If people don’t like camping, tunneling, and genrushing

fr0sty1223 Member Posts: 307
edited March 2021 in General Discussions

Then why not fix all 3 at once? Punish the killer for face camping and hard tunneling while also fixing gen speeds for survivors and boom problem solved and both sides get what they want. If you fix all 3 problems together then people won’t complain and both sides get hit so the devs won’t be playing favorites.


  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    The problem comes from deciding what is and isn't camping, for example. What if theres other survivors waiting just out of range for you to leave so the other can get an unhook.

    How would you even punish hard tunneling? Make the killer move slower in a chase? What if that is legitimately the smartest choice the killer could make in that situation due to the survivor not playing well?

    And no, gen times absolutely don't need increasing in any circumstance. Solo play is an absolute nightmare with teammates not doing gens because they don't give as much BP as altruism. And thats before you take ruin/undying Corrup and pop into account.

    If you increase gen speeds all these slowdown perks would also need to be nerfed (some significantly) to scale with how long gens now are.

  • gemjas
    gemjas Member Posts: 105

    How would you punish killers? There's no way to accurately tell if a killer is camping to BM vs camping because another survivor decided to loop near the hook or it's a last resort to secure a kill. How would the game tell if a killer is tunneling to BM vs a killer who leaves to hook, can't find anyone else, and goes back to the hook only to find the recently hooked survivor because the unhooker decided to hide? And gen speeds? It is incredibly boring to sit there and fix a gen. Making them even more tedious to do isn't the answer.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I think the answer is to make survivors who get unhooked temporarily gain a speed boost, but then receive a penalty for working on generators.

    So like... 50% gen penalty for 60 seconds, 7% movement speed bonus for the same duration. Then speed up generators slightly for every dead survivor. I'm not sure what the numbers should be for that, but it'd decrease the reward for getting one survivor out of the game while at the same time rewarding the killer for hooking a survivor and not camping the hook.

  • fr0sty1223
    fr0sty1223 Member Posts: 307

    Idk how they would do it but the bottom line is camping and hard tunneling need to go and the killer mains claim they play like that because gen speeds are too fast so increase them a little bit in order to appease them.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,213

    Make Borrowed Time reveal your aura to the killer for 6 seconds after you unhook someone.

    Make more killer perks with "when a survivor is unhooked at least 24 meters away".

    More perks like Corrupt that slow down early game gen progress.

  • Cheeki_Beaky_Bird
    Cheeki_Beaky_Bird Member Posts: 148

    The killer is directly punished for face camping, it hurts their chaser rank emblem.

    The killer is punished for hard tunneling: Any sensible survivors complete gens (3 or more) right at the start of the game if this is done, which harms their gatekeeper rank.

    WDYM 'fixing gen speeds for survivors'? Are you saying they should be slower or something?

  • fr0sty1223
    fr0sty1223 Member Posts: 307

    personally I don’t think gen speeds should be slower but a lot of killer mains complain about how fast they are right now and if something is going to be done about camping and hard tunneling since survivors hate those things just as much as killers hate gen speeds then gen speeds should be slightly slower that way both sides get hit and a majority of people won’t complain

  • gemjas
    gemjas Member Posts: 105

    Camping/hard tunneling are usually tactics killers resort to when gens start popping, yes. However, I don't like the idea of "punishing" killers who do this. Those who do it to BM won't care about a penalty, while killers who were forced to camp/tunnel will just get penalized on top of having to deal with a probably unfun match. The only thing I can think of to fix the issues is to just create perks that address them. It's a band aid fix, but I'm not sure how they could change the game mechanics without really hurting one side or the other.

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481
    edited March 2021

    The issue is that these words are used to describe very complicated and vastly different behaviors which are often DESIRED game elements.

    Ex: The killer SHOULD try to stop people from unhooking if they think it will be high value to defend. The survivors SHOULD push gens through if the killer isn't pressuring them, ect.

    Its just that specific interactions don't always feel great. Sometimes these are 'necessary' to get the good elements, and removing them is worse than the cure (Ex: Camping basically... can't get any weaker right now without the game breaking, there is a VERY GOOD REASON the next killer is coming with a strong 'anti-fast rescue' perk), and sometimes the problem is entirely elsewhere (Ex: 'Genrushing' isn't really a thing. Its more that it is legitimately not realistic for the killer to invest a lot of time doing in depth interactions with survivors right now because of how the math of chases works, it has very little to do with survivor behavior outside of maybe right now a lot of maps are "W Maps" that make this WAY worse).

    Its the classic game design problem: your players are very good at SPOTTING problems with your game, way way WAY better than you. They are not good at finding solutions, or articulating the problem well, because they often don't understand it fully. They can easily see an interaction isn't fun, but they often can't see why it is happening that way and actually suggest things that 'play into' the problem and make them worse.

    This is especially because the solutions needed are often unintuitive (ex: To make camping and deliberately eliminating players ASAP less attractive you actually need to give the killer MORE power to defend so they are less anxious to do so and don't feel an incoming attack on the hook is going to be instant and guaranteed. Again, VERY good reason Star Struck is getting added).

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    This your first time on the internet? :) It wouldn't matter if the DEV dressed as Santa and his elves, handing out HD Televisions and new computers for them to play on along with the changes you are suggesting; they would still complain. A couple of things:

    1. It isn't the DEV's job to punish camping/tunneling Killers; the Survivors are supposed to do that.
    2. It isn't the DEV's job to artificially slow down the Survivors; it is the Killer's job to create Gen-Pressure.

    Those things are part of the game; one might go so far as to say they ARE the game. People simply need to accept that and focus on themselves, i.e. what can "I" do better to mitigate these problems. That is the only solution.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Saying "Oh, you guys have a problem? Duh, just fix the problem" doesn't really accomplish much IMO.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    I think if the killer is near enough to the hook without being in a chase for a certain amount of time, the hook timer pauses. Every survivor should have 3-5 seconds of endurance when unhooked regardless of terror radius. I think gen speeds are fine, though. If you're getting gen rushed, it's because you aren't giving the survivors anything else to do. If no one in injured, hooked, or down, they can do gens or look for bones.

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481
    edited March 2021

    They tried pausing the timer in internal tests. They found it lead to such absurdly toxic behavior they resolved to not try to nerf camping anymore. Any attempt they made just made the killer entirely helpless and raised the question 'why have hooks at all?'

    Again, SUPER NOT INTUITIVELY, camping is GENERALLY a problem of the killer feeling like they are too weak, that they need to defend this at all cost because the survivors will come to unhook right away, and because chase times to gen times are out of wack, and attempts to punish defensive play either just encourage it more, because you need to work harder to preserve gains you made, or just break the game utterly. There is a reason post BT launch back when it was even stronger than it is now that we were in an all slug meta.

    So, once again, Starstruck coming out right now is very much not an accident. It is exactly the kind of perk that seems like its playing into camping but actually helps it a lot: killers knowing that if some jerkwad rushes to rescue the second they down someone they will get a super easy chase if they go for it rather than stay by the hook is exactly how you ACTUALLY disincentivize camping. Its way too much a problem of 'basically no reward for leaving to do anything more than proxy camping' in most scenarios.

    Another good way to make camping less of a problem might be to make it so survivors literally can't unhook for 15 seconds, to give camping similar value to slugging, as right now a big problem with hooks is that you actually get survivors off gens for a shorter time than slugging. You want killers to slug if they are IMMEDIATELY going to start another chase, not because it is more time efficient and needed to snowball at all even if you do it on a survivor in the middle of nowhere and know for a fact that everyone else is on a single gen all the way across the map.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    I have said this once and I say it again. The easiest way to punish Killers for camping hooks is to set an invisible timer that makes the hook survivor timer pause any time a killer spends more than X amount of time near the hook. Once the pause timer activates, it will remain active for X amount of time even if the killer steps out of the hook radius. Pretty much a free "Camaraderie". Also, if you want to make it even more punishing, grant the survivor a free Borrowed time and/or Adrenaline/sprint burst after X amount of time if the Killer still remains near the hook. Want even more punishment? Heck, give the survivor who goes for the unhook invincibility, meaning he can not be interrupted when unhooking.

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481
    edited March 2021

    Again, they tested this.

    It turns out, any solution to camping can't be more punishing because it BREAKS THE GAME. Suddenly it isn't worth it to hook at all. Its literally already harder to get downed people up than hooked people off hooks, and their internal tests of this EXACT MECHANIC resulted in killers literally being unable to kill people and stuff like one survivor just staring at the killer from 10 meters away so that the killer knew if they engaged in a chase, someone else insta-rescues, and if they defend, they get the camping penalty and auto-lose. No, making it disabled if your in a chase doesn't work. No, putting a detection radius for survivors doesn't work unless its so wide as to defeat the system. It just doesn't work.

    The killer NEEDS TO BE ABLE TO CAMP. Its just... so integral to how DBD works. It CANNOT be removed. It cannot be made 'wrong' even if the survivors are actually trying to rescue. There need to be gamestates where camping is 'correct' for DBD to make sense, its just so integral to the killer-survivor relationship, and trying to make this not true always breaks the meta and turns it into a slug meta, or leads to stuff like the killer strike of 2017, where the game legit almost died because of nonsense like this.

    Game design is not as simple as applying a negative incentive to everything players complain about. Most survivors who complain about camping are full of garbage as much as killers who complain about gen rush because the actual interaction with camping is... quite good and healthy gameplay and emphasizes some of the best parts of DBD: risk reward, mindgames, the dual pull of long term pressure vs eliminating objectives for both sides, yomi. Its actually REALLY COOL STUFF if you like game design and it boggles my mind how much people hate it. Like, yeah, I get it, getting eliminated sucks and feeling powerless sucks, but so many way worse mechanics also do this in other games and their communities accept them as part of the experience.

    Also, any solution that is 'your victim takes more time to die/pauses the timer' kinda misses the fact that killers ALREADY AUTO LOSE THE GAME if they camp and the opposing team just doesn't feed it. So we already know that this sorta threat doesn't work because the reason killers camp isn't to eliminate that player to slow down gens, its to goad another chase to try to snowball, which is exactly what you see high level killers do: they never camp unless they know a rescue is coming and then use that rescue to snowball. They don't give a diddly about the guy on the hook and their hook state, they assume the rescue will happen already because survivors are already so bonkers strong at hook rescues. Which, again, is why slugs are low key like... better at disabling survivors.

  • dummer33344
    dummer33344 Member Posts: 131

    What did they do for anti camping? I keep hearing about it but I can't piece it together, lol

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    And people won't complain? They would still complain about perks, killers, t-bagging etc etc. It would solve nothing. These people will never be happy. Give a DBD player 1 million dollars and that person would say it's toxic because it's not 2 million.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839
    edited March 2021

    It's worth pointing out that there are some ways to technically deal with these issues, but they would require changing a lot of fundamental elements of the game to the point where it wouldn't be DBD anymore. For better or worse, DBDs identity is kinda linked to the mechanics that are now becoming issues.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    A bigger problem (far bigger) than camping or tunneling (which are both simply tactics) is people identifying these tactics incorrectly. :) I was just in a game with a TTV guy, and I guess the people in his/her entourage. At the end, I gave a GG and was told I get no GG because I'm a camper. I had to explain:

    1. I'm Spooky Myers on a LARGE, Survivor-friendly map. We were on Rancid Abattoir. This means I can't afford to camp and have any chance of winning.
    2. If 2+ of them hang around the hook in my clear aura reading range, I'm not going to leave; I'm going to go after them.
    3. If I'm in a chase with you, and you keep running around the hook, it is you that is preventing me from leaving.

    Basically, camping means whatever any salty Survivor wants it to mean these days. It is really just a catchphrase they use to try and blame other people for their personal failures. For the record, I got a 3K on that game, and the ones that died perished in vastly different time frames of the game, and/or in different quadrants. The one that got away found the hatch. My 105% speed Myers clearly was not camping in any sense of the word.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    All hook defense is camping.

    All chases are tunneling.

    All Survivor actions are toxic.

    Doing gens is gen-rushing.

    Pretty sure I got these phrases pretty figured out if I do say so myself.

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481
    edited March 2021

    Internally they tested pausing or even just slowing the timer based on killer proximity.

    Of course the obvious problem is the killer is the purely reactive player in the camp scenario, and the survivors can be in more than one place while the killer can't, so 'spending' a survivor to paralyze the killer at the hook is super worth it for coordinated teams.

    They just found that survivors used it to, again, ironically force the killer into staying on the hook, or giving up on using the hook at all. Because, again, camping is a problem of a lack of value in not doing it, both because getting whammied on an instant rescue is such a crippling tempo loss and because most of the cast really can't get a lot of value off a hook without a guaranteed immediate chase, and while camping doesn't force that and can be countered survivors like to interact with the killer and will seek that out.

    On live there is a lot of back and fourth stuff. Old BT was absurd (It gave the rescuer the BT effect so they would require 3 hits to down if healthy from full, it was nutso and made it actually more likely for the killer to tunnel the rescued party off hook because of this, again, running theme of 'unintended side effects make the problem worse'), they introduced BBQ which was a massive incentive for mobile killers to not camp that largely worked. Laurie came along and made the idea of hooking so bad that we had a nurse fueld slug meta for a while. And DH was added a while before as kiiinda an anti-camp perk but mostly a fun 'shoot the moon' mechanic.

    Then we got a few things. They got a bit more bold. A big one was Make Your Choice. Its good, but IMO it tries a bit too hard to prevent the killer from being 'allowed' to camp with it. IMO shortening the distance so it works on small patrols, or giving a 5 seconds aura read, would help killers use it more confidently without making it too much stronger, but it already is a very good perk so I wouldn't say its needed it just doesn't do as much lifting as it might otherwise to get killers to feel good about leaving hook.

    Starstruck does a LOT to encourage survivors to chill on rescues, especially combined with infectious fright, and basically forces survivors to back off for a few moments or risk their next chase being very short. This is the strongest defensive anti-rescue perk, which means also anti-camp perk that the killer just happens to use, but depends on high mobility killers who can very quickly win chases, or environments that allow skilled non-mobile killers to win chases quickly through good play, which is a more substantial problem with the game and map design.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    It's pretty easy to solve pressing issues in Dead by Daylight, but that requires to think in a different way!

    Instead of punishing camping, tunneling, or gen-rushing, why not reward players who do the complete opposite?

    Why not give killers some kind of bonus when in a chase with a survivor whilst a survivor is hooked? Maybe this could be the future reworked Bloodlust that gives you bonus recovery speed on successful attacks.

    As for gen-rushing, we could give killers an extra perk slot just for Hex Totems and make them start off with NOED or add more non-unique hexes.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    The problem with that is that matchmaking will put you with survivors who have no idea what a generator is. Maybe if I was with a 4 man SWF every game but i'm not.