal sound to high pitched screeching at high heat followed by a roar
and crutches is a bit of an overstatement for 3 addons that needed to be changed
however they removed all of the simple upgrade addons such as his cooldown addons
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Still very strong but his player base is endangered
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Shame too cause he’s my favorite killer to vs.
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Definitely. I play him regularly and do fine
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That's all fine and well. Here's the thing: *it's not fun*. Billy was fun because he was unbridled aggression in killer form. The add on pass was needed. Not denying that. The overheat added a strategic element to a killer that runs counter to their identity and the reason people played them.
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Sorry to say but. the Overheat was a Overkill to his basekit. against good survivors you'd never get a Actual chainsaw off, Devs don't realize this still =D
Edit: If they reverted him. i'd play him alot more but i don't. He just sucks in general as a Killer, Sad to Say.
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I was a Billy main before rework (I used only bumb addons, no instasaw) and I dont play him anymore because his is not MY billy anymore! He is not the killer / the whole reason why I bought DBD in the first place! I dont like the overheat mechanic eventhough I never triggered it in the few games (~20) I played since rework I dont like knowing that there is a rope around my neck that will strangle me for having freedom with the saw. I dont play him because EVERYONE said he is the most balanced killer but devs ######### on him anyway.
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Once again. His changes only affected people who were bad with him to begin with. I play him at reds, against reds all the time, and I land saws consistently. Jukes happen. Im not a god. But even still, ive never over heated while trying to saw someone. And if you read some of the replies, multiple people have said they dont overheat even when new to his rework. If YOU cant play him, thats fine. The issue isnt with him, its with you.
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lmao. Speak for yourself, petty survivor main in disguise.
Billy is trash, and that's a fact. It's provable and has been proven. :)
Post edited by Acromio on4 -
huntress is next.
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With me. HM. So as someone who plays every killer at red ranks, have everyone at p3 level 50 and played EVERY single killer with all addons and offerings calling me bad, Ight. it's not like i used to play old billy before rework or nothin'
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I'm not gonna lie his current add ons are kinda crap but the charge time and cooldown add ons absolutely needed to be nerfed. Anyone could pick up Billy and just instadown survivor after survivor.
The rest is debatable.
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Bud, if youre actually overheating the saw and youre not doing it on purpose, youre a bad billy. Plain and simple. You can be a good killer in general. I didnt say youre not. But you are a bad billy. Thats all there is to it.
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I agree with you yes. He's still a strong killer. I'm getting the impression that you yourself are a good flickbilly? If so props I have major respect for good billys that can land some sick curves. But anyways the reason I don't play him anymore is because he feels awful to play for me. The animations, the annoying chase music, the roar. Sure they don't affect his strength but they make him highly unpleasant for me to play. Even still though I will still play him once in a while because part of me still wants to learn how to play flickbilly myself (I was trying to learn how before he got changed) but man I just can't get over how awful he feels. Honestly if they would just change his animations back to the old ones I would play him alot more.
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Still a strong killer for sure
I get plenty of survivors still crying about how OP he is apparently
I think. That all the good Billy players kept playing him, because it was more than just being an S tier killer, as opposed to others who only played him out of being very strong. Now that he is a bit weaker than some other killers and a bit weaker than his former self, most of them switched over. But that doesn't really bug me personally. I still find him about as enjoyable as normal, albeit he does have some worthless addons like Nurse now. Past that he is perfectly viable.
The players are just few and far in between now, because as I said before, not as strong anymore. Some people are a little shallow. But it is what it is.
Billy Main Forever! But Death Slinger is also fun :)
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So what yer telling me is i should only just backrev survs and not try to Curve / be a actual fun billy that just uses chainsaw only,
...With no addons, Yeah no. i like to have fun and just use chainsaw, Overheat is a mistake on bhvr part and it needs to gtfo,
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You clearly haven't used engravings
I honestly want to see a match of yours and see how you play....
If you claim to be so good.
You've never been cucked by the reworked trees & obstacles hitboxes I take it ?
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I feel like they don't even have to remove the stupid roar entirely if they really don't want to "because they've worked hard on it".
They could simply make it play only after a successful chainsaw hit kinda like how Demogorgon screams after he hits with M1. It would still sound the same if the survivor gets hit in front of you but it would be much less annoying instead of having to ear it constantly.
Give BHVR at least another five years to figure it out.
McLean said Billy's animations will get fixed but i wouldn't count on it that it will happen soon. He always dodges these types of questions on his stream.
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He isn't weak, but they removed a lot of what made him fun.
Overheat rarely comes into play if you use him right, which means it is mostly uneccesary and is really only there to punish people that don't know how to play him, and if they don't know how to play him... they are gonna lose anyway. So it really is just there for an excuse to make useless add ons.
Lots of his add ons are useless, and his ultra rares are also not very impactful.
The sound of starting the chainsaw is unnecessary, but not as bad as clown when he vaults. It just removes some mind games you can do.
And his animations just don't feel good. Its not impactful to gameplay unless if you are prone to getting motion sick.
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I mean, I just want to know why every match my first chainsaw with him throws me sharply to the left. Every game, the first saw. sharp left turn no matter which way I move him...
Directional lullaby again, you think? I'd take it in exchange for a smaller TR, I suppose...
Wait, that's off-topic.1 -
I still play billy and for me he is still functional but if you look at some gameplay of how billy was before it was much better chainsaw without cooldown, it was faster and curve much better even without any addon, I guess it is more balanced today but at the end of the day if there is a lot of difference but if you look at battleguy on twitch who is main billy I never see him lose a single match with billy to me it tells me that in fact billy is still very strong but of course people are upset because it is no longer as before although he are still very strong besides many people prefer to use killers easier to use like freddy os spirit who are also strong but easy to use compared to billy, to me at least those 3 killers are more or less at the same level of strength but hill billy gives the impression of being more difficult to use by the nerf but is more fun for those who know how to use it, freedy and the spirit don't give you the same satisfaction that biily gives you when you hit with the chainsaw with those killers you win and that's it but with billy ufff fun matches.
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Oh, Billy is a solid killer. There's just not much reason to pick him.
Want mobility? Play Blight.
Want an insta-down all the time? Play Bubba.
Want to snowball? Play Oni.
Want a Jack-of-all-trades? Sure, but be warned, the add-ons are terrible and we've restricted the use of your power... the power that requires/encourages experimentation because reasons.
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Ive had randon branches stop me 2 times. Thats it. They really arent as big an issue as people wanna say. As for the engravings, I stated in my post that they are slightly harder to use now. However, they are not needed for curving. They help. But not needed. They are a crutch. They helped bad billys before the rework and now bad billys cant play billy.
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I mean the community ain't wrong, Billy is a lot more difficult to have fun with. If you want high-skilled plays you're gonna have to get Overheated at least once per game and it's ridiculous. Imagine you're about to get a perfect curve in a loop and then out of nowhere your chainsaw deactivates for like 10 seconds. It's ridiculous.
All Billy needed was an addon rework. His new addons are pretty well-designed and the new instasaw requires effort to get downs with, so if they remove the Overheat mechanic and rework the addons relating to the Overheat feature then I'd be more than happy.
In short, the Overheat mechanic discourages Billy players from going for skill-based plays.
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Relying on addons is a silly way to play. Base kit Billy is perfect. If you wanna say others are better because they have better addons.. like alright, why ever play anyone but iri and belt huntress