I guess running away "too early" or "holding 'W'" is now bad?

Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

So... we can't even run away anymore unless the killer is close to us? This is what killer main YouTubers/Streamers seem to be saying. And I know how much the community likes to worship these people. But come on... I'm running out of options here guys. I already finished my Killer challenges. I need to work on my survivor challenges too. I just want to make sure I do everything the right way without being toxic.

Let me see if I got this right...

  1. No perks, that's toxic.
  2. No Keys. That's toxic.
  3. No Toolboxes, because "genrush".
  4. No Medkits, because healing shouldn't be "fast".
  5. No Flashlights, because that's toxic.
  6. Do not touch totems. Those belong to the killer. But, if there's NOED, I can't complain because I didn't "do bones".
  7. If the killer has started chasing someone, I must stop working on generators and stand still until the chase is over to avoid "genrush".
  8. I am not allowed to play with friends in public lobbies. Having friends is toxic.
  9. No pallet looping. That's toxic. All pallets must be thrown immediately BUT not on the killer because that's toxic too.
  10. Windows can only be used if they don't impede the killer. Otherwise they're toxic.
  11. Do not attempt to rescue someone off a hook unless they've already hit stage 2. You also have to be injured while doing it so that the killer doesn't lose any pressure.
  12. If the killer hits me when I'm hooked, that means I've been toxic and should kill myself immediately as I have ruined the killer's match.
  13. In the post game chat, I must thank the killer for killing me because it's always fun for me every game no matter what.
  14. If I ever escape, I must send a recording of it to the devs to show them how OP survivors are and they they must be nerfed and that I must be banned for exploiting.
  15. ((NEW!)) If I see the killer, I can't start running away unless they are already within lunge range. Running away too early is toxic.

Did I miss anything?



  • Afius
    Afius Member Posts: 563

    You're supposed to look to the side of you but not at the killer and hold S or D duh.

  • Yumyumtasty
    Yumyumtasty Member Posts: 172
    edited March 2021

    The only counter to W gaming:

    Actual good map design where killers can cut off survivors.

    Reverse Bloodlust where bloodlust builds up if the killer finds nobody and is not in a chase for X seconds and immediately gets removed once he is in 32 or 48 meters of survivors on a horizontal plane, (to prevent moonwalking and stealthkillers just zipping towards you).

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
    edited March 2021


    The problem isn't you running early.

    The problem is your squad telling you where the killer is so you don't need to look first from behind solid walls. or if it is a stealth killer like ghost face and you just flat out destroy his power.

  • ManWithALemon
    ManWithALemon Member Posts: 422

    Considering there are entire "top tier" Killers whose powers are completely countered by a single key on your keyboard—Pyramid Head and Freddy come to mind—when Survivors just hold down one button the entire match, I'm always left asking myself the same question:

    Why did you even boot up the game if you clearly don't intend on actually playing it?

  • Yumyumtasty
    Yumyumtasty Member Posts: 172

    Especially against trapper with no STBFL holding W and running instead of going through unknown stuff wins you the game if your team just genrushes but to be fair most trappers will for this reason use STBFL.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    Holding w is only effective against 7ish killers, any killer that has mobility, a ranged attack, reliable insta down, also if the survivor was injured/exposed already this isn't effective.

    Sure it is an issue for those killers but that's just how the game is i honestly see no way to fix this not that it needs to be fixed in the first place.

    For those killers the most effective this is against is Freddy :0, trapper, doctor, and PH since his power isn't good in the open.

    For killers it works against just slightly less for reasons it's Pig, ghostface, myers, and plague. Maybe leatherface but it's risky.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,790

    Well, it depends. Is the killer starting the chase close to a survivor or far from them? Is the survivor running towards potential traps or not, and if not is that a chase the Trapper should really take? Is the survivor able to beeline towards the center of the map from their location or not? Is the survivor healthy at the start of the chase or not? Is it a map like Midwich, where it's nothing but long hallways with no cut-throughs?

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,790
    edited March 2021

    It's not as simple as "just running forwards". It only works well against a minority of the killers on the roster and it only works reliably against those killers if survivors are consistently healing, which is typically not the meta play. In certain situations it can be extremely strong, but it's far from a silver bullet killer's can't do anything about, even without STBFL. Agreed about most of the maps you mentioned, though.

    Freddy is easy to play while also having a very powerful kit. Spirit is definitely not easy to play, but it's borderline impossible to counter a skilled Spirit in the 1v1. The complaints about both are warranted and also not really relevant to holding W.

  • AceOfSpades1773
    AceOfSpades1773 Member Posts: 74

    You got any proof of this? The claim that running is toxic? I would love to see it.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Its just annoying if every survivor does it. Chases are the "fun" part of the game.

    Like all things annoying, people will ######### and moan about it.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    The problem is you're reading arbitrary meanings into actions in the game that ultimately mean nothing to the game itself.

    Stop caring what meanings people tie to your actions and play in a manner that is pleasing to you but still meets your objectives.

    There is nothing Toxic about just playing the game, END OF STORY

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Can't say for all of them streamers, but most are stating how it's bad when compared to objective speed not as a tactic. Tactic wise it's easy and guarantees near completion of a solo gens when done efficiently. For a m1 standard speed killer it's a major lose for a single hook.

    It highlights how reliant matches are on Survivor's mistakes over actual balance between players.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    The strawman you're trying to make is solely 'super upset person every match telling me what I can and cannot do', if your issue is what's toxic and what's not, how about play the way you want to? Shouldn't matter as long as you're having fun, if you're playing a solo role, worry about yourself, who cares what they think.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I really dislike him but yeah, he knows what he is talking about.

    Holding W really rewards no brain plays, no one is getting outplayed, but people also pre drop safe pallets and loop around then continue to hold W once bloodlust has been reset.

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    The point is that it's something the survivors can use to avoid the killer. And anytime there's something that's pro-survival, 99% of the community complains about it.

  • MiniPixels
    MiniPixels Member Posts: 536

    Play however you want, the only reason this game is considered toxic is because a large majority of the player-base thinks that the rules suggested by the community are law, when in reality a streamer said "x" was annoying and now everyone thinks that's gods word. Slug, tunnel, camp, run nasty perk combos, play the game however you want, will some people have the audacity to get mad at you? Yes, but that's their problem not yours. The perks and strategies are in the game so your allowed to play however you want. If you run OoO in my lobby will I get frustrated? Absolutely. But I'm not gonna report you or hurl slurs at you because I don't have the mindset of a five year old like the vocal majority of this community.

  • poplavok
    poplavok Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2021


    As a killer main I can give you couple more.

    No dead hard over traps! That's toxic AND disrespectful.

    No cleansing hex totems. I hate when survivors cleanse my 5 stacks Huntress lullaby 😡🙄

    No hiding into the locker with DS! Please, just let me slug you

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Which isn't the case currently. Killer is crazy easy right now. 2/3s of the games I've played, the Killer gets a 4k. I thought maybe it was because I played solo queue, so I started playing Killer and out of the 10 games I played, only 1 was not a 4k, it was a 3k.

  • Raz_
    Raz_ Member Posts: 296

    i get your point and its accurate, but dont be unfair towards killer players there are also a lot survivors who have the same mindset with other rules.

    lets just say, both sides have their stupid rules nobody is suppose to follow. everyone can use or play how they like to play the game.

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    Wait... So now playing WITH the killer main's ruleset is unfair??

    How would you like for survivors to play then?

  • Zixology
    Zixology Member Posts: 1,062

    I think you forgot where you were... This is the DBD forums. The biggest killer main circle jerk on the internet.