Thinking about picking up a new killer. Convince me!

I don't have Deathslinger, Demo, Pig, PP Head, Myers, Ghostface, Oni.
I'm told that Ghostface has some decent perks that can be used by others, but that's subjective I know.
What killer would you recommend and why? Who is just fun to play?
Which killers have you played the most?
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I'm recommending this off most fun.
Pyramidhead slinger or Oni.
Oni's most fun for me cause I love mobility and his war roar strikes fear into the dwights hearts, his flick ain't that hard to master either and once you do you'll be unstopable at chases.
Slinger's satisfying if you can shoot.
Pyramidhead pretty much shuts down any chase and if you wanna feel that sense of power and control in a chase pick him up.
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Pig has the highest kill rate.
Myers has a ton of meme builds and fun playstyles. Scratched Mirror is particularly satisfying.
Ghostface is fun when not playing against SWF, and I personally enjoy the killer.
Pyramid Head is very strong and can hard counter DS.
Deathslinger takes a lot of practice, but he's a very powerful killer.
Oni is one of the best killers in the game in terms of mobility, map pressure, and instadown capability.
If you're only going with one, I would recommend Myers for the fun factor. Scratched Mirror, Infinite Tier 3, Tombstone, Ultra Instinct, and all of his other builds are just too much fun.
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When you become skillful with him, he becomes a very powerful killer. He is strong, fun to play as, fun to play against, and his good addons make him stronger but not totally OP. Once you learn how to glide in tiles, he becomes a lot scarier to play as.
You can also run around the map better than billy could ever dream for.
Being an intimidating killer like this is very fun and I would recommend getting Oni and learning how to play him above all other killers.
My next choice would be P head since he is also really fun.
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Death slinger or ghostface. Pig is a close 3rd out of those killers. Deathslinger is a lot of fun to play, he has builds that get a lot of value by having a low terror radius and gen protecting. Like monitor and tinkerer for example.
Ghostface is a decently strong killer depending on how you play him. If you go for brute force and try to constantly stalk survivors you're in for a bad time. Instead focus on injuring everyone and using night shroud to be stealthy. Nurses and bbq are great choices for ghostface.
And lastly pig, she.has great preassure against lower skilled survivors, it is generally best you bring whispers, once it light up and you know a general direction of a survivor go into stealth. She has fun brown addons that let you charge your dash faster i recommend running. She also has a fun build when using amandas letter and an indoor map.
In conclusion if you want to get better at the game go for deathslinger, if you want a killer able to do well against swf go with ghostface. And if you want a killer able to overwhelm average survivors go with pig.
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I win.
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Myers for scratch mirror games. Trust me, it's worth it
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Wraith is straight up better at it now, and will be even more so after his next buff.
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Pyramid head is definitely worth it, ignore the comments from people on the forums or in game saying he's busted or op
His chase music is awesome, his abilities are super satisfying to land, and his abilities and perks give you a lot of room to play him in unique and strategic ways
I think it's confirmed that in terms of lore, the entity doesn't really have a hold over him like the other killers? And imo that comes out in his gameplay, but that might just be me
Ghostface is also super satisfying when survivors let you play the game lmao
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Ah..... I don't know dude, to me (note that it's all down to personal preference) nothing is more fun than scratch mirror myers.
Not talking about how strong it is, just talking about the fun factor
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Demo or Pig - Seriously
They're both super fun to play and have interesting kits.
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Deathslinger, Demo, Pig, PP Head, Myers, Ghostface, Oni.
that's a hard choice. all of them are a lot of fun... besides demo...I think he's a tier of fun below the rest on this list.
I would check their perks to see which you rather have.
deathslingers perks are meh at best.
Demo's are bad with the exception of surge, which is half way decent.
Pig has 2 great perks, one of them being amazing paired with ruin, and also hangmans trick. which is absolute #########.
PP head has the most fun stealth perk in the game imo, trail of torment is so good. but the other 2 are meh.
Myers has STBFL, which is amazing. FWYF which can be good. and dying light...which is bad and only matters when you are already winning anyway.
Ghostface has I'm all ears, which is an amazing aura perk. thrilling tremors which is great for tracking. and furtive chase which no one has been able to find a use for besides michi on a very specific hag build.
Oni's perks are...there... nemesis being the one you'll probably find some use for.
So I would go ghostface.
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Honestly its really up to what you want to accomplish, if you wish to win easily without needing to learn much play Freddy.
But if your looking for fun let me reccomend some of my favorite.
Oni, he's a really strong killer that doesn't need much. Once you master his charge and flick you should be good to go!
Blight, blight probably has my most playtime, along with oni. If im honest, his skillcap is extremely high but with the right tips you can go far with him. He has immense mobility and probably the best killer at catching up in a chase. If you are interested in picking him up go watch scottjunds ultimate blight guide.
Deathslinger, he's an extremely rewarding killer with a really fun power. If you are good at aiming he's for you.
Honorable mention:
Ghostface, i like Danny has a character but im not too good with him, but with the right perks and addon he can be really good. Soo if your willing to place bps into him go for it!
Pyramid head, for me he's a love/hate relationships. Most games i'll do great but there are those games where you get destroyed and if you are fine dealing with that, go for the triangle man!
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Apparently, what I wrote wasn't published... But it was only to say that Oni is fun to play and to go against! I totally agree with your opinion.
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Deathslinger fun, everyone hates you now though
Demo, Fun but not all that strong, can use all sorts of perks- but you won't
Pig, weak against coordinated team, but still fun and decent in most games
Pyramid head, good if you wanna become super serious win your game killer, and pretty fun still, hard to learn imo
Myers, fun as hell, especially with addons, not very strong by any means
Ghost face, good on pretty much every map
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Yeah but I’m saying they are basically the same thing, wraith just does it better.
Both got wallhacks, and both come at you with 0 warning from behind corners on an indoor map. It’s very close to playing the same character.
Its just they use different addons, and wraith is doing it at 125% speed with silent bell + wallhacks and a ~massive~ lunge.
Myers is doing it at 105% with no lunge.
I used to play a lot of scratched mirror Myers but now I’m a silent bell wraith convert. Waaay more fun especially against good survivors; since even once your cover is blown you can still do the loops at 115. And you can come out from behind the corners from way further away and can still nail people at pallets. It’s just better in every single way beyond being more expensive since you need an ultra rare. Try it before you knock on it.
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Don't do it! 😱
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don't buy deathslinger or oni with auric cells as you can get them with shards
as for the licence killers i would recommend Myers because save the best for last is an amazing perk on most m1 killers
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I main Doc and Spirit, after that I enjoy Nurse, Clown, Bubba, Legion and Hag. I do like to spread it out, but always seem to come back to Spirit and Doc.
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If Spirit and Doc are killers you fall back to, I would recommend trying out Oni, very aggressive and strong killer who has a pretty decent learning curve, and is probably the most similar compared to the other 2 killers mentioned.
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Furtive Chase has a distinctive place in the Rancor Roulette meta, I'll have you know.
Not that anyone other than like, 3 people play Rancor Roulette, but still.
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Probably Pyramid Head.
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Out of the ones you listed, I think Ghost Face is the most unique and would definitely be a change. Demo is also a lot of fun to play. Same with Oni too.
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fair enough... XD
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That's what I thought.
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Ghostface is really small portions. You'll be having a blast until you run into a swf that constantly reveal you.