E to ErasE mistakE
E to EnragE killEr
E to ExtEnd chasE
E to ExErt dominancE
E to ExEcute the killEr
E to ExEmpt yoursElf from a chasE
E to Efficaciously EscapE a chasE
E to Easily win
E to End match
E to EfficiEntly makE your EscapE
I hatE dEad hard :)
(No, I didn't just have a bad match, I was just borEd)
E to engage whining
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Why does this game even have i-frames is beyond my comprehension...
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but “Y” tho?
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PrEss E to cEasE your ExistencE
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EA SPORTS it's in the game
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Shoulda gone with
Ea gamEs challEngE EvErything
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Tbh I haven't heard of that one
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missed an E in "yourself". It should be capitalised.
E to ctrl Z is my favouritE.
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got it
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just play blight bounce into a wall next to them wait for them to teleport and get your free hit smh
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E for Exhausted on the Ground.
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This, like 40% of the time I swear
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If you are exhausted on the ground, then you aren't using dead hard properly.
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Just use coup de grace 4head
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yeah I've never been exhausted on the ground while dead harding for distance. Smh survivors should dead hard for distance more and stop complaining about being exhausted on the ground.
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It's not always about distance. I try to use DH to bandaid up latency & frame drops on my console
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E for Event.. Oh right, there arent Events anymore.
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I have it remapped to M4.
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I actually bindEd it to M3
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Finally someone cultured.
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I just got bhvr'd.
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Well i guess blood echo and mindbreaker then.
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sir are you aware that the man in your PFP got a perk that is a direct counter towards E?
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Imagine not binding everything but movement to the mouse
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Challenge bind everything that's not move to E including sprint