Should i prestige my all killers?

I prestiged level 3 only my survivor main and i dont know what is different.
There is so much killers and i am playing with all of them sometimes ( i have some mains but sometimes trying others too )
Question is should i prestige them all? Because there is so much of them and it is imposible for me. That will need so much BP.
It's not worth it honestly unless you really want the cosmetic. I've been playing this game for years and I've P3'd all my survivors but I'm still working on getting all the perks on them. The grind is just to much that it's more trouble than it's worth.
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You lose everything and gain very little. Ask anyone whose done it, even the top streamers like AngryPug, Hexy, etc. Prestige is near pointless, you can say you did it and thats basically it. It carries no real reward or benefit. It doesn't make you better at the game or anything. So no, I'd say don't do it.
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I must admit I don't prestige anymore, I got the achievement which is the only reason I prestiged. I have all perks on all characters and with there being so many great cosmetics now I don't use the prestige ones that I have either.
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If you want to first get all characters to at least level 50 or at least do this for the killer side
then prestige only when you have over 800k bp
just keep repeating, once at p3 keep leveling them until you get a build you want or until you get all perks for that character.
Is it worth it? that's up to you for some people like me it is very satisfying and worth it as i didn't waste BP for the whole 4 years i have been playing.
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id recommend doing it if you play licensed killers cuz they lack cosmetics
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For killer I only prestiged Mikey because he's my main and I like his P3 cosmetic. Same for Dweet as survivor. They're the only two I bothered to prestige.
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Without prestige i can open all perks right? And good add-ons? Because i saw some people wrote you cant get good addons without prestige
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No you can still get all the addons it's just that when prestiging you're more likely to see better addons by a slight amount of like maybe 1-5 % at most pre prestige, it is noticable.
For perks it's random, as long as you have gotten the teachable version you can get the perk on any character. The only thing prestiging does is make it more likely to see the perk at it's higher tiers for example at p3 level 50 i always see a very rare perk node as long as i have a perk i can upgrade it to very rare (purple).
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yeah Prestiging doesn't make any major difference to items/perks/add-ons. There is a slightly increased chance of getting the better add-ons in the bloodwebs but the prices of them remains the same. You can definitely get good add-ons without prestiging, the increase is slight.
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I've prestiged the killers that I really enjoy playing with since I'm going to be playing with them regardless. Dropping all their perks and rebuilding them has helped me play with sub-par builds and it's a nice change of pace. I've got Doc and Spirit to P3, Clown and Bubba to P2, Hag and Nurse to P1. I'm not gaining anything material from doing it, it's just a neat thing for me to look at and say that I did it.
All this to say that there's only your preference that matters, you won't get anything material that you just can't live without.
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I only prestiged one single character so far (The Plague) and I regret it so much. I'll won't do it again at least until I have every character I want to play with level up and with all perks.
I'd recommend you do the same.
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Only if there is a particular cosmetic you want, otherwise I'm not sure if its worth the grind.
I wanted the docs bloody lab coat so Doc 2
I like Myers bloody knife so Myers 1
Might get clown to 3 because the bloody face kinda fits and is also creepy and not over done. Most of the prestige bloody outfits are just way over the top and not worth the effort. IMHO.
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Unless you have a farm killer that you like with bbq no it will take you months to get every killer p3 eith all perks
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This. Playing with new perks after prestige is so fun. Also very satifying to smash people with yellow and green perks at rank one. Anyway to the OP I started playing about a week after chains of Hate and I have all wait that mean my 1 year anniversary is here oh yeahh. So I have Huntress, Fred, and bubba P3 level 50. I have spirit, Wraith, Pig at P3 just not at 50 yet. The rest of the killers are all around level 30 -32 P2 in one year. My survivors I just did my Baby Gurl Nancy to P3 so far and my Side chick Zarina (Don't tell Nancy). The rest are at level 50 but I will do them soon as I finish the rest of my killers. It really aint that bad theres events to help I made good use out of the anniversary cakes and I work all day only get 2-3 hours max a day. I just don't see a point dumping bloodpoints into a character at first 50 such a waste in my eyes. Hope they come out with some good prestige rewards other than cosmetics and slight better add-ons even tho I would have done it anyway. Might as well spend the BP on something. Can dump BP in a level 50 P3 instead.
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Do it!!
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All my killers are Prestige 3 level 50+. For me, maxing out my killers was worth it. Then again, I'm somewhat of a completionist.
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Only thing you get out of it is bloody clothes. If you want that do it.
If you are pass level 50 on a killer, take note all BP spent passed that point is wasted if you prestige.
That said, my goal is P3-50 all perks every killer. Which is ~4.5 million BP more per-killer than keeping them P0-50. Know the numbers and see if its worth your time.