I’m not getting any enjoyment for killer anymore

Killer just doesn’t feel fun anymore, the gens are flying so damn fast my totems spawns are hot garbage and it always ends in getting teabagged. I just want some tips on how to get enjoyment out of killer as its my favourite role and its just becoming more and more annoying to not be able to apply any pressure and to have games that last 5-7 mins.
Thanks to any who help
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Well, one thing that helps me when I'm having a rough day is a nice match of Rancor Roulette.
Rancor, Furtive Chase, and Nemesis, ideally on stealth Killer like Ghostie, Pig, or Wraith.
The entire idea behind the build is to tunnel the crap out of the Obsession, who changes every hook.
If they survive to EGC, either hook them or mori them for extra style points.
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I don't know what rank you are/were but that was my big issue with Red Ranks. Every game would end one of two ways
- I curb stomp the survivors
- The survivors curb stomp me
There never seemed to be any middle ground and neither are very much fun...
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Quit using totems, that’s your first mistake. They are back to RNG garbage after the undying nerf. The only reliable regression anymore is pop.
Two, you gotta tunnel. Eat the DS and tunnel someone out every single game, it’s the most consistent way to win. You are not 12 hooking unless the survivors are absolutely incompetent at looping and also gen phobic.
Run the busted builds and killers too, survivors have no problem spamming keys and DS currently so you might as well.
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Play survivor for a while. Take a lil break onto the easy side of the game.
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@Ruse_Cruise you could play survivor for a while to understand better how they think..
If you are into just getting to red rank use only strong killers..
I play with 7 killers..
3 of them I use when I want to get to red ranked.. (nurse, spirit,the nightmare)
4 Iof them i use just for the fun, but I usually go back to purple rank.. (CLOWN, PH, the plague, Oni)..
This could make your game more fun depending on what you want to take out of it..
I don't recommend totems, and corrupt intervention is a must..
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I know how you feel, only way I found to deal with it is to know that the game is mostly survivor sided, and that there's lot of RNG in the game.
Ignore people that tell you to 'git gud' because not all of are willing to grind 8 hours a day with same killer and same builds over and over again so that we could win.
Turn off that aftergame chat, and just take it easy. Hard to do I know, since most survivors act like hot ######### when they escape as if that's something hard to accomplish with proper build plus a good item which basically acts like a 5th perk. Not to mention comms swf which make most info perks pointless and abundance of 2nd chance perks which are all meta.
It's why most people prefer playing survivor; it's lot easier to 'win', even though it's mostly rigged in their favor.
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solo queue survivor also sucks. my last 2 games were: a rank 1 tapp who suicided when we were clearly doing well, a game where we had a suicide and an afk survivor. too bad i dont have any steam friends
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What made playing killer fun in the first place for you is my genuine question? Whatever it was, try replicating the game play, the mood, or the killer you play :)
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Totems are meant to be high risk, high reward, you take the risk of running one. Sometimes yes, you get a bad spawn, sometimes survivors spawn near them. You can 12 hook survivors who are competent if your skill and experience outmatch them. That goes to another point, matchmaking which we all know is questionable. Survivors do not spam keys, as they know that it's their equivalent high risk high reward.
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If you think that is bad, switch to survivor and witness the bloodbaths. Most killers are able to kill everyone before a gen is completed. Freddy especially. It's not bad for killer, you need to apply pressure a bit better.
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If you're not having fun with the role, it's best to stop playing it. That's really the only way to have the devs get the message.
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My personal tip is to only play for short periods and take long breaks. Just keep an eye on the game for any events or if there's a new killer you want to try. The game becomes less and less fun the more you have to sweat to barely win. This game isn't good for competitive nature and wanting to play killer, it's only endless stress.
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What rank are you?
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If I’m being honest it was learning the game killer is much more complicated and I liked the challenge but I have all the killers unlocked and all the perks, I wish I could just forget how to play and start from that point again
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Yeah I get that feeling when I play survivor really takes a lot out of you and ruins the mood
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1-2 killer 3-4 survivor
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I’ll have to give that a try sounds like a nice change of pace
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I was asking someone else.
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Yeah just realised, sorry bout that
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I use an app called "DBD Randomizer", which not only randomizes the perks but the entire setup for the character. Every game I play I use it, which keeps the game interesting and allows different plays which could make for entertaining builds! Also, it does improve your satisfaction at the end of the game, knowing your setup wasn't planned for optimisation.
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Wow, I run the same exact build when I'm getting through the tough times too. Dead Man's Switch for added fun works good too.
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Okay even in solo usually 3 gens pop even in a bad match stop lying to yourself
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It was you that suggested this on here a while ago right? I started doing it but then started from scratch when moving to steam so I'm prioritising unlocking the required perks so I can get back to some good old R&R 😅
I use those three perks then either MYC or dead man's switch
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Red ranks. All four survivors can be rank 1 and its still the same outcome. Does it matter with ranks? For killer, occasionally you might get a rank 10 killer without good perks and its a little more laid back but its rare.
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Make Your Choice is a decent pick, I use it on Pig for that reason, but on Ghostie, I run Insidious for the lulz.
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Literally be a better killer and I'm sorry that killers are just so ######### toxic and all of you guys with your killers are overpowered baba can rev up his chainsaw constantly either that or any of you killers can't win a single game without perimeter camping the hooks maybe get better at the game or just stick to survivor there's rank for a reason but obviously this damn Canadian gaming company can't do a damn thing right with this game what are they possibly going to do block my account for speaking the obvious ######### all this toxicity and ######### all the killers that can't win a single game without barbecue and chili and perimeter camping the damn hook to ensure a death on the hook come at me fill up my inbox you know damn right it's true.
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This is exactly how I've been feeling. More so this week than most. I find that the tome challenges getting released always brings out the sweatys
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I asked for tips on how to enjoy playing killer again not a rant about how your last game went. Sorry you had to deal with that bubba but if you have any tips I’d be happy to hear them
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I have a tip for this guy:
If the Killer is proxy-camping the hook, just pound out the gens. If he ain't goin' nowhere, don't bother saving.
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Disclaimer: I'm still relatively new to the game, and this is just an opinion but I thought I would chime in. No technical tips or tricks.
I have fun with killer for the hunt. I've learned not to focus on how many survivors I get, I get fun out of chasing them, living in the moment and trying to outsmart them, predict where they're going to go in a chase to cut corners, find hiding ones, even if they wind up getting away. And if they play nice? I play a little nice too. If they stand there and let me hit them, I'll hit them to down and leave 'em there if they still have teammates. If they wave at an exit gate I'll dance with them a little before giving them that hit to send them off. If they use particularly good jukes or are generally fun I may even let them escape even if they wouldn't have.
But I know most people have fun by doing as good as possible. So I understand my way of thinking isn't really applicable to everyone, just thought I'd give my two cents.
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I know what ya mean, after playing it for 4k hours I know the ins and outs lol. I try to put spins or normal things that I play and better myself personally as killer.
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I understand that solo queue is a mess right now, but to say most killers can 4k before a gen is completed is hyperbolic. You're blowing the survivor experience way out of proportion.