Your top 10 perks?

KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566
edited March 2021 in General Discussions

So there’s a lot of perks currently in the game and more on the way and I was just wondering what are your current favourites?

Mine are as follows...


  1. Iron Will
  2. Spine Chill
  3. Autodidact
  4. Borrowed Time
  5. Kindred
  6. We’ll Make It
  7. For the People
  8. Resilience
  9. No Mither
  10. Bond


  1. Barbecue & Chilli
  2. Pop Goes the Weasel
  3. A Nurse’s Calling
  4. Monitor & Abuse
  5. Devour Hope
  6. Bamboozle
  7. Save the Best for Last
  8. Sloppy Butcher
  9. Bloodhound
  10. Dragon’s Grip


  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629
    1. BBQ
    2. M&A
    3. huntress lullaby
    4. corrupt
    5. infectious fright
    6. devour soap
    7. Pgtw
    8. sloppy
    9. no mither
    10. distressing
  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    For Survivor I'd say

    1. Dead Hard

    2. Unbreakable

    3. Spinechill

    4. Current DS

    5. Iron Will

    6. Prove Thyself

    7. Sprint Burst

    8. Borrowed Time

    9. WGLF

    10. Kindred

    As for killers, it's too hard to list as they're all very different.

  • DoomedMind
    DoomedMind Member Posts: 793

    Survivors :

    1. Spine Chill
    2. Sprint Burst
    3. Resilience
    4. Fixated
    5. Window of Opportunity
    6. Vigil
    7. Bond
    8. Object of Obsession
    9. Desperate Measures
    10. Kindred

    Killers :

    1. Chili BBQ
    2. Devour Hope
    3. Undying
    4. Retribution
    5. Haunted Grounds
    6. Ruin
    7. Sloppy Butcher
    8. Discord
    9. Pop Goes the Weasel
    10. Trail of Torments
  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054
    1. Shadowborn
    2. Shadowborn
    3. Shadowborn
    4. Shadowborn
    5. Shadowborn
    6. Shadowborn
    7. Shadowborn
    8. Shadowborn
    9. Shadowborn
  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited March 2021

    Not my 10 favorite perks but 10 that I think are the best and impact a game the most


    1. Decisive strike

    2. Borrowed time

    3. Deadhard

    4. Prove thyself


    6. Fixated

    7. Iron will

    8. Dark sense

    9. Self care

    10. Botany knowledge

    Killer (I won't include bbq since yes it's used a lot but I don't think it's that good other than for extra BP)

    1. Save the best for last

    2. Pop goes the weasle

    3. Bamboozle

    4. Sloppy butcher

    5. Noed

    6. Spies from the shadows

    7. Tinkerer

    8. Hex ruin

    9. Fired it

    10. Blood warden

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Well top 10 can change per killer so I'll take the average. I play solo so I focus on gens as you don't know if your team will. Top 4 will be my go to on most except certain killers.



    2.Prove Thyself

    3.Sprint Burst


    5.Stake Out




    9.Urban - if running SB and dont have fixated.

    10.We'll make it.


    1.BBQ - Only here because it's the perk I pray for the most after prestige so they can be leveled faster not because best perk to run.

    2.Discordance - Keeping multiple people of gens is key especially if prove thyself is in play.

    3.Tinkerer - Will run with Disco if available in case they split to counter I have the counter for that as well. Ran together = CRAZY pressure

    4.POP - C'mon

    5.Infectious - 2nd hits/downs are tremendous pressure that shouldn't be taken lightly.

    6.Monitor - Extra 8 meters does more than people realize but the FOV buff and increasing your terror radius in a chase (Increased infectious) are what makes it special.

    7.Sloppy - Minus a few ranged killers this perk is great on just about everyone. What's not to love unless you get the frame drops from it.

    Those are the perks that if I have them they are ran period. The rest are killer based and ran if others are missing but still loved by me.

    8.Nurses Calling - Love it on anyone honestly but lil extra on huntress and PH.

    9.Bamboozle - bubba main one I am using this on because I get terrible maps with him but great perk.

    10.STBL - SO fun love it on my piggy but have terrible luck with obsession sitting on my junk.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014


    1. Spine Chill
    2. Iron Will
    3. Dead Hard
    4. Kindred
    5. Detective's Hunch
    6. We'll Make It
    7. Inner Strength
    8. Fixated
    9. Borrowed Time
    10. Quick and Quiet


    1. Save the Best for Last
    2. Pop Goes the Weasel
    3. BBQ + Chilli
    4. Corrupt Intervention
    5. Whispers
    6. A Nurse's Calling
    7. I'm All Ears
    8. Thrilling Tremors
    9. Monitor and Abuse
    10. Agitation

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531


    1. Autodidact
    2. Bond
    3. Solidarity
    4. Ds
    5. WGLF
    6. Borrowed time
    7. balanced landing
    8. Inner strength
    9. Aftercare
    10. Dance with me


    1. Enduring
    2. BBQ
    3. Oppression
    4. Pop
    5. Brutal strength
    6. Fire up
    7. Gear head
    8. Trail of torment
    9. coup de grace
    10. Hex retribution
  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587


    1) Enduring

    2) Sloppy

    3) Hex: Ruin

    4) Corrupt Intervention

    5) Whispers

    6) Save The Best For Last

    7) Spirit Fury

    8) Bamboozle

    9) Barbeque & Chili

    10) A Nurse's Calling


    1) Borrowed Time

    2) Dead Hard

    3) Unbreakable

    4) Adrenaline

    5) We're Gunna Live Forever

    6) Hope

    7) Resilience

    8) Prove Thyself

    9) Delieverance

    10) We'll Make It

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    BBQ and Detectives hunch is all I need.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,796
    edited March 2021


    1. We're Gonna Live Forever
    2. Autodidact
    3. Aftercare
    4. Break Out
    5. Hope
    6. Distortion
    7. Boil Over
    8. We'll Make It
    9. Déjà Vu
    10. Tenacity


    1. BBQ & Chili
    2. Hex: Devour Hope
    3. Save the Best for Last
    4. Dark Devotion
    5. Monstrous Shrine
    6. I'm All Ears
    7. Hex: The Third Seal
    8. Fire Up
    9. Spies from the Shadows
    10. Bloodhound
  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Ds, dead hard, self care, deception, power struggle, plunderers, appraisal, iron will, small game, inner strength

    Bbq, thrilling tremors, tinkerer, ruin, devour hope, sloppy butcher, pgtw, discordance, a nurse's calling, monitor and abuse

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,938

    These lists are not in any order.


    1. Enduring
    2. Brutal Strength
    3. Devour Hope
    4. I'm All Ears
    5. A Nurses Calling
    6. BBQ & Chilli
    7. Discordance
    8. Corrupt Intervention
    9. Hex: Ruin
    10. Shadowborn (depending on what killer I'm playing)


    1. Iron Will
    2. Head On
    3. Quick & Quiet
    4. Decisive Strike
    5. Unbreakable
    6. Dead Hard
    7. Borrowed Time
    8. Deception
    9. Leader
    10. Adrenaline

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,175

    Survivor -

    1. Fixated
    2. Adrenaline
    3. Sprint Burst
    4. Iron Will
    5. Borrowed Time
    6. Deception
    7. Botany Knowledge
    8. Kindred
    9. Quick & Quiet
    10. Head On

    Killer -

    1. Tinkerer
    2. Sloppy Butcher
    3. Ruin
    4. BBQ & Chilli
    5. Discordance
    6. Brutal Strength
    7. Make Your Choice
    8. Nurse's Calling
    9. Pop Goes the Weasel
    10. Spies from the Shadows
  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,936
    edited March 2021


    1. Kindred (best solo Perk to exist even though I try to play without it more)
    2. Spine Chill (the safety you get from this Perk is invaluable, also it helps when a gen is 95 % and the Killer comes, Spine Chill gives you this extra speed you need)
    3. Sprint Burst (I dropped Dead Hard since it's to frustrating and I found ways to make Sprint Burst for myself better than Dead Hard)
    4. Borrowed Time (I don't always run it but it defnitely helps to get more BP since you can make safes faster with it)
    5. Windows of Opportunity (Very underrated Perk, it helps alot, if a tile has 2 possible pallet spawns this will not make you second guess)
    6. Unbreakable (Sometimes better to have it and not need it than to need it and to not have it)
    7. Power Struggle (When it works, it's the most satisfying Perk in the game)
    8. Head On (If I need a Meme Perk, this will be my choice)
    9. Inner Strength (Helps alot with Head On, and helps alot in general. It will make you do more bones and deny Noed)
    10. Second Wind (After renaming it a few times with a friend like "Zweiter Wind" or "Sack und Windel" and trying it a few times I started to quite like it.


    1. Barbecue and Chili (Kinda obvious why)
    2. Corrupt Intervention (If I want a consistent slowdown Perk, this will work)
    3. Hex: Ruin (Possibly the strongest game delay when it stays up)
    4. Pop goes the Weasel (A good alternative when Ruin gets cleansed)
    5. Hex: Devour Hope (If it stays up, which it will thanks to Perk 6, it's one of the most fun Perks to use)
    6. Hex: Undying (A good bodyguard for any Hex Perks, it also gave me so much info at the start of a match by revealing Survivors who spawned beside a dull totem)
    7. Whispers (If I need a tracking tool, this Perk will not dissapoint me)
    8. Thrilling Tremors (A good gen detection Perk, I use it instead of BB! when I feel like I don't need BP that much)
    9. Enduring (When I get sick of gen regression Perks, I go for chase Perks and this gives a lot of free hits)
    10. Shadowborn (Sometimes I go Perkless and then I'll take Shadowborn for comfort and because I don't call Shadowborn a Perk since it should be a baseline option in my opinion)
  • DistortedDream
    DistortedDream Member Posts: 672


    1. Iron Will
    2. Kindred
    3. Quick And Quiet
    4. Sprint Burst
    5. Spine Chill
    6. Resilience
    7. Head On
    8. Unbreakable
    9. Power Struggle
    10. Windows Of Opportunity


    1. Tinkerer
    2. BBQ
    3. Hex: Haunted Grounds
    4. Hex: Devour Hope
    5. Corrupt Intervention
    6. Pop Goes The Weasel
    7. Hex: Ruin
    8. A Nurse's Calling
    9. Enduring
    10. Oppression
  • e_j2007
    e_j2007 Member Posts: 130
    edited March 2021

    these are not in order i just like all these perks:



    -sprint burst

    -spine chill

    -borrowed time


    -dark sense

    -dead hard


    -prove thyself



    -hex: ruin





    -moniter and abuse

    -infectous fright

    -hex: devour hope


    -nurses calling

  • katapad
    katapad Member Posts: 55


    1. BBQ & Chili - Bloodpoints. Duh.
    2. Thrilling Tremors - Gotta see them gens. I'm going to run either this or BBQ on almost every build.
    3. Pop Goes the Weasel - Obvious
    4. Surge - Regression without having to kick gens
    5. Oppression - Multi-gen regression
    6. Surveillance - Oppression and Surge go very nicely with this one.
    7. Whispers - So much knowledge.
    8. Sloppy Butcher - Slow down that healing.
    9. Corrupt Intervention - Counter the early game rush.
    10. Make Your Choice - It's just fun to have a quick down available if things are going poorly.

    Not a big fan of Hex perks. The idea is nice having a passive effect, but I haven't had a game in months where it wasn't cleared before the third gen popped, or if it was Ruin they just split up and slammed through it.


    1. Appraisal - love picking up items.
    2. Borrowed Time - Pretty much a necessity
    3. Deja Vu - stop that 3 gen
    4. Spine Chill - I suck at survivor, so extra alerts are nice
    5. Ace in the Hole - see #1
    6. Lithe - interchangeable with #7, need something to get away
    7. Sprint Burst - see #6
    8. Iron Will - I'm going to get hit, makes it so much easier to get out when they can't hear you whining from a mile away.
    9. Prove Thyself - Just so useful for getting ######### done.
    10. Kindred - Knowing when to unhook and when to stay on a gen is key

    DS, UB, Adrenaline, DH - I don't find them all that enjoyable, but sometimes you do need them.

  • Senpavo
    Senpavo Member Posts: 105


    1) Spine Chill

    2) Dead Hard

    3) Kindred

    4) Sprint Burst

    5) Borrowed Time

    6) We'll make it

    7) Prove Thyself

    8) Bond

    9) Inner Strenght

    10) Fixated


    1) Ruin

    2) Tinkerer

    3) BBQ

    4) Corrupt Intervention

    5) Nurse's Calling

    6) Sloppy Butcher

    7) NOED

    8) Save The best for last

    9) Thanatophobia

    10) Trail Of Torment

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,703


    1. Hex: Ruin. It's just really useful, I feel like I don't need to elaborate too much.2
    2. Corrupt Intervention: I'm a Demo main, and that just really helps him out with the setup phase of the match
    3. Dead Man's Switch: Not the most consistently useful, but I think it's just fun to use. I think Doctor uses it the best since his static blast forces people off gens for just long enough for DMS to activate.
    4. Save The Best For Last: It's just really useful for those follow up hits
    5. Mindbreaker: Ever since the perk got buffed, it's unironically pretty useful now.
    6. Surge: I like to pair this with surveilance to help me know if I immediately need to pressure that gen again after the down.
    7. Thrilling Tremors: A BBQ & Chili alternative with slowdown capabilities? Yes please.
    8. Blood Echo: I only run this on Legion, but he uses it so well that it's become a staple for my Legion builds.
    9. Hex: Devour Hope: Probably one of the scarier perks in the game that really helps me get some ground back if the start of the match didn't go so well. I like to run this on Ghostface a lot.
    10. Dragon's Grip: This way this perk's cooldown applies whether or not someone was exposed severely limits this perk's usefulness, but when it works it's very satisfying. Probably the most powerful anti-gen tap perk there is honestly. I love it when I'm chasing someone around the gen and they go "lemme just tap this to stop the regression" and because of it I get an instadown on them.


    1. Lithe: A pretty powerful exhaustion perk. The first 4 perks here are all here because they are very powerful put together.
    2. Deception: Pair this with Lithe to potentially trick killers to checking out a locker, while I make a hasty escape with lithe that is made silent by
    3. Quick and Quiet: This works in the build to keep killers from knowing I vaulted and am now super sprinting away as long as I had proper LOS blockage.
    4. Dance With Me: The final perk in my favorite build, further increases the time that my scratch marks are hidden for. I have lost a decent amount of killers with this setup.
    5. Blood Pact: This perk ensures I pretty much always know where at least one person is when I'm in need of healing. An added speed boost to boot makes it even cooler. Also the fact that it creates an obsession forces the killer to play like D-Strike has been brought.
    6. Breakout: A part of my "Be As Obnoxious As Humanly Possible" build, the number of times running this pays off is pretty low, but it's always so exciting when it does.
    7. Dead Hard: Probably the most flexible of the exhaustion perks, you can pull off some really fun maneuvers with this one outside the standard "get to that pallet or vault just barely in time".
    8. Flip-Flop: Another perk that's not always very useful, but I have a soft spot for this one. It really only works if you get slugged, but if you do get slugged it works wonders. Pair with D-Strike to buy you some time to activate it and Power Struggle for an instant pallet slam self free if you can make it to one.
    9. Detective's Hunch: I honestly think this is the most useful intel perk survivors get. A lot of people complain about NOED, but you can deal with that pretty easily just by bringing this perk since it reveals so much.
    10. Vigil: I don't get why people say this perk is weak. With exhaustion perks being as popular and useful as they are, I'd think that people would be all over a perk that lets you get your exhaustion perks back faster. I consider it healing all the other status effects just an added bonus that help sometime though, since most status effects are applied permanently until something happens.
  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    Use detective hunch instead of deja vu. You”ll see the 3 gens and you’ll deny noed, devour hope, ...

  • katapad
    katapad Member Posts: 55

    Actually just bought Tapp a few days ago, so I assume it'll change things up.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180
    edited March 2021

    Survivor (in no specific order):

    1. Deja Vu (Such an underrated perk. Prevents 3 gen games and a fun, tactical perk).

    2. Kindred (So much information).

    3. We'll Make It (A true, team-orientated perk).

    4. Empathy (As much for killer-seeking as it is for healing survivors).

    5. Better Together (Another good team-orientated perk, especially is needing aid from Prove Thyself or other gen-chunking perks/toolboxes).

    6. Aftercare (Again, so much information can be gained from this).

    7. Soul Guard (Quite a powerful perk, which has saved my bacon more times than I'd like to admit).

    8. Quick and Quiet (A good mindgame tool).

    9. Leader (Surprisingly good, especially during the endgame).

    10. Red Herring (Such a decent distraction, when used well).

    (As a side, the upcoming "Smash Hit" perk may well be in my top ten).

    Killer (in no specific order)

    1. Spies From The Shadows (Those birds are impressively efficient).

    2. Iron Grip (Allows a better control of the map, in terms of where you want to direct survivors).

    3. Tinkerer (Since the buff, it's very powerful, and good at throwing the survivors).

    4. Devour Hope (Really flows well with the pacing of the game and the increased pressure).

    5. Franklin's Demise (Especially useful against keys).

    6. Mad Grit (Basically, the Pain Train).

    7. Surveillance (Gives a lot of map information).

    8. Hex: Blood Favor (Throws survivors off-guard and can lead to a pretty quick second blow).

    9. Discordance (Gives an advantage over teamwork).

    10. Make Your Choice (It's the length at which the unhooker is exposed for which makes this worthwhile for me).

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    I'll do 5 from each side,


    1. Corrupt Intervention- 2 minutes guaranteed slowdown, if you know what you're doing then no progress will occur in those two minutes. If its a Killer that needs to set up (EX: Ghostface, Hag, Trapper, Demo, etc) it really helps.
    2. Whispers- Best tracking perk in the game.
    3. BBQ&C- Ez BP and decent aura reading, at least encourages me not camp.
    4. Blood Echo- Fun perk and concept, I love denying those annoying Exhaustion perks.
    5. Starstruck- Its still super early in the PTB, but I love this. The snowball potential on a Killer like Nurse, Hag, or Spirit is insane, not to mention it triggers when another Survivor enters the TR, NOT when you immediately pickup. More perks need to be like this, where there a reduced or no cooldown if no effect is applied (looking at you, Dragon's Grip)


    1. Lithe- My Exhaustion perk of choice, works pretty well on almost every map and not as infuriating as DH is sometimes.
    2. Soul Guard- NOED counter and super useful to not get tunneled off the ground.
    3. Inner Strength- a self-heal that takes 8-10 seconds that's unaffected by perks like Dying Light or Colurophobia? Yes please.
    4. Deception- So fun to use and mess with Killers in a way that isn't spammed by the community (like having all meta perks in almost every game).
    5. Kindred- The BEST solo survivor perk. Tells you what teammates are doing, if the Killer is camping, and where to go next depending on what your teammate's actions are. IMO perks like Camaraderie should get the same treatment, but I digress.