I guess running away "too early" or "holding 'W'" is now bad?
No one is telling you not to hold forward. It is being discussed because the devs need to balance it: holding forward should not give you as much as it does. The speed boost is one of numerous survivor mechanics (dead hard, decisive, borrowed) that rewards poor play.
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As someone who plays both more or less equally, nah, it's pretty fair here. Maybe if you played Killer you'd see it too. It's appears to be you who is used to survivor safe spaces, and can't respect a truly open forum. It's called confirmation bias.
Lemme guess, you watch Morf.
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I think "running forward needs to be balanced" is a bit much in all honesty. I don't have 4000 hours on the game like a lot of people do, but in my humble 400 hours of playtime I've never once thought "Damn, holding the forward button is overpowered", coming from someone who plays both sides equally.
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Then, as someone with over 2k hours, that shows your lack of knowledge. It’s too effective for no effort and is another reason why only a few killers can compete.
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Wow so the action of running is now overpowered. Survivors need to start off crawling and bleeding out in the basement. Certain killer main streamers are constantly complaining about the overpowered Survivors as they 4K almost every match and it's... just laughable and hard to take them serious.
Also interesting you always hear about the "Survivor Rulebook for Killers" but not the other way despite it existing as well.
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It is boring for the killer unless your name is Blight, Wraith or Billy. Survivors can hold W all they want, in fact it's encouraged because it's a strong strategy, but that doesn't mean people aren't allowed to say it's a boring playstyle.
You can play however you want there are no rules saying you can't, t-bag, camp and tunnel to your heart's content, but people still have the right to call your playstyle boring and not enjoy playing against you if they didn't.
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I watched the Tru3 video, and I think the point he's making is that, when you take looping out of it and literally run in a straight line on a large map, the time it takes the killer to complete their action cycle of catching up to the survivor, downing them, hooking them, and walking to the next survivor -- if they even know where the next survivor is -- is long compared to the time it takes survivors to hammer out a gen if they team up together.
In fairness, I've heard other streamers make negative comments about survivors "holding W" and I think it's a little unfair when they do. People aren't obligated to stay and play a pallet with you if their better option is to just run away. But I think it's valid to question whether it should be a better option to just run away or not.
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Dont even know who that is. Stopped watching the majority of DBD Youtubers and streamers about a year ago.
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At this point, survivors should just start the match in the dying state. though I'm sure someone would still find something to complain about...maybe crawling speed being too fast.
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I don't even know True but I saw that video an hour ago in a post safe to say:
He didn't say anything remotely close to what you're making it seem like. He was just demonstrating how long it takes an M1 killer to catch up to a survivor just holding W. Plus he said, "Top Ranks/Strong Survivor Teams" not the average solo Q since strong teams already run with a plan in mind. There was nothing in that video were he said it was toxic to hold W. He obviously left various situations out and specific perks and addressing on that possibility during his analysis, but besides that You're just blowing things waaaaay out of proportion.
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Thank you so much for your honesty
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The point seems to be your need to put words in others mouths that they did not say. There have to be easier methods to try and publicly martyr yourself.
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Walking is now overpowered? Because the killer CHOSE meaning he/she consciously made the decision to chase a person for that long..and that's the survivor's problem how?
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Who said it was overpower or the survivors fault?
The video says its 'effective', and it explains why the killer usually has no choice but to break off from the chase.
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0/10 bait post. Overabundance of salt, no substance.
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they never said it was a bad thing, they said it was just something strong that pretty much anyone can do. As much as I don't like the content creator who sparked a light on it, people are just feeding words into his mouth......
He even said it was an analysis to prove how strong W key is
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Who is this killer main cause I never knew some killer main streamer/utuber fits your discribing
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you forgot about dead hard works like 15% of the times and its a unbalanced perk and if you use it properly ur abusing loops
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You know what else rewards poor play? Bloodlust.
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This is not true at all. only 4 killers punish it. those 4 killers are Nurse, Spirit, Blight and....... Clown. Everyone else suffers from holding W. Many of teammates that you get in soloqueue would be more effective teammates if they just held W rather than attempt to loop killer and go down in 15 seconds.
Oni(demon form) and Twins(Victor form) also counter it but they have some drawbacks in their kit. Billy,legion and Wraith(Windstorm) lose less time than other killers from it but have no threat level. Its good thing that a good 80% of player-base that plays survivor does not utilize it correctly but all top-level survivor that understanding looping do. Object of obsession is a perk that further expands this problem.
I really wish there was a perk that could combine with STBFL to diminish the effectness of this strategy.
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You know what else promotes poor play and is why bloodlust exists? God pallets or safe loops that cant be mindgamed. *looking at you the game and haddonfield*
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What a load of strawman BS
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How do you propose a killer plays a match if they aren't allowed to kill you without being called toxic
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In all their complaints about bloodlust and specific killers and add ons this is one fact the survivors seem to gloss over
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Only bad killers would call holding W “toxic”.
The audacity of some people is just effing baffling. All while bs actions exist on their side that are deemed “boring” with almost 0 counterplay.
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Stop getting enraged by things that haven't happened.
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Huh? Who is “enraged”
I often get comments like the OP listed. I know you wanna think all killers are sweet and nice in post chat but they aren’t. Sorry to break it to you.
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It's the most effective thing to do. I haven't heard any streamers say it's toxic though they usually just sigh because they know its the smartest thing for the survivor to do because it makes it more difficult for them.
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As a guy who plays mostly survivor sorry to call you out on bs but survivors are the more toxic majority. "Ggez" "wow noed" "baby killer" "git gud" literally I've never had to tell so many people to shut it in a game before. Most killers bar the occasional toxic bubba or something are pretty nice. And the whole "boring" started literally from survivors. "Spirits boring ph is boring nurse is boring". So either way (its also the fact theres 4 survivors and 1 killer so statistically survivors should be more toxic). On the topic again your getting angry over killers calling it boring but like yeah following a person for a minute with no chase (where the fun is) is lack of a better term boring.
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and as a guy who plays both equally 50/50 (both at red rank), I disagree with you.
Also, who said anything about boring? Did you even follow the context to my response to another person?
"toxic sweaty swf" = even tho it was a solo q team with 1 DS.
"nice gen rush" = even though they had like 10 hooks.
"nice t bag" = even though they shook their head before they got t bagged.
I can go on.
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"The audacity of some people is just effing baffling. All while bs actions exist on their side that are deemed “boring” with almost 0 counterplay." You did.
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Right. In regards to the holding W argument. Not a killer being boring. I never said Spirit was "boring" to go against, for example. You brought that up.
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I don't think anybody seriously doesn't think those maps are awful.
As for the original topic, yeah that list about covers it. I can't really disagree that just running is boring, but in some cases what else can you do? So many of the maps have giant dead zones weak pallets it's your only option. Add to that the killers whose power is countering loops why would I actively play into their power?
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After seeing the video of the "strat" i can say that i get why it feels like the takeaway is that its toxic or whatever. Mostly because tru3 in the video says that its frustrating when survivors run away early.
If anything this kinda shows that going after people in the distance is a bad idea and you kind ahave to think about how and when to initiate the chases. To be in the beleif that anything really has to change to make the "strat" worse is not really the way to go, as someone said before what could change is the sizes of the maps as some are really to big.
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If you don't chase them, they just go right back on the gen and you lose pressure.
If you chase them, everyone else stays on their gen while you waste a ######### ton of time chasing one guy.
That's why people are complaining, it's catch-22.
I literally did the math on this years ago (wrote a program to calculate chase time and everything) to show why this is a problem, but I guess if a big streamer doesn't say it, it's not real. [shrug]
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The first time i heard about , like, the power of w was in a scott jund video a bit of time ago. I guess it doesnt feel like an option that is available to you and if you cant really do anything else atleast running in one direction will do something. Now im not a very good survivor or killer i will freely admit that and i base my thoughts on what other people say alot.
i didnt want to come of like i had all the answers and reading the comment back i did go abit too strong on the no problem route so i apologise for coming off like that was what i was trying to say. I just think that maybe this is something solved by better map design and or smaller maps but i may very well be wrong about that.
Im also sorry ou went through all that effort just for it to be ignored, that must really suck.
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You got to be ######### kidding me now, people are actually complaining about running straight forward? What is this bullshit
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Remove them then. You can't have one or the other though. Anything unskilled has to go. Which I'm all for.
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since when does pointing out an effective strategy that survivors can use to win mean people think its toxic? lol
just seems like a big complainer thread. I've talked about holding W and do it as survivor sometimes because it can be beneficial to my team. do i say not to do it or that its toxic? no. i don't think anyone did mang.
and i don't care to defend tru3 at all, i literally couldn't give less of a ######### about the guy (no offense), but people i haven't seen anyone point out that this is toxic to do, its just good.