Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

The community will once again have to sit through another underwhelming chapter

So first the Binding of Kin chapter was probably the most atrocious chapter to have ever been released with tons of bugs, and a killer that wasn't even fully polished with an also very underwhelming power released with it. You can rate the Twins as good as you want, but their could have been so much more that the devs could have done to make them actually fun to play. Now fast forward three months later we have the All Kill chapter with a Korean popstar pretty boy who went psycho, who uses blades to injure survivors. But the catch is, it takes eight yes EIGHT blades to literally injure a survivor and down them. Like who even came up with this idea!? So far as it stands the new killer is rated the absolute worst compared to all other killers in the game, you'd be better off playing Trapper with no extra trap add ons. This is truly disappointing to see two killer chapters in a row disappoint, I know the new chapter has yet to release but as of now it's very disappointing.. Also don't even bother trying to submit feedback going forward on PTB, you'll just get ignored like a woman breaking up with her boyfriend. Devs ever since the disappointing Halloween Event if you even want to call it that, what is going on with the decision making over there at BHVR!? The pot of greed cards are starting to be blatantly obvious to see...



  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    I will take anything over the Blight and Twins again... The chapter with Blight created ruin + undying and nobody played the Twins. The small PP build plagued the game for so long and it felt like we just had no content for 6 months because nobody plays Twins.

  • UnentitledBunnyMan
    UnentitledBunnyMan Member Posts: 313

    I'm going to pay with shard so I don't really mind he sucks lol.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    I am jsut shocked they couldn't recreate how food of a killer, the Blight was, sure he was clunky but unique.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2021

    Yeah honestly these last two chapters have been some of the worst the game has seen. Seeing as we weren't getting new maps with them which is the second draw if people don't care for the killer/perks, the killers needed to be good.

    Binding of Kin was pretty much dead on release and without even a new map to checkout I'm expecting something pretty similar with All Kill unless we see significant changes.

    With how bad these last 2 chapters have been the game has been even staler than normal for a lot of people. We really need some new features or meta changes to shake things up.

  • Mattie_MayhemOG
    Mattie_MayhemOG Member Posts: 315

    The developers have no interest in making any killers strong. There are 4 survivors and one killer per match and it is in BHVR best interest to appease the larger percentage of the player base. Its sad, but true.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    Thing is if you have a good team the twins can't even slug or camp

    injured? if you're far from the killer and have another survivor with you just take the hit so victor can get crushed and then you get healed. By yourself? Just go into a locker the killer is forced to go to you and they get no other benefit from victor, this also forces charlotte to stop camping.

    If victor is camping just crouch and then kick him.

    If you have victor on you just don't take him off and go wait in a spot where you can't be ambushed.

    Like if you get good survivors who know how to play against the twins the match is a complete joke where at worst you are trading hooks every minute but you can easily gen rush through that.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Drag Queen? Nah fam, we need a Drama Queen character to represent our player base!

    Not a Kpop fan and I love this chapter. It needs a map in the future though.

  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,951

    I think we will get a rework when it comes out but if not then it will suck cause come on no map rework!

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Remaining realms to upgrade graphic: HillBilly, Shape, Hag, Huntress.

    We have to wait at least another half a year, or may be the end of this year. To have all the old maps complete upgrade its graphic.

    Then I hope, everyone hope. Each new killer since Blight, will have their own realm/map

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    sad but true but if all killers quit playing there not going to have survivors either

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    Honestly, I am excited about this new chapter. Trickster was quite fun the couple times I played him on the PTB, and he's getting a few much needed changes to Main Event, so that's good. I'm hoping to have enough shards for him by the time he comes out.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    End of the year? So what happens to the 3 characters released in that time including the 5 year anniversary /chapter 20? We'll have about 8 killers without a map.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,233

    Blight will only just be in the spot he should've been in on release

    It took so long for the POV to be fixed even though it was so glaring

  • UnentitledBunnyMan
    UnentitledBunnyMan Member Posts: 313

    Twins are better than trapper and her perks are interesting. M1 a survivor, release boob, down the survivor, walk the boob near a hook, hook a survivor, then leave hook. Use boob to camp the hook, better than wraith, trapper. U can down the saved one and injure the savior if they were not careful enough. Much better than trapper and wraith

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I really like the Twins, so for me the devs' track record on killers has been pretty good lately. The Trickster is a let down for sure, but I'm willing to cut BHVR some slack. I just hope the devs don't keep releasing bad killers.

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827

    The Problem they have is that the only way they seem to be able to make a strong killer is to make the killer feel cheap to go against, like pp head and his cheesy animation locked guaranteed hits, Freddy bs, spirit no mind game bs, blight cheaters using a high dpi mouse, Broken hit boxes huntress. The only killer that's good that survivors respect is nurse because it takes work to be good with her. And even then once you're a god nurse most teams give up/have no chance, so that's not really fun either. The game is a mess tbh.

  • CyperX
    CyperX Member Posts: 103

    Devs just want $$$ . The new survivor just another remodel girl with a different skin I mean how lame.

    Killer is garbage with a stupid look and name. Fans have suggested many more better killers

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Even with that logic I would state it's in behaviors interest to make killers desirable to play. Survivors want variety. The same killers all the time only serves to bore them. I remember hitting up a few games with my swf post twin release and everyone in my group was disappointed when no one was playing the twins. Naturally I explained why the twins aren't being played and hell if I was going to pay money to play a killer that would be awful to play. Making strong killers is more desirable then making weak killer because initial impressions matter. For all the Style and flash there bragging the trickster shaping up to arrive to little fanfare.

    As a killers player what I want is a powerful killer that has mechanical depth. If the killer does not perform to a high standard I'm going to ignore him and focus on playing more powerful killers. If there is mechanical depth that allows me to achieve these level's of power I'll more then happily subject myself to the learning process.

  • Eve13
    Eve13 Member Posts: 375

    I have to say that the new killer piqued my curiosity - I was unfortunately very disappointed with the new survivor, I personally would have liked something more androgynous and not a second Jane (there can only be one! xD). I was so excited when the veiled avatar showed up and then she came on the PTB and I thought meh!

    But really since the last Halloween event is a decent, sallow aftertaste there. It all seems somehow more loveless. 

    Yes, the revamped cards are nifty, but the Trickster in particular needs a spacey new card, right? 

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    I'd rather they never add a map again honestly so that doesn't bother me, but definitely not interested in this killer nor did I like the twins - the main difference atleast is this chapter has some interesting perks whereas I was interested in 0 perks from the previous chapter, so for the perks I'll spend my shards

  • El_Gingero
    El_Gingero Member Posts: 1,147

    I’m honestly not even remotely excited about the new killer. This game isn’t near polished enough nor is the latency good enough to have to hit someone 8 times with those little knives, especially on console, not to mention the ricochet addon where the maps aren’t even designed to support it. Adding to that the fact that knife states dissipate so quickly, as well as the killer generally being a far, FAR weaker version of plague... It’s pretty disappointing.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    What do you determine fun?

    Flinging knives everywhere but getting destroyed with 15k bp or destroying survivors with 32k bp and a win?

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Huh why would you want something weak wouldn't it make more sense to make something strong then tune it down to a reasonable level like pyramid head

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Good. I get more time to play remnant: from the ashes

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I've had a couple of times in multiple games that i found a character i liked only for it to be nerfed a couple of weeks or even a day later.

    From a designer point yes it is probably easier to make something strong to then tune it down once you realise what it is that's too strong

    It's mostly a personal preference that i rather would get used to a weaker character and then can laugh later when they get buffed rather then getting used to the strong version and then have to struggle when they get weaker.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089
    edited March 2021

    Well then splish splash your opinion is trash

    (Na its not I just dont get why you think that)

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976
  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 1,013

    All in all, agreed on all points with the latest DLC anymore. But I for one was really looking forward to The Twins. And the idea of Victor being a small stature killer. And not some Tick/Flea that's just a inconvenience. If at all, they botched the opportunity to allow Victor to drive a survivor when he pounced on anyone. Control them into hazards on the map to wound them. Or even straight into the sister for a hit. The sister is also just that, a hitter/tank like force, which she's basically a vehicle for Victor. It should have been Victor to do most damage and be the main focus of the two. But alas, the opportunity was at a loss.

    On to The Trickster. (DC Comics gonna love finding out such similarities to this one) I have always wanted a dagger throwing character, but after viewing him how he plays, it feels obnoxious. His name sake foreshadows no trickery, whatsoever. His Huntress like tactics are a rehash, in a manner. I'm just hoping he gets a boost and a better look before reaching DbD officially.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Eh. At least the perks work this time around.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,769

    Perks on both sides seem interesting to me.

    The killer's base power needs some SERIOUS work, as it's boring/unrewarding for both sides in its current state.

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499
    edited March 2021

    Everyone, they adjusted Twins on release to make them more fun and usable, so no need to be pessimistic here.

    Oh wait, no, they haven't changed anything. Outside of a couple bug fixes, Killer power/perks/addons and usage remain identical, with the sole exception of being able to briefly view where a survivor is with Victor attached.

    I still can't figure out why a sruvivor can run at the same speed, vault, leap through windows - essentially loop you unimpeded, with a screaming child attached, but hey, what do I know.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    The reason I believe people are saying that the latest chapters have been “underwhelming” is because there has been no new maps. I understand why because of the reworked maps but it’s been so stale as of late because of no new maps. The maps are usually a big part of hype for the new chapter.

    They could’ve done great with maps for Blight, Twins, and Trickster.

    I still believe the Legion chapter was worse than Twins though:

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    What I don't want from the All-Kill dlc is for the trickster to come out with strong teachable perks and then have their power nerfed after they sold the dlc, which i fear is gonna be the case.