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3 gens pop if i get into a chase

Duality Member Posts: 20

Okay so im rank 3 and i get matched whit red ranks

What am I supossed to do if all 4 survivors know how to loop, they know the map the strong pallets the strong tiles etc and all of them are working on different gens, and when i get into a chase it doesnt matter how fast i down the surv (which is pretty damn impossible cause they never run into unsafe pallets or dead zones) im chasing gens f fly.

I really want to know what am i supossed to do?


  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    First of all the first 3 gens don't mean much because the less gens there are on the map (along with pallets smashed during chases) the smaller you defending area becomes. I don't know map names very well but for example suffocation pit (the long slender map with the killer shack on one end and the mine shaft on the other), here you can only defend one side and completely ignore the side with the 3 already popped gens. This increases or rather makes creating pressure easier.

    I am in greens again thx to long pauses and reset. I had a game against a mixture of purple and reds and the first gens flew by but at 1 gen they started to slip up and the map or the defendable area became rather small, but not a real 3 gen. In the end I managed a 3k and giving hatch.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited March 2021

    There are a couple of things you have to accept when you have reached the point where you go up against primarily Red Ranks. This advice is going to sound ruthless, but against a certain type of team, you have to be realistic.

    1. Consider Corrupt Intervention. It doesn't matter what Killer you use, this Perk dramatically narrows which Generators are available at the start, and prevents the Players from immediately getting on four different ones for maximum lift-off. In most cases it allows you to get the first hook (or more) prior to the first Generator going online. At the very least you will have had time to get your bearings.
    2. You have to triage. There are parts of the map that simply are not worth fighting for. I'll use Hawkins as an example, because of the obvious situation. There is no reason whatsoever to fight for what I call the "ugly room," i.e. the far end of the map where the Upside Down is leaking into the world. If you write this Generator off (there will always be one in there somewhere) you have taken a third of your required patrol area away. Let whomever wants to work that Generator do it and focus on other Survivors in your smaller territory. Every map has an area like this, although some not as obvious.
    3. Choose your 3-Gen from the very start. In combination with Corrupt Intervention and writing off the least defensible areas of the map, knowing your 3-Gen and designing your pressure to make sure it stays intact is vital. A lesser known tactic that Killers use is called "Herding." This is a method of pressure and chases which will cause the Survivors to work on the Generators you want them to work on. Survivors gravitate to the path of least resistance, and it doesn't take much for them to 3-Gen themselves. This only works if you are mindful and maintain a clear pattern of Generator pressure early. It isn't obvious, and you are still fighting for the 2/3s of the map that you haven't written off, but you are making sure that when you chase you herd past your 3-Generators sweeping people off them. You break off chases which aren't fruitful so you are not taken out of position to defend those Generators, i.e. never over-extend your thrust. The point is you are leaving weak points in your Generator pressure and the Survivors will naturally lean into it; they will think it is their idea. By the time you get to the last 3-4 Generators you should be able to patrol them all effectively and make a serious fight of it. If you have (and should have) killed 1+ of them by this point, the odds are slugged in your favor.

    The steps above are reliable once you have gotten into the habit. Are they necessary for every game? No. Not all groups of Survivors you face are so well coordinated. It is a good idea, however, to start with these steps and ease off them if (and only if) you discover that you are not facing "Seal Team SWF."

  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486
    edited March 2021
    • Learn a top tier killer
    • End game build (NOED)
    • Lobby dodge if you feel they are try hards. Like, avoid P3 Claudette, Jester Dwight or Legacy clothes.
    • Lobby dodge names that are similar or groups of 3-4 or people that mostly bring all same character (IE clones).
    • Lastly, you could watch killer help videos and learn to be a better killer.

    Just some ideas until you get more comfortable and confident, but some killers will never be able to deal. Another option that some people choose is to derank back down to the fun ranks.

    Post edited by Mandy on
  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited March 2021

    And ignore all of this advice utterly, except for perhaps the Killer Help Videos. More knowledge is always good.

    Post edited by Mandy on
  • Duality
    Duality Member Posts: 20

    thanks for your advice dude, i never choose my 3 gens and i use to snowball all around the map, im gonna try to focus on picking an area and sticking within it.

  • Duality
    Duality Member Posts: 20

    I have played this game around 1k hours in pc and on ps4 another 1k, only like 10 hours on survivor so i would say pretty good but againts good survivors, mha they play very safe.

  • BSVben
    BSVben Member Posts: 256

    The 3 gen advice offered earlier is a good bet. You might want to consider playing more survivor, it might help.

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    The only thing you can do is bring Corrupt intervention, a paid bandaid.

    all survivors jump on gens immediately, that means you have 80 seconds to find a survivor, chase them, hit them, chase them, hit them, hook them, interrupt a new survivor on a generator.

    Say 15 seconds to find your first survivor, 15 for a hit, chase them, get another hit maybe 25 seconds, pick up and hook 10 seconds, thats 65 seconds, go find another survivor in a gen maybe 10 seconds, thats 75 seconds. 2 gens about to pop and the third you just interrupted about to pop too. With no regression it will stay almost finished as well. This is dead by daylight. Those times I listed were generally good times too assuming no net of safe pallets or overly safe areas for survivors.

    People will tell you to split pressure but its hard when maps are so large and survivors are spread out. Which is another reason corrupt is crucial because it shrinks the playing field for 2 minutes.

    I’ve had survivors down within the first 40-50 seconds which should be good but I’ve got 1 hook out of 12 while survivors have 3 gens at around 50%. Basically it’s a lot easier for survivors to do their objective than for you to do yours.

    Corrupt is essential imo as it helps to reduce that huge early game advantage survivors have.

  • Boogiekingmyers
    Boogiekingmyers Member Posts: 44

    First off, dogde lobbies if you suspect a 4 man swf, second you can do is: Facecamp one of them, oh wait you cannot unless you're a Bubba.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,206

    Something is going very wrong in your chases if 3 gens are popping in a chase in pubs. Check out ScottJund, OhTofu, or CrUsh's videos on youtube about looping basic structures. I can almost guarantee you're making fundamental mistakes there.

    I run Corrupt Intervention on every killer. I'd consider it mandatory for high level play. Maps are simply too big to give the survivors free roam at the start. It's a zoning tool too. Once you get someone on the hook, you have less of the map to patrol when Corrupt is up.

    Every killer is viable, but you can't have sloppy chase mechanics with M1 killers.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited March 2021

    boy i play hag and 3 gens pop by the time i'm done setting up.

    Then i just demolish the survivors that go into my setup since they couldn't help but gen rush leaving me to my 3-4 gen.

    As for playing other killers most can't beat a good group of gen rushing survivors only like the top 5 have a reasonable chance which in my eyes are Nurse, Spirit, Hag, Pyramid head, and billy/Oni (same killer to me if they are both good).

    You have to be able to snowball and end chases quickly otherwise you can't keep up with gens. Pyramid head is different as he can bypass perks to kill survivors faster but still has a good chase ability.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited March 2021

    A lot of people have a extremely wrong mindset while playing Killer, people wanting to defend the entire map, not a single gen pop etc. Almost all maps have at least a cluster of gens, sometimes bigger and sometimes very small and obvious (like Azarovs, Suffocation or Sanctum of Wrath).

    1. First of all you NEVER want that cluster gone, even if it means losing 1 or 2 lone isolated gens, isolated gens are low priority, only worth cheking on them when the important ones are secure and you have nothing better to do.
    2. You want every single pallet on said cluster gone so herd Survivors there and get rid of them.
    3. Learn when to break chase and go put pressure on gen jockeys, especially if they are working in gens in dead zones where you have broken every pallet or in the cluster.
    4. If you relied on Ruin you should stop using it, against Reds it tends to last 1 minute or less except if you got one of the maps where totems are hard to find, get rid of NOED if you use it too, its a "participation award" perk and forces you to play with 3 perks to reward you 1 hook in end game, also NOED gives you value even by not equipping it since a lot of Survivors will cleanse Dulls to avoid it even if you dont have it.
    5. BBQ and Chili is a good perk on certain Killers, since I dont know what you are playing if you are using a no mobility Killer (Myers, Jigsaw, Trapper etc) Surveillance or Discordance are much better detection perks, both tell you where and when to apply pressure, knowing there are 2 guys at the end of the map as Myers is of no value since it would take you 20 seconds to reach there but knowing which gens are being worked on so you can go pressure them is much more useful, especially if you have PGTW (the extra BPs are nice tho).
    6. Try to approach gens from a desirable direction, if the right side has a dead zone with no pallets and the left side has a jungle gym, a meat tree, 4 pallets and the shack try to approach the gen from there so the Survivor has no option but to run towars the dead zone or eat a hit, that would almost guarantee a fast hit (then he will run towards a safer tile but at least you cut the chase timer in half), I see a lot of Killers approaching gens from the dead zone instead of taking a small detour to ambush.

    And overall, take what the forum, Reddit and a lot of people say with a grain of salt, this game has a ton of very bad players in both sides (especially bad players who think they are great), certain Youtube streamers can give a lot of good advice and some are extremely good but a lot of what they do needs practice so dont expect to watch a video and being an unstoppable god just by watching some pro with 4000 hours doing it.

    Also being good is not only knowing mechanics and having map awareness its also having good reaction timers and the ability to remain unpredicable (for example almost all bad Spirits attempt to fake the phase the first time you reach a loop with a pallet, good Spirits are less predictable) and that is only gained with practice.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited March 2021

    Not every killer is viable, against a bunch of solo's maybe but not against a good swf group.

    Viable to me means that the killer can do well against a good swf, not top tier players but ones that will beat you if you let up the pressure for a minute or so.

    Trapper, The twins (If the swf knows how to play against them), deathslinger, current wraith without good addons, Legion, Plague, and myers cannot beat a good swf within reason, not saying it can't happen but it's usually from luck or mistakes.

    • Trapper has his power disabled too easily as well as the swf tells the location of his traps.
    • The twins can have their snowball/mass slug spree ruined with lockers, injured body blocking then killing victor and healing, as well as a bunch of perks.
    • deathslinger is only good at 1v1's so slitting gens will result in him losing against good survivors and surprise hits are rare because of communication, this killer also cannot snowball against good survivors as they split up to quickly by the time he gets a down and reloads with his power. He does destroy uncoordinated teams tho.
    • Wraith simply can't apply enough pressure and struggles at loops when they play safe, spine chill also really hurts him against a swf.
    • Legion has nothing to help end chases so good survivors can last too long against him at good loops as the others do gens.
    • Plague is in the same spot as legion unless they cleanes and even then she struggles. (I main this killer I KNOW she cannot beat a good swf without at least them cleansing or you get a lucky snowball with your 1-2 corrupted pools).
    • Myer's while he can snowball and insta down has to build it up and good survivors will be split up when that is nearly ready and he isn't chasing someone, he simply can't apply enough pressure without some luck. He can also be looped like any m1 killer for way too long.
  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,206

    Twins are one of the meta killers in comp play. And I've 3 and 4k'd in competitive play with Plague. You just have to be really good at managing the 1v4 and have good game sense with lower tier killers.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    mate i literally main twins, if they don't cleanse and can do well in a chase you lose altho i do win a majority of my games since getting good swf's are not common.

    The twins simply have too many counters they are not viable. The only reason they do as well as they do now is because survivors don't communicate and they don't know the killers counters. As said if players just used lockers more the twins slugging sprees would be way more rare as when a survivor goes into a locker you HAVE to go to that locker or you simply wasted your own time.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,206

    If they don't cleanse then you have Ruin up in a 4 gen with someone hooked in it. And if you don't have a 3 or 4 gen, something has gone very wrong. There is no chase with the Twins unless a survivor has Victor hostage. Victor wins every tile with Toy Sword/Forrest Stew and Charlotte is there to harrass gens in the meantime. They're one of the most effective killers in the game when played well. They 4k tournament teams all the time.

  • Idontknowtbh
    Idontknowtbh Member Posts: 467

    Take the L and see what you could do better next time. Don't dwell on what was bad and focus on trying something different next time.

    I don't mean it in a rude or bad way.

    I go up against rank 1's that I don't know how to loop and die pretty quickly but I just think of ways I could have played differently and try to incorporate it in the next game.

    All the best

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    If 3 gens pop while you're in chase, find the 3 gens closest to one another, and create the "Killer Zone". Don't chase survivors out of that zone, and don't let them work on gens in that area. Try to hook survivors in the zone unless you have to go out of your way to do so. Corrupt Intervention certainly makes this easier.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    You just need to learn tiles more, know when to chase and when not to, and try and get better at mind games.

    If you were green rank etc I'd say this was unfair but honestly if you're red rank this is the kind of survivors you should be going against. Dbd has 2 walls when it comes to playing killer, the first is just when you start out and you're trying to get a hang of it and the next is when you hit red ranks and the real gamer survivors are appearing every match and you need to adapt.

    Trust me though with practice you'll be able to tackle players like this it just takes time.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Sadly this is why killers whose power helps them in a chase are top tier.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    sure, you do realize i did say lockers right? lockers are everyware.

    Players don't know how to play against twins, i highly doubt your playing in any tournament with skilled teams that understand how to verse twins.

    Also by cleanse i meant as in using pools not hex totems obviously those should be found.

    I can literally make a list of all the counters for the twins if you want, i promise you not even half the survivors you go against know some of these and a lot of them are easy to use.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Boring..... the game shouldn't dumb down to this easy to beat tactic.

    Get hit- heal- go back to gen- get hit- heal- go back to gen Now split this up on the 2 farthest gens and gg killer.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,890

    I wish I could get the survivors you face as team mates. In solo queue you can run the killer for 5 minutes, not one gen will pop, you go down and you see your team mates just wandering around like headless chickens.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,403

    You should not chase all survivors. With 6 hooks someone should be dead.

    But like others said the most important thing is that you need a strong killer. You need a killer who doesnt rely on survivor mistakes and can down fast.

  • killz4fun
    killz4fun Member Posts: 165

    @Duality as soon as you test their looping capabilities you need to decide if invest some time or not..

    There's usually a weaker player, so if you identify him go for him..

    Don't mind using him as bait and tunneling smartly later on..

    On red ranks go for killers that can end a loop quick.. Nightmare, spirit, nurse.. etc..

    Against strong survivors you really feel the 4 on 1 challenge.. it will depend largely on what they do.. so try to lure them into staying in the game and not just fixing gens so fast..