Can you still unlock Bubba's Masks?

I've LITERALLY been face camping claudettes for the last week straight to get the mask and I still aint got ANYTHING!
Keep facecamping them, you're doing god's work out there buddy
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I will until i get that DAMN MASK!
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Someone mentioned that unlocking the Claudette and Dwight masks wasn't working a little while back.
... So you can keep trying for it, but I'm fairly sure it won't be unlocking.
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Pretty sure they work.
On a side note, I want MORE "Collectible" survivor faces. Imagine bubba running around with Ace's face, including the sunglasses, or Nea's face.
It's a fun little side-mission of sorts.
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Imagine Quentins face O.O
that would bring the horror aspect in this game up a few levels
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Might help to keep track of how many kills you got by writing it down or something. Claudette survivors are the most common to run into so it shouldn't be too long. That being said, when I was trying to get these masks I got Meg's first, then Claudette's. Jake's last, not because they were more rare to run into....(they were, btw)...but because they actually played better.
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I counted 40 sacrifices of Meg using Leatherface over the last few weeks and her face mask still has not unlocked so I gave up. Either they have raised the number of sacrifices needed or it's bugged.
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Omg poor Quentin 😂 I don't know why that was so funny to me...
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I feel like I've have killed more than enough megs for the mask as bubba and still not got it so I'm not sure if it's bugged
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Hold up. Is this an actual thing? If so, that is so cool. XD
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@itsPina I stand corrected. You have to sacrifice a character 25 times each per face, per character. So 25 Dwights for Dwights' face.
Post edited by AVoiceOfReason on0 -
Are you sure about that?
i thought I have read before that you need 100 sacrifices of said character while playing LF to unlock the mask..
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You need to sacrifice the specific character I believe 25 times IN THE BASEMENT in order to get the masks.
Wiki says it's only sacrificing them 25 times.
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@Mooks Nah. I got Megs' quickly on PS4. I have never heard of the sacrifices part. Just the chainsaw part. Once I started to chainsaw, I got the faces' quickly. Pretty sure it was mentioned on a dev stream around the time Leatherface was released on how to unlock the faces. @NotQueen @Almo Do either of you mind enlightening on us on how to unlock the faces for Leatherface? Isn't it chainsaw downs? 25-30 per character?
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Judging by this thread alone there is a lot of confusion on this. And I wasn’t aware of this game when LF was added so never watched the older dev streams..
if it really is only like 30 downs per char I will try it, currently i don’t have any. But I rarely play LF..
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@Mooks I stand corrected. It's 25 sacrifices per character. You have to sacrifice 25 Dwights for the face of Dwight and so on and so forth.