Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Original Chapter Concept: Cathedral of Eyes [The Gargoyle / Hector Fabre]

Drae Member Posts: 52
edited March 2021 in Creations

My first original chapter concept :) Hope you like it. I've included some easter eggs, let me know if you can find them, they are pretty easy to find anyways :)

Please, if you like this concept, take a look here too:

That's my first concept, a licensed chapter based on Star Trek that includes The Borg as killer and Seven of Nine as survivor. It is still a work in progress but quite advanced in the structure, if you have some suggestion for that too, i'd love to hear them :)

Well, that's all. Enjoy!

New Killer: Guardian Azuael - The Gargoyle

Speed: 4.6m/s - Terror Radius: 32m - Size: Average


Little is known about the abandoned and unfinished gothic cathedral at the center of the small town of Castelroche. Abandoned a few months from completion, it remained in total abandonment until the 18th century, when a mysterious magnate hired the master stonemason and sculptor, Albert Mandrapilias, to make one single addition: a Gargoyle. Not a common gargoyle though. Master Mandrapilias was also an alchemist and his mission was to create a stone guardian that could defend something inside the cathedral for eternity.

Seems that Castleroche disappeared from existence the night after the gargoyle caught his first intruder, a known thief, Hercules Fabre. No one escaped that night. Fabre’s brother, Hector, who lived in another town, also disappeared.


The Gargoyle’s appearance:

A grotesque set of animal parts. The curved body and small wings of a demon; small frog legs; disproportioned humanoid arms and clawed hands; one arm is bigger then the other; a big lumpy and twisted horned head of an elderly man that grins menacingly; a short tail of a scorpion. It limps heavily and sometimes it supports itself with an arm during chases. It can slightly spread the wings when swooping on a prey. Skin ideas: A rare skin for a female succubus body and witch-like head. Very rare skin to change legs and arms with horse hoofs, plus a horse neck and head. Ultra rare skin for a Chimaera appearance: Lion head, feathered wings, a snake as tail; half goat in place of the right arm.


Power: Watcher of the Dies Irae

Petrify: Press the Active Ability button to petrify yourself. While petrified, you cannot move, you are Undetectable and Killer Instinct reveals all survivors that are not crouched or standing still. Every cue from Killer Instinct will build up your power by a small amount. Press and Hold the Active Ability button to de-petrify, giving also a sound cue to all survivors. The Gargoyle is immune to Blindness while Petrified and while de-petrifying.

Heavy Doom: Press and Hold the Power Button to move by jumping at high speed. A jump covers 14 meters and damages every Survivor, Pallet, Generators and Breakable Walls in the immediate proximity of the landing location. Keep holding the Power button to chain multiple jumps in rapid succession. Every jump consumes 20% of power charge. If the Gargoyle consumes all the power bar without damaging survivors, the power will completely recharge in 25 seconds. Damaging a survivor with Heavy Doom will prevent the auto-recharge until the power gets fully charged via Petrify. Colliding with an obstacle during a jump will make the Gargoyle land immediately.


Trivia: Power, Timers and Visual Effects.

Power: The Gargoyle can only jump in a straight line, of course, but it can still turn the body in mid air to prepare the direction of the next jump. The landing will damage everyone and everything within a normal M1 range from the Gargoyle. Obstacles on wich the Gargoyl can collide also include Survivors. The survivor or damageable objects with which the Gargoyle impatted, will receive the damage at the moment of the collision but not from the landing area damage. Collision can halt the jump earlier, triggering the landing animation. Every Killer Instinct cue charges 2.5% of the power per survivor.

Timers: Petrify will toggle on instantly. De-petrify takes 2.5 seconds. Charging time to start a jump takes 1.75 seconds. The Gargoyle will be stunned for 1.5 seconds after landing. Subsequent chained jumps after the first do not trigger starting charging time and landing stun time will be triggered by only the last jump of a chain.

Visual and Sound Effects: The Gargoyle will petrify itself in sitting position like a watchdog. When de-petrify, The Gargoyle’s rifts on his body will faintly glow with orange light. The Gargoyle jumps on all four, similar to a frog. The landing animation will also rise dust and make the survivors’ camera tremble slightly. De-petrify sound cue for survivors is a sound of rumbling rocks in the distance. Terror Radius/chase soundtrack should be a distorted version of the “Dies Irae” set of notes, a mix of Giuseppe Verdi’s Messa da Requiem and Franz Liszt’s Totentanz in its sound.


Perks: The Gargoyle's perks "Broken Ribcage", "Hex: Court of Eyes" and "Blood On The Steps" empowers the Killer through blood and take advantage of injured survivors.

  • Broken Ribcage: Injured survivors cough louder when crouched by 25/50/75%. Survivors that perform rushed actions while injured, receive the Exhaustion status effect for 15 seconds.

"Divine justice is a clawed paw of stone that crushes your lungs."

  • Hex: Court of Eyes: When this totem is cleansed by a Survivor, Killer Instinct reveal all survivors until one of them receive a hit from the Killer. Injured survivors revealed this way suffers the Hemorrhage status effect until healed. After this totem has been cleansed, for the remainder of the match, Survivors afflicted by Hemorrhage that start cleansing a dull or hex totem are revealed by Killer Instinct for 2.0/3.5/5 seconds.

“Can you feel the blood pumping in your veins as the Cathedral’s eyes weigh your soul?”

  • Blood On The Steps: The Killer siphons blood pools from the Terror Radius area. After siphoning 50/40/30 blood pools, the perk activates. The next time a survivor is put in dying state, gain 5% speed for 20 seconds, then the perk is deactivated until refilled.

"My poor brother Hercules! Of him, only dirty tiles remains!" - Hector Fabre



C - Rough Stone: Heavy Doom damage also inflicts the Hemorrhage status effect. It persists until complete heal.

C - Hercules' lost shoe: A faint aura reveals the landing area of Heavy Doom.

C - Bronze Eyeball: Slightly Increase power charges gained from Killer Instinct, while petrified. (+0.5% per second, per survivor)

C - Mason's Chisel: Slightly decrease the time needed to de-petrify the Gargoyle. (-0.5 seconds)

U - Dusty Shockwave: Survivors damaged by Heavy Doom landing suffer the Blindness status effect for 30 seconds.

U - Rotten Pigeon: The Gargoyle can glide through Breakable Doors without landing. Destroying a Breakable door this way will consume 20% power charge.

U - Silver Eyeball: Moderately Increase power charges gained from Killer Instinct, while petrified. (+1.0% per second, per survivor)

U - Mason's Hammer: Moderately decrease the time needed to de-petrify the Gargoyle. (-1.0 seconds)

R - Rotten Bat: After landing, reveal the aura of Survivor within 8 meters for 3 seconds. Jumps will cost an additional 5% power charge.

R - Golden Eyeball: Considerably Increase power charges gained from Killer Instinct, while petrified. (+1.5% per second, per survivor)

R - Mason's Draft: Considerably decrease the time needed to de-petrify the Gargoyle. (-1.5 seconds)

R - Deep Crater: Survivors damaged by Heavy Doom landing suffer the Hindered status effect (10%) for 15 second.

VR - Mason's Masterpiece Draft: Survivors will not receive the sound cue when The Gargoyle de-petrify itself.

VR - Scattered Shrapnels: Heavy Doom will cause the Mangled status effect. The effect persists until the survivor is healed.

VR - Stone-Feathered Wings: The Gargoyle is Undetectable while not using Heavy Doom.

VR - Hercules' Pulverized Skull: After inflicting damage with Heavy Doom, The Gargoyle can perform one last jump, for free.

UR - Hercules' Squashed Heart: While the Gargoyle is petrified, the Terror Radius affects the entire map. Survivors can no longer prevent The Gargoyle from obtaining "Petrify" Killer Instinct cues.

UR - Iridescente Retrieved Tithe: You become Obsessed with one survivor. The Obsession is put in dying state when hit by Heavy Doom. Grants the ability to kill the Obsession if they are the last remaining survivor.


New Survivor: Hector Fabre

“Time is nothing in this fog. Day by day, I walk this cursed land, chased by the stone creature that killed Hercules. “

“When first I arrived in this reality, I saw the infinite souls trapped in this unholy madness. I hoped to find my brother but sadly this is no afterlife. A kind woman, Claudette, healed my wounds and many other taught me the many ways to resist the so called Entity. The our trial started. Oh brother, this is no afterlife. It is far worse.”

“It was hard, at the beginning. But soon I learned to repair those strange machines, to hate the sight of those bloody totems of skulls. I will resist. I will resist until the end of the world.”

-Fragments from Hector’s diary


*a monstrous screech answered*


Hector Fabre’s Appearance:

A man in his 40s. His long dusty black hair and his untrimmed beard are symbols of his life among the poorest people. He is dressed like a 18th low class citizen, with a brown coat and gray rags for pants and shirt. Skin Ideas: A rare skin 18th nobleman set. An ultra rare skin of a cartoon style thief set composed by a black mask for the eyes and a black and white striped inmate suit.


Perks: Hector's perks "Stolen Tithe", "Give Me Sanctuary!" and "Cornered Prey" rewards the abandonment of immobility with wealth and small blessings of speed.

  • Stolen Tithe: You Gain 500 bloodpoints for each Offering burnt for the match by all players. Increase the chances to become the Obsession. Your starting equipped item has the charges increased by 2/4/6% for each Offering burnt. If the Killer kills or sacrifices you while you are the Obsession, they gain 500 bloopoints for each Offering burnt. When you are the Obsession, the Killer can hear the sound of the stolen money in your pocket while in chase with you.

“We are rich, brother! …wait…did you heard that?” -Hector Fabre

A brief comment on Stolen Tithe: it was my intention to try to propose minigames in form of perks, instead of the usual weak perks. Do you like this idea?

  • Give Me Sanctuary!: If you are the last survivor in the trial when the Killer closes the Hatch, this perk activates: You gain the Endurance Status Effect and a 18/24/30% Exit opening speed bonus. If the Exit Gates get powered or you get hit by the Killer, this perk deactivates.

“Please, no! Give me sanctuary! Give me sa-“ -Hercules Fabre’s last words

  • Cornered Prey: Standing still crouched for 5 seconds, while in the Killer's Terror Radius, will muffle grunts of pain by 25/50/100% until you move again. Leaving the crouched position will grant you 150% bonus speed and you will leave no scratch marks or pools of blood for 3 seconds. Causes the Exhaustion status effect after use, for 60/50/40 seconds.

“That thing. It was looking for me, still covered in my sweet brother’s blood. The columns hid me for a moment but, in the end, I had to try one last time to get to the catacombs…” -Hector’s diary.

A few words for conclusion.

This concept is the first chapter of a longer collection interconnected in the plot. Master Albert, his "children" and Hercules Fabre are coming soon, extending the lore started in this chapter.

See you soon!

Post edited by Drae on


  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 618

    I really like the Gargoyle and how its power works, and have no problems with the power itself.

    The perks, however, are puzzling at times.

    Broken Ribcage: This one is literally just Stridor but worse. Ways I'd buff it maybe would be by making it reveal Killer Instinct on injured Survivors who are within a certain radius of the killer?

    Hex: Court of Eyes: Court of Eyes is... good? But really situational and the numbers assigned to what it does do are really odd and kinda bad. Hex: Retribution does the same thing it does but better, and it reveals auras AND doesn't have to be destroyed for its effect to work. Maybe really REALLY extend the time of Killer Instinct, and make it so it works until it's destroyed rather than after, as well as not limiting it to totems. Another way you could improve it would be to make it show Killer Instinct on Survivors when they enter a certain radius around a Hex totem? Maybe 8/12/16 meters?

    Blood On The Steps: Pretty good in general, though overshadowed incredibly by Save The Best For Last. The concept itself is great though!

    Overall, cool killer! I'm sure the survivor is great too, but I mostly focus on reading through the killer's abilities and perks for stuff like this.

  • Drae
    Drae Member Posts: 52

    Wow that was quick! Thank you very much! really appreciated. May i ask you some suggestions for the perks?

    I'd like to explain you my thoughts about those perks. The first perk is generaly always pretty weak in every in game killer. I like the idea of tiny support perks, but yes i can buff it up easy. I wanted Hex:Court of Eyes to be a trap totem like Haunted grounds that gives informations during the match instead the exposed effect. If i put effects during the cleansing, no one would break it. Save The Best for Last is a great problem. It is so strong that probably in future will be impossible to create new perks that give bonus on successful attack cd. There are only two possibilities to make those perks viable: make them weaker to support Save the best for last or make them unstackable with STBFL. I don't like unstackable perks, they kill build ideas and variety. That's why Blood on the steps is made this way. Do you have some ideas to solve this issue with STBFL?

    I'm so happy you liked the power, i was really curious to know opinions on it.

  • Drae
    Drae Member Posts: 52
    edited November 2020

    I don't know why my first comment disappeared :/

    anyways, thank you very much! that was quick! Can i ask you some suggestions for the perks?

    I'll explain myself on them. I liked the idea of the first perk to be really weak, to be good only as support at best. Many in game killers have one but yes i can buff Broken Ribcage up easy. I wanted Court of eyes to be a trap totem like haunted ground, with revealing powers instead the exposed effect. Effects during cleansing are too easy to read for survivors. i want them to cleanse it. STBFL is a big problem. Is so strong that is nearly impossible to create other perks that give bonus on successful attack cd. There are only two ways to make new perk viable: make them weaker support perk for STBFL or make them unstackable with it. I don't like unstackable perks, they kill build ideas and variety. Do you have some suggestions on this problem?

    I'm so happy you liked the power, i was really curious about it! thanks again!

  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 618
    edited November 2020

    I'm glad I could help with stuff! I'm up to offer any suggestions I think off.

    STBFL is incredibly powerful, yeah, so that is a big problem for Blood on the Steps. For Blood on the Steps, I guess I could offer 2 ideas. One for if you want it to decrease successful attack cd or if you just want to keep the concept.

    First one: For every 3 seconds you're standing within 6 meters of a blood puddle left by an injured survivor, you gain a token (up to a max of 10/15/20 tokens.) The next time you land an attack, the attack cooldown will be decreased by 5%. When you land an attack, all tokens on all perks you have are lost.

    My thoughts for this one were basically just "more situational than STBFL, but stronger", hence why it can entirely remove the attack cooldown sort of easily. But since it can do that, I had to give it the drawback of removing all tokens on every perk you have.

    Second one: While you're standing within 6 meters of a blood puddle left by an injured survivor, Killer Instinct highlights that survivor, as long as they're not crouching.

    This one is a lot weaker, but of course it could be altered in any way since the only stipulations are that it has to deal with blood puddles, and it can't decrease attack cd.

    Forgot to talk about Court of Eyes, oops. Yeah it works as a trap Hex, but it's so much weaker in its current state than Haunted Ground. It's only one totem, shows Killer Instinct instead of auras, and shows it for very little time. Again, like Hex: Retribution but worse. If you want to keep the idea of a trap hex, I'd recommend something like this:

    Hex: Court of Eyes - 2 trapped Hex totems spawn on the map. When a Survivor goes within 4 meters of a trapped totem, Killer Instinct is shown on them for 3 seconds. If a trapped Hex totem spawned by this perk is broken, the other breaks as well, and the Survivor who broke it has Killer Instinct shown on them for 8/16/24 seconds. All survivors for the next 120 seconds who go within 8 meters of a Hex or Dull totem have Killer Aura revealed on them.

    The idea of this one is similar to yours, just I guess making it more similar to Haunted Ground and then buffing the numbers by a lot.

    I hope some of these help, and that you like some of the ideas I offered!

  • Drae
    Drae Member Posts: 52
    edited November 2020

    So, i've made some changes in the killer's perks.

    • A minor buff on Broken Ribcage localization effects.
    • A more important buff on Killer Instinct duration for Hex: Court of Eyes. This want to be a control buff, an experiment. I want this updated version to be the real base for a more important rework if needed.
    • I've reworked Blood On The Steps. For the next killer, i've programmed to add a similar perk focused on chases through vault ecc ecc. While i'm trying to decide what is the best way to deal with the STBFL problem, i've exchanged the two perks.

    thank you again for your suggestion. Those are giving me a lot to think about.

  • Drae
    Drae Member Posts: 52

    Took me some months to solve some of the problems i left on the Gargoyle. I think i found good solutions overall.

    -Blood On The Steps REWORK(Killer):The Killer siphon blood pools from the floor in a area 6 meters wide, centered on them. For every blood pool siphoned, the killer collects a token. Each token provide 5% Vault, Pallet break and Breakable Wall break time reduction. 25/50/75% maximum bonus. All tokens are lost after performing an attack.

    The Killer siphons blood pools from the Terror Radius area. After siphoning 50/40/30 blood pools, the perk activates. The next time a survivor is put in dying state, gain 5% speed for 20 seconds, then the perk is deactivated until refilled.

    -Broken Ribcage REWORK(Killer):Injured survivors cough louder when crouched by 25/50/75%. If survivors spend more than 45 seconds outside the Killer's Terror Radius, while injured, Killer Instinct will reveal their location for 1.5 seconds

    Injured survivors cough louder when crouched by 25/50/75%. Survivors that perform rushed actions while injured, receive the Exhaustion status effect for 15 seconds.

    -Cornered Prey REWORK(Survivor):After standing still crouched for 2 seconds, your grunts of pain are reduced by 25/50/100% until you move again. When starting to move again, you will move at 150% of your speed, you will leave no scratch marks or pools of blood and your normal breathing and grunts of pain become louder by 50% for 3 seconds. Receive Exhaustion status effect after use, for 60/50/40 seconds.

    Standing still crouched for 5 seconds, while in the Killer's Terror Radius, will muffle grunts of pain by 25/50/100% until you move again. Leaving the crouched position will grant you 150% bonus speed and you will leave no scratch marks or pools of blood for 3 seconds. Causes the Exhaustion status effect after use, for 60/50/40 seconds.

    -Gargoyle's Power REWORK: Heavy Doom will no longer cause the Mangled status effect.

    -Gargoyle's Add-On "Scattered Shrapnels" REWORK:Heavy Doom landing no longer inflicts the Mangled status effect. Instead, it inflicts the Broken status effect. It persists for 45 seconds.

    Heavy Doom inflicts the Mangled status effect. It persists until the survivor is healed.

    -Gargoyle's Add-On "Hercules' Pulverized Skull" RARITY CHANGE: VR, from UR

    -Gargoyle's Add-On "Hercules' Squashed Body" REWORK: VR - Hercules' Squashed Body: While The Gargoyle is petrified, all survivors hear a distant Terror Radius.

    UR - Hercules' Squashed Heart: While the Gargoyle is petrified, the Terror Radius affects the entire map. Survivors can no longer prevent The Gargoyle from obtaining Killer Instinct cues.

  • LittenKitten
    LittenKitten Member Posts: 51

    The Gargoyle power is very interesting, and it seems quite balanced. I think this is a great idea and I'm surprised no killer has ever had any power like this.

  • Drae
    Drae Member Posts: 52
    edited March 2021

    Thank you really much! i'm particularly proud of Gargoyl's power but i think it is still improvable. I will work on it some more

  • Drae
    Drae Member Posts: 52

    A new "patch" is ready! A small rework and some visual additions!

    -Give Me Sanctuary! REWORK (Survivor): staying in the basement for 10 seconds will recharge the equipped item by 50/75/100% and also will provide you 5/6/7% Haste Status Effect fo 10 seconds. This Perk will deactivate after use.

    If you are the last survivor in the trial when the Killer closes the Hatch, this perk activates: You gain the Endurance Status Effect and a 18/24/30% Exit opening speed bonus. If the Exit Gates get powered or you get hit by the Killer, this perk deactivates.


    Ok, i'm no artist and i'm not able to draw on pc. I've created these placeholders by using parts of the in-game perks. Quite happy of the result but, of course, they lack any visual flavor from the Gargoyle. At least they look somewhat in theme with DBD. These are patchworks.

    Broken Ribcage: Actually, there is no in-game perk that has the same exact broken bones visual theme of this perk. So i've simply put together a claustrophobic icon to reacreate the sensation of short breath.

    Hex: Court of Eyes: Pretty close to my original idea. Maybe one day i will update it to be more gore-ish.

    Blood On the Steps: This one is nearly perfect in catching my idea for the icon. No Gargoyle/church theme but i'm satisfied with the result.

    Broken Ribcage

    Hex: Court Of Eyes

    Blood On The Steps