Why are most killers/survivors are soo reliant on the few perks that are in the meta?

The question is starting to beg itself to be answered. There are a few perks that outcast other perks into the "Trash" pile when their concept/usage is pretty good but when someone uses it it's like they have a handicap. For example: "This Is Not Happening" or TINH for short is a perk that could come in clutch when someone needs to save charges on their med-kit or toolbox by hitting great skill checks.

Problem lies here:

Outclassed by other perks (such as Stake out)

Most likely won't be used (RNG for skill checks and the general idea of staying injured for it to work)

I'm not sure if it's a purposefully neglected topic or just nobody cares because they have their overpowered perks that they don't feel the weight of them being really overpowered.

In my opinion, if some old, outdated perks (like Dark Sense & Bitter Murmur for example) have been revisited then so could TINH be. Like one of my suggestions that it should still buff great skill checks but not the zone. I think it should reward the player for hitting it (for example: it made the zone smaller in the terror radius (so the name suits it somewhat, but it gave a bigger boost to actions when they are hit [1% on gen repairs --> 1,5% with a max rank TINH]). But this is not the only underwhelming perk in the bunch (just one if not the best example out there).

Or... If you really wanna treat every perk equally to some degree, nerf some of the most meta defying ones.

Here is an example to that too:

Borrowed Time

Originally if someone is unhooked in the terror radius it gave both survivors the effect. (okay the "Deep Wound" worked way different back then but my point still stands) There are a ton of killers who don't have a terror radius big enough to proc it reliably or they can mask it entirely.

So my suggestion is:

Give the effect to both survivors (like back then) but give it a longer cooldown (like 100/80/60 seconds or something like that) or keep it on the unhooked person but then make it a sure thing so it's not a waste of a perk slot sometimes. Also about the whole mending thing now. It should be effected by healing perks (both the action and the meter's time) would be effected (Like Botany, Sloppy, Thanatophobia, Coulrophobia etc.) BUT only the strongest positive and strongest negative effect would apply (so infinite mending can be avoided).

So to recap the whole thing: Revisit unused, old, way out of meta perks please, and nerf both tide turning survivor and killer perks (I'm looking at all the people praising Decisive & Dead Hard for survivors and BBQ&NOED for killers) so the out of meta perks can get some spotlight.

Best Answers

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531
    Answer ✓

    People use something good and they want another taste. It's like a drug. Chasing the dragon as they say.

    Now for some people that drug is a meta perk like DS, UB, DH, NOED etc.

    For others its Autodicdic and For The People, Beast of Prey (no judge I've been running it on Wraith and it's kinda hot, bloodlusting near a gen then ambushing them is great, seeing as they either expect a TR or the bell) and Gearhead (like myself).

    I think it comes down to the fact a lot of people want to win because it makes them feel good so they bring whatever gets them closest to that. Other people find fun in messing and doing silly things, or just not taking the game seriously like you'll get a million quid if you win the next match.

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158
    Answer ✓

    I mean, this applies for both sides.

    Killers use their best perks

    Survivors use their best perks

    As much as I hate it, I'm looking at you Unbreakable...

    It's only fair to try your hardest and use the best tools at your disposal.

    Also, because people can use whatever the hell they want.


  • WingerSenpai
    WingerSenpai Member Posts: 48

    IMO most of this community is more toxic than swallowing a gram of fine uranium powder. Everyone is sweating balls when the rank is meaningless, and it's so god damn pointless to go up to rank 1 for just more toxicity and playing for dailies against a pink mori basement camping myers with insidious and a 99-d t3. And to be honest these perks not just define meta but the killers that can actually win in the meta (generic not player-to-player). I mean ranks are so restrictive in killers so you have to throw out the killers you are not 100% efficient with in red ranks.

  • WingerSenpai
    WingerSenpai Member Posts: 48

    Understandable but this makes the game stale as heck seeing bbq & ruin 5/5 times.

  • poomanchu
    poomanchu Member Posts: 242

    BBQ is a must have for any killer trying to get BP’s. The added far sight is just a side note. I don’t even equip it for the added sight.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    I mean cool but that's not what I was saying.

    Someone running only premonition can be toxic. Some people just enjoy different perks. Get over it my dude, let people play how they want

  • UnentitledBunnyMan
    UnentitledBunnyMan Member Posts: 313

    BBQ and DS are in paid DLC for a reason: money.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    Whilst it makes the most logical sense that (if you want to win) you'll use the best perks at your disposal to gain the best possible advantage.

    However, it also depends on the person. For example, I play 50/50 and want to just mess about with perks, so I use an app called DBD Randomizer. Now, every game feels interesting. If I just used the same few perks I'd be bored witless. Same goes for add-ons, items and offerings.

    So it depends on what people want to gain out of it.

  • deadaim6
    deadaim6 Member Posts: 18

    I got both of them in the shrine using my thousands of iri shards from playing the game. But I understand the sentiment.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    To be fair, you pretty much need pop, corrupt, ruin and some combination therein as killer.

    You just can't compete against decent survivors otherwise; it's not that killers want to use these boring perks either, it's just they HAVE to.

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416

    Laughs in the few matches I've had so far in the new MMR

    But yeah, at higher rankings and unfortunate amount of killers have to use specific perks to game the system--not necessarily those perks, but the higher you get the more game tends to become homogenous.

    S'why I personally prefer middle ranks.

  • killermainxd
    killermainxd Member Posts: 25

    Honestly as someone who's played the game for a long time; I've already tried most perks/combos that seem good to me. At this point different survs have different builds which I never touch, and my killers all have builds that work good on them. Tbh I can't ever see a reason why I wouldn't bring adrenaline, most clutch perk of all time

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    To put it very, very shortly: you need meta to beat meta if skill is relatively equal.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    Well, survivors have more perk freedom than killers by a massive margin. You don't even need perks to win as a survivor if you're very good at the game and versing even a solid killer. That said, solo queue survivor is a complete s-show and meta builds are definitely understandable here compared to in SWF.

    Killers on the other hand cannot be everywhere at once, they can't stop multiple generators from being done, and thus are super reliant on any means of slowing the game down. Without gen regression/slow down perks, killers have to play more efficiently than ever and resort to slugging, camping, tunneling, etc. All of course are super fun strategies that survivors love being a part of. There's nothing that forces survivors to leave generators aside from the killer's presence or very powerful (cleansable) hexes such as a 3 stack devour hope.

    Point being, if both sides are equally skilled at a high enough level, and both sides bring meta perks/play optimally, there's usually no reason the survivors shouldn't win - citation: god nurses/spirits can definitely compete. The math behind the objective is broken, and it doesn't give the killer enough time to actually play the video game if the survivors just hold M1. Quite literally, you can be super fast with your chases, down survivors in 20 - 30 seconds or even earlier, and still lose even if they throw chases. Why? M1 too strong.

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    Killer perks need gen regression, because with a lot of killers being underpowered, or unable to apply effective pressure due to bad map size or design, you're just going to lose all five generators before you make any substantial progress, unless the survivors are potato or you're playing a God tier Nurse or Spirit.

    For survivors, perks that stop the most powerful strategies killers have, tunnelling, camping and slugging are mandatory because without them, it's very easy to remove a survivor from the game. I've had games where there's no obsession and no BT and the killer removes someone from the game within 2 minutes. That's nutty and survivors need a defence against this.

    Granted, killers are more reliant on perks because they are more stretched for time. As a survivor, assuming your team is competent, you have a fair chance at victory and don't even need to put on DS for the killer to act as if you have it.

  • JudyIscariot
    JudyIscariot Member Posts: 71

    I don't have DS unlocked but I want it not because of second chances or bs towards the killer but because of teammates unhooking me in their face without BT which just leads to me being tunneled out of the game. I don't even blame the killer there tbh.

    Also, to the op: Stake Out is really terrible. Tapp was my first survivor I levelled up for Detective's Hunch, and I really want to like it, but it's just not great. I wish they'd implement some fixes to perks to make them more competitive but the vast majority of them are bad.

  • Thatgurl_again
    Thatgurl_again Member Posts: 287

    Well when I played competitively the only way to win is meta against meta. But I changed up and started running meme builds and playing to have fun. I'm not toxic in any way but I needed to shift away from that competitive edge

  • Halbix
    Halbix Member Posts: 42

    In most games, meta doesn't matter to the general user. But since DbD is a competitive game in nature, not using meta perks puts you at a disadvantage since there's no non-competitive mode

  • TreSen
    TreSen Member Posts: 186

    Because there is such a big difference in utility between the meta perks and all other perks, to the point most of the other perks seem like they're only there for memes