Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Give more penalty's

Lately it has come to my attention that a lot of survivor and killer players are playing the game in a very toxic way, like not helping teammates, body blocking each other and the killer, or simple disconnecting after being downed 1 time. Same goes for killers, they are starting to camp way more often to secure kills since survivors are being way too toxic, which results in killers camping and also not wanting to play anymore -> longer queue times.

Things like this should be dealt against more with penalties. why is there a report option if nothing will be done against it?

Not only do you ruin the game play for yourself, also the people you are playing with and against. I'm personally just a fun gamer, idc about ranks etc. I just wanna play the game like it has to be played without any toxic ######### and stuff. Also the higher the survivor rank, the more toxic they are.

Please do something about this, and if you know you play toxic, know that you ruin the game for a lot of us who wanna play normal or even farm with killers for points.



  • saltmineinaction
    saltmineinaction Member Posts: 99

    i didnt say ban worthy, but like a game penalty for a few hours same as when a killer disconnects (with progression loss)

    Body blocking a killer results in them not being able to hook a survivor they are carrying, which helps the survivor escaping from their grasp.

  • The_Nightmare69
    The_Nightmare69 Member Posts: 55
    edited March 2021

    Exactly, survivors bring a billion perks to give them second chances and body block so killers can't play the game in a normal fashion. So they all stand in front of the hook Make it impossible to hook a survivor who messed up, the game mechanics are plain and simple, you get downed after a screw-up? you get hooked or mori'd

    and then survivors start complaining in endgame chat about us 'slugging' and 'tunneling' whilst in the current meta slugging is the only method to dodge DS, which fyi every [synonym for coitus] survivor brings.

    So yeah being toxic and getting reports should result in a penalty.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,438

    Whats the difference to a ban? When you disconnect, you are not allowed to play the game. Its the same as a temporary ban.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,178

    I don't think it will work the way most people want in form of instadown but the survivor will get the exposed notification and simply run away. But that in itself is already helpful to the kill and maybe they will get someone trying to last second Sabo the hook.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Body blocking can be a little toxic in certain situations, when a swf/efficient team crushes out multiple gens and body blocks the killer trying to get their first hook that they've been working on for like 2 minutes. Im not saying its wrong or to punish for it, but it is a little toxic.

  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486

    I also feel Forced Penance is a guilty pleasure of mine too. Ill go out of my way to bait protection hits with Deathslinger, just so I can Proc it lol.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    I agree to your basic premise, like i said the context of it being toxic is very situational, and mostly is a result of bad matchmaking. In a situation where the survivors know they outclass the killer signifigantly like a red rank swf against a rank 13-15 Pig or (insert weak killer here), then it can border on toxicity/bullying the killer. Again not always but especially when your talking first hook vs 3-4 gens done.

    It's like if im playing killer and get a noob squad i can tell and rather than just killing people outright i will slug them once or twice before i kill them, depending on the number of gens left, because they got screwed by matchmaking and i can tell they are at a disadvantage.

  • honk137
    honk137 Member Posts: 9

    Dude body blocking is viable strategy to save a teammate, I say this as a hybrid player

  • DocOrtiz
    DocOrtiz Member Posts: 4

    Ok im new here but i play alot, not yeara like most of u and i enjoy both killer amd survivor. Its stupid to think that body blocking the killer should get them a penalty. The killer still has the ability to hit the survivor blocking and hooks are so close im sure with in the 16 second wiggle off time he will still be able to hook. Now for the killer camping maybe there should be a speed reduction a few percent tintil they are the same speen as the survivor as this will lead to them using their minds to try and trick the survivor. The killers speed shoukd be a privilege and if u want to camp it can be lost. Just sayin.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Once again, nothing in game is toxic.

    If it is available in game, it is not toxic.

  • HeckaYeah
    HeckaYeah Member Posts: 187

    TBH it sounds a bit like you faced a swf team who blocked a hook and survived.

    What do you want survivors to do? AFK and give you an easy 4K? It's a defense, especially if it's a well- oiled machine or we're trying to stop a tunnel. It's not just about perks. It's a mind game. Out think them.

    I'm all for making the game less "toxic", don't peg me wrong here... Hook blocking IS one thing. Corner blocking or hallway camping is another. I think you should reevaluate what it is you are labeling and clarify. I have had plenty of killers block against gens and walls and the likes, just as I've seen good teams block killers in places. Just remember: the killer has the knife, all survivors have is blood.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Out of curiosity, what's the verdict on a Survivor intentionally standing in front of the last Jigsaw Box to prevent their teammate from getting the Trap off? I had a game against a Survivor who admitted to doing so in post-game chat.

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    That would be, being a douchebag, sooo unsportsmanlike in the report flags.

  • AbstractSaucing
    AbstractSaucing Member Posts: 103

    Well then, camping and tunneled should be penalty worthy as well with a few hour block and progression loss If we go off that logic. Camping and tunneling results in survivors not being able to unhook the survivor that is on hook, which helps the killer win. Doesn't sound very good from the other side does it?

    Good thing there's more than one hook on the gamefield. They can't block them all, there's only three if you're carrying one

  • TheeclumsyNinja
    TheeclumsyNinja Member Posts: 283

    Sounds like a baby killer to me, you’ll be fine. Just grow and adapt

  • saltmineinaction
    saltmineinaction Member Posts: 99

    I see a lot of comments on how body blocking is helping a teammate, which i understand. But I'm talking about general games where survivors block each other (like in front of a jigsaw or next to the killer) making them lose the game. Same goes for camping. The emblem degression is a nice thing, but doesn't prevent killers from doing it. Things like that should be given penalties because it does not only hold up the game, it also ruins the game for the survivors.

    The game is about teamwork and logical thinking. It should be fun for both parties, but once 1 person ruins it somehow, it should be punished in some way. Doesn't mean a play time-out or rank progression lost, but a warning or another kind of penalty would qualify.

    Also generous question to survivor players: If you know you play in some sort of toxic way (t-bagging, flashlight camping, not helping teammates and insta dipping etc) what is the reason you do so?

  • DivineZak
    DivineZak Member Posts: 14

    Body Blocking The killer is essential for escapes while killer is tunneling, break out plays, and annoying camping killers, it's not toxic.

  • JGone
    JGone Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2021

    Just played a survivor game where I used the Bloody Streamers offering, hoping I could help everyone get some sweet bloodpoints. Got found by the killer within the first few minutes, got hooked and they camp the hook. Get unhooked and the killer goes after me again and hooks me. Get unhooked a final time, killer continues going after me and hits me and finishes me off with a mori. Wasted an offering and barely got any bloodpoints. Makes me not want to play anymore.

    Maybe I should've used DS, but I want to play with fun perks and not just meta perks. If a game like Super Smash Bros. can punish players for targeting specific players so much that it ruins the game, then so can Dead by Daylight. At least make it so that a player can't be hooked 3 times in a row or something. A survivor can't vault through the same window too many times in a row, so why can a killer target the same player multiple times in a row?

  • crow13312013
    crow13312013 Member Posts: 61

    Cuz killer is restricted when survivors surround the killer

  • SpaghettiYOLO
    SpaghettiYOLO Member Posts: 235

    This is when Mad Grit and Forced Penance comes into play.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,438

    Then you can hit them. Sometimes you need to take a different route or hook. There are some places where you have a problem bc of it. But this is bad hook placement. The devs should look at that.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    If you want someone to get a penalty, the best way to go about it is to record the gameplay of the match, and then report than player with a timestamp and the video. To double down you can also email behaviour. They do deal with these issues, they just don't tell most of the player base unless they're hackers/cheaters.

    If you're playing with toxic survivors and can prove that they were being toxic, ie teammates bodyblocking you and teabagging, you can just send over a report through their website.

    Just provide the username as well as it can be kinda hard for them to see it. I actually tested this with a smurf account and it did get a temp ban, so they do actually deal with these situations :)

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    Players also get two depips if they disconnect, 1 if they kill themselves and they get no bloodpoints for disconnecting, as well as increasing matchmaking lock if they keep disconnecting in games.

    I think sometimes, especially at red ranks, players just tend to turn off the game or Kill themselves if they've played against the same killer or player multiple times in the same day, or just because they've had enough of the game for that day. Usually I see this but I don't consider it toxic. It sucks for the killer and the other survivors, but they do get punished. I get though that it doesn't seem like enough sometimes.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    Toxic gameplay like teabagging flash light spamming, vault rushing to get killers attention is crap. As is being camped despite it being a necessary evil at times. But it's a game where you make the choice to or not. A free gaming experience. You can't take away these options because they're mean. It sucks but its apart of every single multiplayer game. Ain't gonna change.

    Toxicity in end game chat should be a reason to ban tho. At least soon you won't be able to be racist, Homophobic or whatever cuz of new feature but still. No matter how annoyed you get in a match never say that crud. If you get that angry take time away from the game cuz it's a ridiculous thing to say that stuff over.

  • Eorpwald
    Eorpwald Member Posts: 46

    They'll never give time penalties because people will just go and play another game. Why stick around if you're punished for playing.

    There will always be toxic survivors and killers cause this playerbase is toxic. Just look at how much harassment people get for asking questions.

  • Caleaha
    Caleaha Member Posts: 90

    Body blocking is a tactic that isn't always successful. I've smacked would be body blockers and sometimes they run because they don't want to go down. Other times I have one or 2 new folks downed for me to go back. Sometimes they win and the fella on my shoulder gets free. Well, time to hunt.

    As a survivor getting body blocked it peeves me off. I've been blocked by survivors when I've tried to flee and blocked by killers when EGC is happening. Not cool. Kill me and hook me, it's faster.

    Camping is always an issue and it annoys me. As I play with friends if one is hooked and the killer is camping we switch gears from rescue to genny rush, hoping when the last genny is done our friend can be rescued. I tend to get cheeky and do the genny closest to killer to try and draw them away. It doesn't always work.

    Rushing the killer with a gate open does seem to work sometimes. Not always. Sometimes we play musical hook!

    I took several month break from the game and came back last night.

    Killers! Don't just hang around 1 building and then quit when a generator gets done. Seriously. 2 of my friends pretty much bumped into Smiley Face one freaked and bolted the other fled then came back. Ghostface was hardcore circling the main house in the cornfield. Nothing deviated him. We get a gen done and game over.

    Next was a Micheal and we have a new player. I joke about sacrificing her to escape. Michael is stalking her as we do genies. Our veteran player goes in to distract him and let's him stalk him. Get a second gen done and game over. Like really?

  • saltmineinaction
    saltmineinaction Member Posts: 99

    I have the luck as a ps4 player that i dont have pre and post game chats. The players only will post something on my profile indeed but i disabled that now bc it drove me nuts.

    The fun to play the game is fading with all this going on

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    I'm on xbox and I get slammed with messages from survivors every time I win. I don't disable it cuz I got friends on their who message me. It's so awful how people have to turn off their messages because of how awfully toxic this community is more then a lot of other games.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    welcome to the killer's world of first one down then D/C! first hook D/C! lots of things happen and what you describe happens on the survivor side as well. as a killer I used to give the other three a break and occasionally still do if someone d/c's. now, I go to town as I need to get my emblem points. too bad, so sorry you had someone on your team that decided they didn't like that I won that chase quickly!

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    first of all as was said, camping, slugging and tunneling are mechanics that the killer can use and are not reportable. body blocking as the killer is not reportable if they don't do it for long periods of time. This has been stated many times.

    If you encounter something in the game that you feel is against the rules get a recording of the action and after reviewing the game rules (you can find them here on this forum, I WILL NOT GET IT FOR YOU) then submit your ticket. Disconnecting is not punished hard enough when the leave match functionality is used. the game can see when that button is used and should assess a bigger penalty. keep the lower penalties for the network disconnections though as that is another way someone can make themselves dc but it's hard to determine where that is. but the devs are who run the game and I will support their decisions even if I disagree with them.

  • baron
    baron Member Posts: 142

    The complaints about camping, tunneling, etc dont seem to be sinking in with the devs after years of hearing about it. Perhaps there needs to bebl other considerations done by the community to get them to realize people are fed up with the intended toxic game play. Any suggestions?

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    sure, here is one: stop playing the game and buying DLC content and skins. This is what will get them to notice when enough do it and continue to do it. It is your right to decide to stop playing for what ever reason, but camping is RARELY good for the killer but it can be. Tunneling is the worst of things but it is a valid strat though i'd prefer to tunnel down those that are the better players in the game as that means it's easier later. Slugging, well I will drop someone because that means the slugged survivor must use unbreakable or someone must get off a gen to go heal and get that survivor up. hey look at that! it's a strategy! oh what to do about when you have 4 slugs? well you hook the one you know of and hope the others hadn't crawled to some silly corner you can't find. either way the match will be over after the last person bleeds out at max 4 minutes. If your team was wiped and slugged then your game play might not be up to snuff otherwise no one would get downed.

    As it stands you can not be labeled as harassing by just clicking your flashlight or teabagging... the devs have also stated this.

  • Caleaha
    Caleaha Member Posts: 90


    Had one where if I was streaming my game I would be sending the footage to be reviewed.

    Freaking Steve is buddies with freaking Legion. Bringing his killer friend to us survivors and then teabagging each of us when we get downed. Yup... fun game. At least I had bond and self heal so I could see him coming to run off and get out of his area. Did 4 gens like that and finally got caught. Truly wish I had a key on me, but I didn't want to get stuck opening a chest and have Steve lead Legion to me.

  • saltmineinaction
    saltmineinaction Member Posts: 99

    The amount of survivors teaming up with the killer to find the others is annoying as hell. Especially when hiding in lockers etc. Happened to me a few times too. Luckily I had a killer who just took the teamer with them and let us survive instead

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Afk should have some sort of penalty honestly.

    Personally I want it to be worse than dcing because it more screws over your team

  • saltmineinaction
    saltmineinaction Member Posts: 99

    Depends on what kind of afk. I had 3 afk killers today which I don't mind bc we did totems, chests etc and got full points. But afk survivors are way worse since it screws over the whole team. Plus if they do get hooked and you rescue them, it has been for nothing

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Yeah I think survivors is much worse but it would kinda have to be for both sides honestly be fair

  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    On the subject of afk killers, How would you distinguish between afk all match vs played most of it and gave up once there was no hope? Also taking into account macro/bot killers.

  • Kaien
    Kaien Member Posts: 15

    Look how much fun I have in your game with a killer instakill in front of me the whole game after a long queue.

    What a great penalty for the Killer !!!!

    I lose pip, time and the game becomes toxic and boring.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    So you got camped, took a screenshot then camped another (for not very long) and took a second screenshot. Is the third one from the game you claim you were camped in or from some third game you played? You know even the noobiest noob here doesn't believe you can see the killer's emblems from a match you played as Survivor, right?

  • Kaien
    Kaien Member Posts: 15

    It is an example blessed genius !!! ... but the reality is not very different, and that is if they beat you in the basement, they come down to rescue you and the killer lowers the whole team, are you new? or you never played survivor.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340
    edited March 2021

    Its a poor example. Seriously, not even close to an even amount of camp time (unless of course you were just lying and he really just "camped" long enough for the screenshot) now you want to bring up the basement, where you weren't even hooked. You get that straw for your men on sale? You know what I find interesting? Rank 3 survivor, rank 10 killer. Are you sure you aren't just upset because you died to someone you don't consider to be on your level?