What happened to the horror element

When I first started playing dbd, (around the time freddy was added) the game was pretty spooky. But as the years went on it kinda lost its charm. By the time plague was added I stopped believing this was supposed to be horror, which is sad because of all of the awesome horror icons such as freddy and micheal. But know all we have is trickster.
What are you talking about? Do you not feel scared when there's a lobby full of P3 Claudettes with toolboxes and medkits? It terrifies me
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It's only scary for the first 20 hours or so. After that it wears off and you understand what the games actually about.
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Game was scary to me until I researched game mechanics and strategies. Then it’s all just math.
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We need;
More jump scares, whether that be killer or environmental ones such as bangs, trash cans falling over etc.
Much darker maps with little visibility, some won't like it but decreased awareness and visibility will add a bit more tension.
Scarier killers and yes I'm looking at Trickster. Myers and GF have 0 terror radius jump scares, Hag has her traps, need a few more of either.
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I agree. the horror experience is gone because we got used to the killers, it was scary when we knew nothing about them.
I think scary maps and better chase music will give new creepy touch.
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When you get used to something, it's not scary anymore. It's why living in an actual haunted house wouldn't actually be scary. First few nights? Absolutely terrifying. But eventually you'd get used to the ghosts, no matter how evil they were, as long as they weren't actively trying to murder you.
One night, you hear a noise down in the basement. Ooh! Spooky ghost with bloody clothes and everything. He's banging on those pipes, and you feel a chill run down your spine. You can't touch him, and he can't touch you. All he does is bang on those dang pipes and scream. By night 27 you're yelling at Frank to keep it down while you're playing Dead by Daylight, cause you're playing Spirit and need to hear the survivors. "Dammit, Frank. I told you. I'm not playing Legion. He's C tier at best."
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Personally I never found the game scary. Except when Oni is the killer
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Yeah those moments are what terrifies me the most. Especially when you search around the map for 3 mins and still nothing. Makes me wish whispers should be basekit.
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Probably because the more you play the more you understand survivors are the power role not the killer, I'm honestly more scared of my own team if they play certain characters or bring a flashlight because watching them play physically hurts my soul lol
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You become numb to the scares after you ride through the gameplay loop enough. It's a simple matter of building up resistance.
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Being a horror game would make it loose steam faster. Its not easy to make a scary multiplayer game. I wish it was scary though.
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Horror is gone when you start learning the game.
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Just add first person survivor mode
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I only get jump scares the first hag trap i trip and as killer getting randomly stunned by a survivor i didn't even know was there.
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Tinkerer can be scary depending on your perks.
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I guess Pig would be included?
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The trickets will attract kpop stans to the game, which is pretty cringy and sad
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as with any horror game, it gets lost after you reached a certain point of playtime.
look at me for example, after putting 4.4k hrs into this game there is not a lot that scares me anymore.
however, i was terrified of this game the first time i played it. one of the main reasons why i started maining killer is, because back when i was new i was way too scared to even touch survivor.
however, the more time i put into this game, the easier it got for me and the less scared i became of it.
thats nothing exclusive to DbD though. try playing other games like Phasmophobia, FNaF, Resident Evil, etc. for a couple hundreds of hours and you will start to experience the same effect.
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Spine Chill happened, sadly
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Horror doesn't really work with a form of media that people spend hundreds if not thousands of hours on like a multiplayer game. Eventually having a horror theme becomes the best case scenario.
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It can be lol. I pulled like 5 to 6 survivors off of gens today alone because of that perk. lmao
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Ignore that I misspelled now. What I meant to say was the newest killer trickster legit is so unthreatining that Jeff's black metal outfit looks more threatening than him
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I dont believe dbd is a horror game or ever was it's really more a horror themed game.
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the game is only scary in the first 10 hours or so. i remember on my first ever match i went against a wraith (probably a wraith) on gideon meat plant and ######### myself when i saw him uncloaking next to me. the only thing that still scares me in this game is oni's roar & billy's chainsaw with a muffler
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Jumpscare Myers and random Hag traps still giving me heart attack
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Well they'd rather make a Kpop star and bright coloured survivor skins than create something frightening, intimidating, adding more jump scares. It's more of a party game now than a horror one.
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What happened to horror element in game X?
Game cannot be scary when you are versing another person playing the bad guy.
Horror or fear in general, works on unknown aspects. You are not really afraid of something you understand.
You may be careful around things that are dangerous, but not scared of them.
Another things are phobias, being scared of something in an irrational way.
But DBD cannot be scary because of multiplayer aspect.
Jump scares aren't "scary" btw.
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Why would you care who plays the game? Remember when everyone said ninja was going to bring kids to the game? It didn’t happen
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This is a boring attitude and way of believing how horror is portrayed. Not everything has to look dark, fiction and non-human.
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Bright colours and kpop stars are not scary and that's a fact lol. The horror genre is very bias towards dark, spooky, jump scares and frightening Your non human remark is wide if the mark as the scariest villains such as Myers, Jason and Freddy are all humanoid.
When i think of scary, I don't reeeally think of pink hair and an open yellow shirt.
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I like the game moving away from horror. Horror multiplayer doesn;t work imo. Sure some of the maps were darker but you would still get dumb ######### like a myers moonwalking around.
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I do care about my environment.
That question it's the same as if I ask you: "Why would you care about the friends you hang you out with?"
Obviously, you care, because you care about your surroundings.
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Everyone is allowed to play this game. Gatekeeping a specific community because you don’t like them is utterly stupid.
You don’t have to interact with these people outside of the game anyway so don’t let them bother you