How excited are you for the Trickster's chapter?

Yords Member Posts: 5,781
edited March 2021 in Polls

I was very excited at first, but of course, was led to be even more disappointed because the Trickster was not given any meaningful buffs after thorough feedback from the PTB. This chapter had so much potential.

We also haven't gotten a new map. I know why we aren't (the graphical updates), but it really would have been nice. I mean, that main menu look was absolutely gorgeous, I can only imagine how good the map would look like.

He is still a cool killer imo with nice lore, but he is just another weak killer no one will really play. The Wraith and blight changes are now what I am excited for. I really think the only reason people will play him is because BHVR will come out with really good skins for him. It's almost like he is going to become a dress-up doll you can buy cool cosmetics for.

PS: His chase music could use some tweaking, there isn't really a beat to follow, just a bunch of noise for most of it. It is still pretty good though.

Please explain why you chose your answer

How excited are you for the Trickster's chapter? 96 votes

Not at all excited
rhaGibberishBlueberryMementoMori_MassacreAvilgusDr_LoomisAhoyWolfGhosteGeneralVSirCrackenbm33TheEntityNeaMoundshroudGuest1567432IlliterateGenocideBrokenbonesBwstedDoritoHeadExarKirkylad 25 votes
A little excited
AdelooshardsNekoGamerXHoodiedLeonardo1itamusstang62MrPenguinBeHasUSaitamfedShapedSebaOutbreak[Deleted User]CornHub[Deleted User]Awkward_FiendVeckmanPior_MortedarwinsbrainYordsHex_Llama 37 votes
Zucker_SchockTapeKnotgrayon444ElikTaigaMooksPlantCollectorIcewhisperMaxwellNullclinesMadLordJackBootlegmothNoOneKnowsNovaDistortedDreamVolfgang57fogdonkeymochabam97GuiltiiPsychenJealousy 21 votes
Very excited
[Deleted User]MazoobiRoboMojoDicklayciaScary_Punk_GhostDawnMadFFirebranddglitchboipepeisticEve13[Deleted User][Deleted User]AmethystPurgatory 13 votes
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031
    A little excited

    All I can say is eh really. Maybe there could be more buffs for him on release day, but I don't see it happening sadly. The Wraith change will be nice at least, Blight POV change is also nice but sadly I can't play him as good as his PC version since I'm on console. Overall potentially another letdown of a chapter for another killer, the devs have once again showed that they don't care much for PTB feedback.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I'm looking forward to playing with my new, sparkly dress-up doll... Uhh, I mean with the new killer. Yeah. Also hurling knives at people with artificially induced wild innaccuracy was fun on the PTB, so hopefully it'll be a while before that wears off!

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448
    A little excited

    Well i'm indecise, i think that out of the 6 perks only 2 are viable, but i'll gladly try them all anyway ^^

    The killer i was so excited to try but people keep saying that he was underperforming and that he didn't get buff, so know i'm a little worried :(

    Also i was so confused not to see a Neon map but secretly hope it will come after all map got reworked !

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261
    Not at all excited

    I'm more excited about the DS re-rework, the Wraith buffs and Blight fixs.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,327
    Very excited

    I couldn't care less about the new characters but I'm super excited for the Blight and Wraith changes.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    A little excited

    I'm excited to try out tricksters perks. I dont think the survivor perks are any good only than maybe self preservation but even that isn't that exciting. Trickster I think has a better chance for me to use than some killers but I doubt I'll main him. The survivor I don't care about because I have ash.

    I'll qt least be happy for the killer perks while the rest has high potential to not be used much at all

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,877
    A little excited

    I like the aesthetic and I think some of the perks seem interesting, but I'm worried about the killer's power. I would really like to play Trickster, but I feel like I'll just get stomped.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221
    A little excited

    While I love the personality the devs have put into The Trickster (winks at the player, laughs mid-chase, cool mori & locker animations, etc), I think I'm safe to say he's considerably weak and is in need of some type of buff/and or change.

    With that being said, while he might be a bit fun to play at first, it's going to eventually get frustrating playing him with how counterable he is, therefore I'm not that excited.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
    A little excited

    Same, his buffs were pretty underwhelming.

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030
    Very excited

    Tall Blight boiii.

  • ChalupaXIII
    ChalupaXIII Member Posts: 13
    A little excited

    I'm excited for the perks more than anything. Trickster looks real cool but he's going to be rough to play well. The new survivor is great and I can't wait to see the cosmetics they give them both.

  • Hex_Salt
    Hex_Salt Member Posts: 445
    Not at all excited

    Only gonna get it for the perks. Don't really intend to play trickster unless buffed

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    A little excited

    For everything else but Trickster.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330
    Not at all excited

    He seems alright but there's nothing about him that seems exciting. The combination of crappy Jared Leto Joker and Kpop doesn't appeal to me. I've heard he's not great to play on controller so yet another killer to put console at disadvantage to pc. Not looking forward to the survivor perks, seem to be ones that will help the players that sandbag their teammates.

  • ChuckLit
    ChuckLit Member Posts: 60
    Not at all excited

    Not excited at all. Perhaps if they made a new map that goes well with this chapter's theme (futuristic city streets, neon lights, etc...) then I would've been somewhat positive about it. However without a map like this I think the new characters just don't suit the game's overall style. Also, new perks: boring. New killer: boring. In my opinion it's gonna be another bland and uninteresting chapter like the Twins or the Blight.

    P.S. I can't wait for the devs to be done with the map reworks. God. I couldn't care less. Add new maps already...

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025
    edited March 2021
    Very excited

    Can't wait for the new killers, Blight and Wraith!

    Okay in all seriousness tho I'm excited for the new perks, killer changes, even the Trickster himself. All of them are gonna be fun to play with (maybe).

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446
    Very excited

    I pretty sure I'm in the minority here, but I'm incredibly excited for Trickster. I've been enjoying Myers quite a bit and Trickster feels a lot like a ranged version who's stalking can injure and down Survivors. Also I see a unique set of strengths in his kit that I'm eager to try out in game on the live servers.

    Also part of me loves that he does the turn and wink at you thing in the lobby... and part of me finds it creepy as hell. Either way, I'm here for it.

  • papichulo
    papichulo Member Posts: 271
    edited March 2021

    Sadly Dead By Daylight has failed to provide us a great chapter. After almost a year, we do deserve a map and this was a solid gold map prime time to make. I do like the killer and his mechanics but DBD has missed too many chances. At this point they can't just make a map, they gotta make mapS because it's so boring having the same map over and over again. This tests DBD if they do minimum effort (create 1/2 maps) or do their best to keep the community happy (3+ maps). Seriously though, DBD should also be focusing on game mechanics and public feedback instead of chapters and perk nerfs that they barely got from the public but got from themselves. I would have preferred new maps over this chapter. I am excited though because they are bringing a different killer perspective to the game I mean throwing knives and even the survivor seeing slashes- that's so freaking cool. However, DBD is starting off on a satisfactory note. They were heading in the absolute correct direction when they made the cosmetic contest at least that was one way to start...

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035
    A little excited

    The chapter needs to be held back

    The update I needs NOW