10 seconds into the match, killer is already on me

Starting locations in this game are stupid!
How is it possible that the match just started and the killer is already on my ass. Is f...g ridiculous and unfair.
To be honest, this is how every game should be in the first place.
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How is that fair?
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Because the early game is when the killer is weakest. It is extremely common at high ranks to lose 3 gens during the first chase.
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Keeps every player engaged from the start of the game. You can still loop the killer and waste his time and thats how it should be. Not because the killer cant find survivors early on. That's why the devs said they are looking into early game way back.
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The one thing I've noticed is whenever I'm by myself and can't see another survivor in a certain radius and if there is a gen nearby. That I will most likely be found by the killer. As I'm directly opposite of where they spawned and the other survs will be on the other side of the corner of the map.
That's why when this happens to me I'll walk away onto a gen near the middle. As you want to save the more further spread gems for last.
Not to mention it's almost %100 to be found like this on azerovs testing place and suffocation pit.
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Not everyone is high rank. You cant make an argument considering only a small part of the players base
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And this is where your opinion on the matter is no longer valid. Games should be balanced for high level play, but made fairer for low level play. Tournament squads already prove this game is extremely survivor sided unless you play nurse, and even then it only becomes someone more balanced.
I do think there are things that the devs should do to address how strong killers are in low level play. But making it takes longer than 10 seconds to find the first survivor is not it.
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You ran and left scratch marks giving away where you were to the nurse if she hadn't already seen you.
I feel like the killer should never spawn next to a single survivor but a group of 2+ survivors minimum.
I agree with killers needing an earlier first chase but I don't agree with a lone random survivor being randomly selected by the game to more or less be the first person hooked.
Post edited by Warcrafter4 on4 -
I see no problem. First of all, it was 15 seconds and not 10. Second of all you were running and leaving scratch marks. Third off that is a freaking Nurse who can cross half the map in two blinks. Fourth of all you were right near a generator, the most likely spot for a Killer to check.
This is fine.
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1. You ran for no reason, giving your location away while also refusing to fix the gen.
2. Nurse is not a normal killer, she found you quickly because blink.
3. If you had hidden yourself better she probably would have left for another gen since that spawn was unusual.
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That's Nurse for you. Shouldn't have left all those scratch marks, or did you forget about that mechanic?
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You actually managed to prove that the spawns are extremely bad for killer. You actually spawned on a generator you proved the complete opposite of your argument.
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All games should be like this. When a killer find a survivor at the start of the match is skill what dictates how early game will be. When the killer spawn on the other side of the map and a gen pop before he can get there, it's pure RNG and no skill
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That is extremely fair, it's how the game should be. There is nothing wrong with that. Also, that's a nurse on a small map, so she blinks to an area and if she is lucky someone is there, she just got a lucky start... luck works both ways. Often game start luck favors survivors honestly, putting you right on a gen or perfectly spread out.
However, with that being said, you are on wreckers yard I feel you need to bear that in mind.
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well easy answer : you spawned on a edge of the map, it's a pretty common spawning point and killer usually check it first.
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I just had a game as Trapper, spawn at mid bottom of the map, went to left bottom map to pick up a trap and saw all 4 survivors right there. 30sec in and injured 3 of them. Pressure right in the start.
I actually dont like to be chased instantly like this. I prefer a phase where survivors just go for hiding (I love that feeling when Killer uses Corrupted intervention in Lery map, looking for another Gen and heart beat keep coming), I like to have immersive phase)
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umm. I’m not the biggest fan of immersion, but Hiding is still a part of the game.
It’s not that hard to find a survivor early on, I don’t need the entity to spood feed me and spawn me next to someone.
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Its the Nurse. She can cross an entire map in 5 seconds.
You left scratch marks and weren't hidden at all.
If it was anyone other than a Nurse (or you had tried to hide at all) that would have been an amazing spawn location, right on a generator.
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That's your teammates fault. The Nurse might've just been casually moving at the start, but because your teammate fast vaulted a window literally seconds after being able to move she blinked over towards both of you because she knew someone was there
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1 second into the match and 3-4 survivors are often on gens against good teams.
I dont see the issue. Survivors get to start their objective asap they spawn next to gens. Why shouldnt killers get to start their objective early?
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Honestly, this is fair. Every game should be like this.
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sucks but hey atleast you can buy your teammates some time by running him around
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15-16 seconds in, after leaving a bunch of bright red scratch marks all over that rock. Were you not able to bring a neon sign that said "Survivor here"?
I'm kidding, but honestly I am confused why you started running around a rock as soon as you spawned. Do you like to take a lap around each gen before starting it, were you looking for totems and forgot about scratch marks? Whatsupwitdat?
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Where did you see that in the video? I looked 3x and couldn't see that happen.
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I don't see the problem with this.
1. It's nurse so she can travel quickly.
2. She might know spawn locations.
I know spawn locations too and always check there first.
Besides what's wrong with early chases?
I love getting chased and don't mind if the killer finds me quick.
Sure it might be unfun if you're a stealth player or someone who loves gens.
But other than that, there's is nothing unfair about it imo
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At 9 or 10 seconds, if you turn volume up, you hear someone fast vault on the right
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You can't see it, it's offscreen.
But you can hear it at the 0:10 mark.
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Neat, I watched on mute.
So tons of red marks and a fast vault notification. At this point I'm thinking if the nurse hadn't caught him that would be something to worry about.
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Killer side becomes a lot easier once you figure out the spawn algorithm.
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Ah, the killers are biased as always. The majority of this whole forum is killers patting themselves at the back.
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When I said spirit's stand still mindgame needs to go, a few called me survivor biased. If you can bring in an counter argument, then we can have a healthy discussion. Your post adds nothing productive.
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Still couldn't hear it, but probably because I'm at work and can't turn volume up 100% lol
But if there was a notification and its a Nurse, then not really surprised by what happened lol
I had a match a few weeks ago (before Discordance was on SoS) and I was Doctor on Ormond. I was using Whispers and hit Static Blast. I had all 4 survivors in the same corner within 15 seconds of match. More survivors = more map pressure and the above video showed what happened when the nearby teammate fast vaulted (for whatever reason) and it led killer right to them.
The best perk to killers sometimes is your teammate lol
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At some point in life, you are starting to be exhausted by bringing arguments that are ignored by the other side. The most logical thing I can tell you is, of course, killers need to have a harder early game since they have much easier late game. If you want to be in a favored situation through the entire match then you don't expect fair play at all.
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To be honest it can be annoying when it happens alot to you but atleast you know you have lots of pallets and windows to work with because nobody else has used them yet. As long as your team are working on gens and you can give a good chase it's ok to go down BUT unfortunately if the team are not working it can feel very annoying to run the killer for not much pay off in game progression. If you do get chased first just try your best to buy time and use resources wisely. :)
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As a killer main I support this but honestly it's not very fair on some of the newer open maps to spawn in and IMMEADIATELY be facing a survivor 3 tiles away.
Like, I've spawned in as killer on new iron works and as soon as the camera spin stops I have seen a survivor. Not even given a chance to move yet.
This has happened numerous occasions.
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I don't know where you get this idea of killers having a easier late game. It depends on how well you have performed in both early and middle game that decides how difficult your late game will be. Early game is completely dependant on where the survivor spawns and their mistakes. Killer can 'guess' where they might be but it isnt confirmed. Besides getting into chase quickly doesn't automatically make it easier for killer. It only makes it mandatory for more survivors to loop well and waste time.
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Oh please, in the majority of the cases late game with 1-2 generators is played at least without one survivor if you played like a mediocre killer, that's automatically a much easier situation to be in, additionally, if the generators are with a convenient location for you, then survivors have a brought time to finish the last gens. You can even counter early game by picking dysonans. Everything goes down who made more mistakes but if we take median then the late game is the hardest time to finish generators for survivors while the possible locations are reduced as well as the number of a team.
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Reduced distance for killer to cover only increases the safe zones the survivor gets to run to for healing or taking the killer with them. Killer put their experience and skill to get a survivor out of the game while applying pressure at the same time. Where's the skill the survivor put to finish the early gens? More often than not it depends on luck and where the survivor spawns. Survivor might spawn in front of a hex or maybe they spawn at a dead area where they have to move a bit to find a gen. Luck based. You are also forgetting that there are 4 survivors and the killer can only chase one. Yeah, he can push multiple but cannot commit to them and pushing is never sufficient enough.
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was there a burnt offering? if the survivors get spaced out somebody's going to get the short straw
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You are also forgetting, that many killers have the ability and possibility to one shot the survivor, hexes can spawn also in killers favor, and if you are blindly chasing the survivor its only your fault for doing so. You can stop the chase whenever you want and go back to the generator.
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You will eventually have to take the chase though. There will be a situation where you cannot stop chasing every survivor that tries to push you off gens. Default gen regression is 4x slower and there are 3 survivors which means if you continue to give up on chases, the gens will slowly but surely go up in progress until it gets done.
One shotting survivor isn't given for free either. The killer needs to work for it. One thing I can agree with you is the luck element involving hex perks and I personally don't like it either but it is what it is.
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Tournament squads prove that this game is survivor sided. I want to see an average 2K/2E every game at my MMR, but it doesn't happen.
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As has been said there are several factors, you ran from the start and were easy to track, Nurse can cover a lot of ground with those blinks in a short time, and even if you set all that aside, sometimes it's just plain bad luck and it sucks.
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Didn't think about that one. Yeah if the shroud gets burnt, chances are one unlucky survivor is getting burnt too.
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The problem is that on tournaments you have squad of 4 people that know what you are doing. On daily basis, you have survivors that gave up on the first hook xD
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I'm saying the game should be 2k/2e at all MMRs, including high level. There are things devs can do to make the game easier for casual solo survivors while nerfing high level SWF.
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Someone fast vaulted so she went that direction and saw you stood in the open.
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This discussion shows how entitled you are, every game for killer should start like this because you have to spend the first 5-10 minutes looking for survivors to get a good start. Plus, this discussion just shows how toxic or entitled you are, and your gonna most likely be bullied about it.