My Official Killer Tier List

Greetings my fellow forum members, before the new chapter comes out next week I decided that I wanted to finally give my official tier list for all the killers we have in Dead By Daylight. Now I could give my reasoning as to why all killers are ranked where they're at, but I don't really want to make an excessively long post. Everyone who's got thousands of hours in this game, basically know the strengths and weaknesses of all killers. But I'll describe the tiers as to why killers are ranked in their respective tiers.

S Tier - Strongest Killers

A Tier - Killers that have really good chasing powers along with map pressure, but can struggle against really good survivors.

B Tier - Killers that have pretty good chasing powers, but have zero map pressure.

C Tier - Killers that can be both good and bad in some areas. But have issues that need to be addressed, in order to make their gameplay more enjoyable.

D Tier - Can be decent, but definitely quite weak. Improvements are definitely needed.

Whatever you want to rate them - I don't enjoy the playing Twins honestly, just find their gameplay just outright boring. So whatever you want to rate them is fine with me honestly.

? - With upcoming Qualify of Life changes for both Blight and Wraith in the new chapter, I'll have to really think of where I want to rank them once I see how they perform. Before I had Blight leading the pack at A Tier then at the very bottom of A Tier, and Wraith being at the very bottom of D Tier.

Since this is my first Dead By Daylight Tier List, I'm quite excited to see all the agreements and disagreements with where I have certain killers ranked. So let me know what you think!

(JUST TO NOTE) - I'm not gonna include Trickster until he officially releases, wouldn't be fair for the pretty boy to be unfairly ranked before he releases.


  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158
    edited March 2021

    Wraith I'd put in B for now and see how he performs with his buff. If he is A worthy.

    Blight is straight up S tier after his buff.

    I'd put hag one rank lower. She is a noob stomper. Her biggest weakness are good survivors and unlike nurse and spirit, her power gets countered by flashlights.

    Come on, Myers should be at least C

    Twins... A tier or at least B

    Billy in A ? Are u confusing movement with chase powers? He ain't Oni.

    PH has A potential

    Pig should be B, her innate slowdown is great.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    I love clown as much as you probably do but he’s not as good as plague

    Good job putting Myers at D most people overrate him

    Id put Ghostface down to C since he has to chase as an M1 killer a lot

    Pig could go in D just due to her power being addon reliant and rng based

    Otherwise very good!

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Myers just can’t do well against competent survivors just like trapper

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534
  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031
    edited March 2021

    I think Hag is definitely S Tier because of how insanely strong her traps are, especially if you strategize how you are going about using them. And pretty much every killer is a noob stomper honestly.

    Myers will stay in D Tier until he gets buffed

    Billy's still strong even after his rework from last year. He has map mobility, can make loops unsafe if you're good at curving, and if you're smart enough at not letting yourself overheat. He's still strong, definitely not B Tier since people hate that they can't do charge time + engravings anymore.

    Pyramid Head is good, but he can't stop a full on team of good survivors. The tournament that Hexy did even showed it.

    Pig is a reasonable C Tier for the time being

  • UnentitledBunnyMan
    UnentitledBunnyMan Member Posts: 313

    They added tons of items to nerf Billy, for example those small branches on the trees, only effect Billy and if survivor run around a tree, Billy always stun on those branches.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Normal trees can be curved around easily and those branches you just have to remember

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031
    edited March 2021

    The problem that I have with Plague is her inconsistent power, and her fountains basically being RNG based just like Trapper's traps. She's to inconsistent with the servers because her puke whether it be vile or purge just acts like the survivors have an invisible barrier behind their backs. If the devs ever get around to giving her quality of life improvements, she'll definitely move up to B Tier for me.

    Mookel is basically Budget Decrease GhostFace.

    I thought for awhile of wearing I wanted to put GhostFace before submitting the Tier List, at first had him at C then changed my mind to B. Reasons why is he's so good at stealth, and if you're good at marking survivors can catch them off guard and get a free down. Also doing hit and run is pretty good for him.

    Pig isn't that bad like everyone says imo, but she definitely isn't the best either. Even if her traps are at times RNG, it's still slowing down the survivors at least.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Plague is pretty inconsistent but with the right perks survivors will cleanse a lot

    Ghostface’s 30 second cooldown base is just too much for me to put him that high

    Pig is too inconsistent and her lack of anti loop really hurts her

  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306

    They nerfed his FOV and radius when starting the chainsaw to 90 degrees

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Fov I’m not too sure about but they never mentioned the degree change and I can still curve wherever I need to

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I agree with most of it. Id say Plague and Legion are better than Clown though. Not had much experience against Twins but they've wiped the floor with my solo team both times I faced them.

  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306

    i saw a vid where mclean mentioned something about fixing it along with the animations,before you could go 360* with the chainsaw,now only 90*. They shadow nerfed hillbilly along with the official nerfs,they haven’t fixed anything

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Doesn’t really change the fact he’s still a great killer

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Still has great mobility and an decent chase with fast pallet breaks and instadowns. Definitely A tier

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    Well Huntress has some maps where she can struggle to get survivors, Clown's pretty good on a lot of them except the newly Pallet Plant map.

  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306

    Instadowns are hard against good survs because of the small fov when reving the chainsaw, add the weird surv movement due to the dedicated servers

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    This gave me an idea of playing swf but everyone has the pallet replenish perk, the new pallet exhaustion perk, windows of opportunity, and something else obnoxious on gideons. It would be miserable but mildly hilarious

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    I definitely plan on trying that once I get that perk, hell people are probably gonna be burning Game map offerings the day of the new chapter.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Yeah im sure that's true. I would run a swf squad doing that but have all of us be on the same page mostlynjust having fun with the killer and not tryhard with it. I know as a killer I'd be pissssed

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    You can always run shadowborn if you have problems with FOV. A lot of hillbilly’s use it

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    I think I see bias might just be me though

  • tomas11403
    tomas11403 Member Posts: 121

    I disagree with almost everything you have said here. If we are talking about facing optimal survivors, Wraith has barely changed. Yes, I think he will be stronger. But, at the end of the day, he has no power once he is uncloaked. He is a 115% ms killer who only has perks/mindgames to help him, and the top tier of survivors will literally run him all game, even if the person playing him is very good. I think he moves up to C tier at most.

    I agree that Blight is very strong, but he doesn't have Nurse/Spirit potential. Until another killer comes around who is fundamentally unique, they are the only two who qualify for S tier. Blight is 3rd strongest in my opinion.

    I partially agree on Hag. She isn't just a noob stomper, but also a Solo Queue stomper, no matter how good the survivor team is. That being said, a coordinated swf can leave her with 0 hooks the entire game if they play properly.

    Myers is deservedly in D I think, his power is terrible. He starts out at 105%, and only after he is out of that does he become a base 115% killer; already a setback. That would be fine if his highs countered out the lows, but T3 is incredibly weak. It's literally just an instadown+longer lunge+faster vault. A good survivor playing safe can avoid a hit very easily, and the amount of time you spend stalking rather than chasing is just too much.

    You are right that Billy doesn't go in A (as much as I hate to say it as a Billy main). I would say he is B tier. Very good mobility. Decent chase potential, but quite counterable. Also relies on engravings vs. good survivors. The part of that statement I have an issue with is Oni. What I was saying about Wraith earlier makes Oni much weaker than people think. He does well when people can't avoid getting hit, but 4 good survivors can consistently get 3 gens before Oni gets a hit, or at least 2. Yes, his power is strong, but smart teams will stay split up to limit its value.

    Twins are similar to Hag, a coordinated team will make her B tier, but Solo Q will get stomped.

    PH I can agree with, a high B or low A is fair.

    Pig has a mediocre slowdown with a frankly terrible chase mechanic. There are so few loops where the Ambush works and just a simple m1 doesn't, that most games you won't even effectively use it. Therefore, she is very easily looped, and has a very low potential, even with her RBTs.

    Just my opinions, coming from someone who has seen a lot of high level gameplay.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    I'd put Hag in A tier. She's a solo destroyer but only Hags of Michi's level can really compete with SWF's, and they won't beat tournament guys in serious settings. When a killer is exceptionally good vs solos but falls flat against organized teams, the power is probably badly designed and need fixing. Still, very strong with lots of skill, but not S tier IMO.

    Blight is a very difficult subject. I do believe an optimal blight with DPI abuse is superior to Spirit, as he can pretty much hit you anywhere at anytime with little you can do about it. The difference is that Spirit pretty much cheats her way through strong teams with her stand still bullcrap while Blight can still be predicted (but once again, DPI abuse + absurdly high skill can make EVERYWHERE unsafe).

    I would not put Clown over Plague. She may lack chase strength, but she makes up for it with massive snowball potential. Similar to Oni in a sense but less efficient. Still, I do think Clown earns a spot in bottom B simply due to how good he can be in 1 v 1. But Plague deserves more. She can crap on loops with her corrupt purge which is given to he for free now.

    IMO Slinger is superior to Huntress in higher levels. Slinger may even be deserving of bottom A but that's just me.

    Freddy should probably replace Hag in bottom S. While he may not be ass good vs strong teams, he's still GOOD no matter what. Hell he's good against EVERYTHING that isn't some ridiculously sweaty SWF when played by the most average of players.

    Switch Billy and Pyramid, Billy just isn't that threatening in loops, even if they're curve Gods. His mobility is very nice but his chase potential is very MEH since his addons got reworked. Pyramid, while lacking map pressure, makes up for it with cages and meta perk countering, which is CONSIDERABLE if you want to win against stronger teams (he'll still fail against the top, but so will Billy).

    Oni's fine where he is, although his position in A can vary. All it takes is a safe pallet looping team and he may as well be D tier.

    Myers ... Yeah, D tier. Pig is D tier, the only time she's a threat is when there's this tampered timer + box/removal time abuse. Which is just RNG crap, and RNG is what makes this game suck. Pig sucks. I still love her.

    Ghostface bottom C. Inconsistent power, basically an M1 killer that has a gimmick and that gimmick is extremely unreliable. No killer with such inconsistency should be taken seriously.

    Solid list, most of my answers are tweaks more than anything.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited March 2021

    I would put blight in A tier and PTB wraith in B tier

    A good blight is very deadly in a chase and has map pressure, PTB wraith gets a lot of cloak hits and also has good map pressure.

    Twins can't be higher than C i don't care what you rate them either because they are only good against uncoordinated teams that don't know how to play against them. If you face a team that is coordinated and knows how to verse twins by abusing lockers to make her never mass slug then she is on the same level if not worse then D tier.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited March 2021

    I would put Hag in the same position as the 3rd best killer but i also don't think she is S tier still the 3rd best imo.

    Freddy is strong but you can just hold w against him and waste 40 or so seconds at least of his time good teams do this to him and he just losses because of this he isn't S tier or top of A tier. Hag doesn't care and just downs people with her power without leaving her area not even destroying a good hags web is enough to seriously hinder her and you more then likely didn't disable that many traps, she also has insane snowball potential which matters a lot in higher level play.

    Slinger isn't better than huntress simply because huntress has such good snowball potential/crowd control and that matters more than ending chases 10-20 seconds faster. Also good huntresses land some insanely cheeky shots over objects.

    As for the others you mentioned yeah i kinda agree.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    Blight's gonna be between S or A Tier until I see how a lot of the PC players do with him, Wraith is probably the biggest question mark out of them all.

  • UnentitledBunnyMan
    UnentitledBunnyMan Member Posts: 313

    Yeah like all those branches on some maps which make Billy impossible to use his saw

  • UnentitledBunnyMan
    UnentitledBunnyMan Member Posts: 313

    I doubt have u ever seriously played as Billy or Bubba, if u ever played them both in these days u will find Bubba is much more efficient and easier in killing people while Billy can only be fast but can't down a survivor fast enough, only works on baby survivors because good survivors won't give a ######### unless u r within 10m range and there is no loop around him. And on some maps Billy can't use his mobilty at all, for example all those in door maps? And some maps have so many items on ground makes his mobility a joke. He is only mobile on corn field