Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

I hate this community at times

Just had a match against a rank 10 Huntress and I had a SWF with me who were all rank 18. I’m red ranks so shouldn’t be with these ######### noobs. For some reason I don’t know, they refused to get me off the hook and just sat there teabagging whilst the killer nodded a long. They then let me die and the killer farmed with them. I’ve recorded it as they were on PS5 and I hope they are banned as I cannot stand ######### like this.

Trolling doesn’t normally bother me but I’m feeling petty tonight and I hope karma comes back for them.


  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    It’s just so ######### annoying when you get SWF as your teammates as they blame the random for everything. I literally did nothing wrong and even saved them from hooks so I don’t get why they AND the killer worked together to kill me but then all farmed together? It’s people like this that make me want to just be a killer main lmao.

    Please stop putting rank 18 and 19 survivors in my lobbies please. 😇

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    The only thing I can think of is that I didn’t join in with them farming but I didn’t realise that’s what was happening? The Huntress kept chasing me and losing me, so I didn’t take that as her being friendly. She eventually downed me with a hatchet because apparently my hit box is the same size as an Orca Whale and then I have the Meg and Kate who I both saved teabagging and shaking their head at me a long with The Kuntress. 🙄

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788

    Right there with you man. I usually play a game or two as survivor juat to get the extra daily shards and then I play killer the rest of time. Solo queue is just a dumpster fire most of time and not worth playing.

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    LMAO so true.

    Just been speaking with the killer and they changed their story so much. They’re clearly scared about being banned. Not my problem. 😇

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,840

    just makes it all the more suspicious.

    make sure youve filled in the support ticket too, make sure they get their karma :)

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    I don’t want to give up on playing survivor but it’s getting ridiculous recently. How does the game think putting a red rank survivor with 2 rank 18’s and a rank 19 makes any sense? It was horrendous in every way imaginable lol.

    I’ve had to start running medic builds in order to make sure I get enough BP because I’m constantly put with people who go down within seconds of being chased and I can’t be expected to fix 5 generators and save every person off the hook by myself. 😂

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,840

    let's just say solo matches made me uninstall for the moment :)

    im gonna reinstall tomorrow and pray things have improved slightly but if not, well... I never did finish Pokemon Platinum and Black/White look inviting too.

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    I reported them on the scoreboard screen and then sent my video evidence over a ticket. I couldn’t list all the usernames as it’s 4 people I’m reporting but I mentioned this in the report and the usernames are all in the video.

    I’m such a lenient person so the fact I’m complaining about the current state of solo lobbies says a lot lol.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,840
  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 340

    With that attitude regarding noobs, you probably deserved it.

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788

    I just played a game against legion and the other three survivors would not. Stop. Healing. I was the only one who touched a gen. Thankfully Kindred revealed what was going on and I yeeted out of that game as soon as I was hooked.

    I'm rank 1 survivor and my team was green and yellow with purple legion. Sigh.

    I'm done with survivor for the day :')

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    You know huntress' hitboxes does feel like I do get hit by a ######### whale at times

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,840

    that's because you are, the entity decided the survivors should have a seafood buffet but forgot to remove the supplies from the lockers for the next trial.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    So you're saying you felt like the other survivor and the Killer was ganging up on you? If you don't like the feeling of being ganged up on, err... maybe don't be a Killer main like you're suggesting lol

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    So it’s irrational of me, somebody who’s been playing for almost 4 years to not want to be paired with rank 19/18 survivors? Sit this one out. 🛑

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    I mean, I’ve been a rank 1 killer plenty of times so I have no issue being ‘ganged up on’ but I don’t appreciate the grief by my own teammates because they’re a salty SWF.

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 340

    It's just why should they give you any respect if you already treat them like that? Because you sweated at the game long enough? That's ridiculous.

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    Treat them like what exactly? I called them NOOBS because they are NEW PLAYERS. I also called them NOOBS because I was pissed off they chose to grief me with the killer for no reason. Why are you acting like a rank 19 being paired with a rank 1 is fair for either side? You’re literally being an ass for the sake of being an ass. Here’s the door. 🚪

  • cindlemain
    cindlemain Member Posts: 94

    I get where you coming from with this. Had something similar happen last night where myself, rank 5, and my friend, rank 7, where put with two rank 20s who kept leading the Huntress to us. When she finally caught both of us they kind of just....danced? Around the hooks t-bagging and nodding.

    It was ridiculous to be honest

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    It's sad that you had to deal with this. BHVR need to get a serious grip on the bullying in this game. Regardless of wether the people in question thought they were just having fun, bullying should NOT be accepted by anyone. Especially game devs who seem to turn a blind eye to it far too often. I myself just had the exact same experience from a SWF group who came and t-bagged me on hook and left me to die first hook. The reason? I beat them as The twins 5 minutes before I played survivor. It was just so childish. I mean I've encountered a few survivors who beat me as killer or survivors while I play killer and never felt the need to act a twat to them. Hopefully you don't get this again though. This game should be an enjoyable time for all. Not just a minority of people.

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    That’s honestly so embarrassing on their part. Imagine taking a game that seriously that you feel the need to get ‘revenge’ on somebody who beat you? Lol. I wish I knew why my teammates did it but they had their privacy settings so that you couldn’t message them. How shocking. The killer claims they did nothing wrong, but they literally saw what they were doing, nodded a long and then farmed with them, so how can they not see they’re also at fault? This player base is just so childlike at times. It’s rare for me to get a game nowadays where there isn’t somebody deliberately trying to annoy somebody else.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited March 2021

    I just had a bully killer as well. All I said was ggwp post game and he went into a flurry of insults and slander because I hit him with DS after he tunneled me off hook (and about how I am why it's getting nerfed, even with the nerf it would have still been up I never did anything else).

    Thing is you can't report like 90% of the toxic behavior in DBD, it takes super extremes. The player base is low so they fear losing too many players; so they very rarely take action.

    I've literally tested this. We let a toxic guy stay in our discord and keep playing with us for a bit; and we reported him ourselves after games after he would tell people to kill themselves and everything else- and he was never banned. Not even once. Not so much as a time out.

    There is almost no consequence to being awful to other people in DBD.

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    Funny how it also happened to you with low ranks and a Huntress. She must be bad luck lol. I don’t know how people find joy in trying to annoy others? It’s just such a bizarre mindset to have.

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    The report system needs a complete rework to be honest. It’s such a pain having to record a video, upload it to YouTube and then send it over a form and you don’t even get told whether or not action has been taken. I reported a similar incident just over a year ago where a killer held a grudge against me and he messaged a Bill in my lobby and asked him to lead him to me and they both worked together to kill me. I received a response that they had received my complaint etc but they never confirmed if they had been banned which didn’t make me feel very hopeful.

  • cindlemain
    cindlemain Member Posts: 94

    When we do get grief from other survivors its usually with the Huntress, it's super weird how that goes. Sometimes Legion, but normally Huntress.

    I don't get it either, as my friend and I have ranked up we've run into more and more people doing their best to try and ruin the game, we've learned how to avoid them during a match as much as possible. But it's difficult at times

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Yep. It's pretty sad. I only knew since they were also on ps4/5 and they confirmed it for me. It was super colourful too. I rarely play survivor these days beyond for challenges because of this kind of behaviour.

    I'd say I'm surprised but nothing shocks me with this game anymore. I get the low playerbase but I still can't accept that as an excuse. If I was a dev I'd rather have my playerbase be dead than let people go around cyber bullying. All it takes is to say it to the wrong person who could be suffering heavily with mental health. I know most are just keyboard warriors who wouldn't say boo to anyone irl but there's been far too many deaths over cyber bullying over the yesrs for it to just be ignored by the devs.

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    It’s just been really bad for me tonight in terms of teammates. I shouldn’t feel forced to only play killer either as I enjoy both sides, but it’s almost becoming unbearable. It’s getting to the point where I am entering matches expecting the worst. I’ll see how it goes because I might have to take a break for a while as I’m finding more and more reasons to play something else.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    I mean people were giving them grief about doing nothing about things like this.

    Their response was to straight up abandon the forums. Even the community managers stopped engaging here anymore.

    They just took the cowardly way out and ran away from the community themselves. It's like, if YOU, the DEVELOPERS and your own staff are afraid of the community- why do the rest of us have to put up with it too?

  • cindlemain
    cindlemain Member Posts: 94

    If You need to take a break, then take a break. After I finished the last rift I took about a month off, felt better coming back to dbd after that, was terribly rusty and died a lot, but playing was fun again.

    Another option and something my friend and I do after five plus matches of toxic survivors and killers is just mess around, expecally if you go into a match and your team mates are already trying to screw you.

    If you have someone to mess around with you, it can be fun, we've danced on top of the bar at Dead Dog with Michael, got a Ghostface to pretend to be a survivor while my friend went after us as Felix, stood in the middle of Hattenfield as Quentins and pointed at each other while the Wrath pretended to try and figure out who was who. Every single member of the team plus Ghostface chased me around the map playing tag.

    It doesn't always work out, but when it does it makes us feel better about the game.

    But seriously, take a break if you need to. Your mental health is more important then DBD

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    I don't actually know what happened--obviously--as I'm just speculating over your own speculation regarding a situation you're not totally sure what happened in either, but maybe there's something to that idea.

    The question is where/when did the survivors switch from that usual "run from killer" operating logic to knowing they even could taunt you without the killer immediately downing them right after. And then there's the question of why would they.

    Could it be that the earlier "saves" you got weren't an act of politeness from you, but their politeness towards you? Maybe, having picked up on whatever hints you missed (now including a pattern of HUD/aura information reads unlike any serious game for you to notice), they left those unhooks for you to claim points too. They hoped you'd finally catch-on once the killer returns and notice that nobody else was panicked or fleeing.

    If the situation involves you basically straight up watching everyone else chilling around the killer after the unhook, yet you're the only one running off to the next stun & loop like any normal game--well, okay... I could see them thinking you were actually just some try-hard jerk who just refused to give a friendly killer a 4th stack of BBQ even after getting some saves of your own.

    Also... are you sure it was a SWF? This case might also explain three randoms acting out and taunting you if each was individually aware o f the situation and slapping their forehead as you kept being (or so they perceived) super sweaty instead of wising up.

    That said.... could just as easily be a random group of turds sandbagging for fun without a reason still. All types of people in this game.

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566
    edited March 2021

    The killer wasn’t originally farming. They even confirmed to me that they only started being friendly as they could tell the other survivors were low ranks. They were all on death hook before a single generator was fixed lol. I asked the killer why he nodded as they just teabagged me on the hook and he said he didn’t know why they did that and it wasn’t his fault, but I still think he was a dick for farming with them after they did that. And him nodding along was like he wanted me dead. I didn’t buy anything he said. He was just scared because I said I’d report him. I also knew they were a SWF because one of their profiles showed them all in a party chat together.

    I know when a killer is farming and I’d join in. But he wasn’t farming with me, he was trying to down me and how was I supposed to know he was being friendly to the other survivors when I wasn’t with them? He always found me working on generators by myself. They were just being dicks. I wouldn’t look so deep into it. 😂

  • baby_surv
    baby_surv Member Posts: 11

    This reminds me of a similar situation I had awhile back. I saved someone against a proxy camping hag (with BT) and ended up trading hooks (also something I didn't have to do) with them. The hag didn't try to tunnel them or anything, she just hooked me, giving the unhooked survivor plenty of time to get somewhere safe. For whatever reason, she decided to stay closer than I would have and crouched, injured. Needless to say she was downed pretty quickly, all because of her own stupidity. I guess the hag left her slugged to play around DS and next thing I know this person is at my hook t-bagging. The killer walks up and starts nodding. The 4th person in the match finally comes and unhooks me, only for the killer to tunnel me down, ignoring everyone else. After I was gone the killer farmed with the rest of them. As ######### as it is that's just how disgusting some people in this game are. It's like the elementary school playground, except it's more than one person trying to be the bully. It's around this time I decided to start building up my server and haven't played in solo queue since.

  • SavouryRain
    SavouryRain Member Posts: 340

    This community is mostly garbage.

    Survivors being pricks to killers, killers being pricks to survivors. Both in game and in the forum/reddit. It happens.

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827

    Do you have crossplay off? It's possible they are all friends, it's easy to get your friends as killer with crossplay off

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 830

    Oh nooooo I hate when stuff like that happens! Sometimes I will spectate after my death and everyone is messing around and it makes me feel left out, but then I make myself move on and realize that not every match is going to be fun. I hope you meet the nicer people in the game though, since I have met a bunch of lovely people on these forums and even in matches <3!!! I hope your next matches are amazing and that your matchmaking experience gets better :)! Because if ur next matches are bad,,,

    I will avenge you.

  • cindlemain
    cindlemain Member Posts: 94

    Sometimes you have to take a break or if you have people you can play with and are willing to screw around with you, mess around during the match, expecally if your team mates start off as problems right off the bat.

    At the end of the last rift I took the month off, felt better coming back to the game.

    On a bad night where our team mates or the killer is toxic over and over again my friend and I will be the same survivor stand in the middle of the map and point at each other, often the killer will meme with us or we'll do other things to have fun. Like pretend my buddy is the killer and I run around pallet dropping them.

    Last time we did that the Ghostface thought that was great and left the two being toxic alone and screwed around with us until we got bored and we did gens while he killed them. Sometimes that doesn't work and you just die, but when it comes together it's great lol.

    You have to do what works for you with this game, take a break if you need to, your mental health is more important then DBD