Killer tier list based off ultra rare add ons

This isn’t based off the strength of each killer’s base kit, this is only based off what kind of impact that their ultra rare add ons have on each killer and how they compare with other killers’ ultra rare add ons. This one was a tough tier list to make because I normally don’t use ultra rare add ons so I might have gotten a few wrong here.
If we're going purely by Ultra Rares, I would move Pig down to the bottom of C, if not D outright. Both her UR add-ons are bad.
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How is Nurse not F tier? She's the only one whose Ultra Rares I actively avoid unless I decide to make an ultimately futile attempt at From the Void She Kills. Both of them seem straight up detrimental to her kit. Especially the one that removes wall phasing. If you start in a multi leveled map (Haddonfield, Midwich, Gideon), you're stuffed.
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Rule Set No. 2 isn’t bad. Amanda’s Letter I agree with is very bad and I would only run it on an indoor map.
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Rules Set No. 2 at best does very little and at worst gets Survivors to stop respecting RBTs, which is bad for Pig.
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Don’t have an F tier but probably should’ve put one for Demo. His ultra rares make no sense I can’t really put Nurse’s in with his.
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That’s fair. It is still better than the killers in C and D tier tbh.
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At least his Ultra Rares don't directly nerf his power... I can understand how the Liprose Lichen can be considered nonsensical. First the injured person has to be unlucky enough to be in your path mid teleport, then, without being able to see the environment, you'd have to memorize their location and head there, at which point they've probably already healed or moved on.
Granted I don't know the precise numbers for the Red Moss, but increasing the duration of any Undetectable effect is almost always useful, and could possibly help in hiding the portal. And in a game that constantly requires you to pressure almost every portion of the map at once, constant available teleportation is great as well.