If you were to make one change to every killer in the roster, what would it be and why?

Title, to start things off i'll go first, for a added challenge try to come up with something other then "make this addon basekit"

Trapper: let him start with all of his traps, any trapper main will tell you that having to collect each individual trap on maps like Red Forest and The Game takes way too long, having him start with all of them would help with applying pressure since you can just trap all of the things you want to trap as you go

Wraith: let him phase through breakable walls, windows and pallets while invisible but give it a cooldown so that it can't be abused, this would make body-blocking with Wraith at loops like Shack a lot easier without making him overly busted

Hillbilly: let him break through one pallet or breakable wall with the charge before stopping by default, this would make chases with Billy a lot, plus it would allow for some interesting interactions at loops, since I've seen a few people drop a pallet when the hear hillbilly coming to them while they're working on a gen and he can't do much about it

Nurse: Fix some of the wonky hitboxes that mess up her blinks for the love of all that is good in the world PLEASE FIX THEM

Myers: give him a mini Enduring and Brutal Strength effect while in tier 3, tier 3 right now just doesn't feel very dangerous to me since it can be countered as easily as dropping pallets early

Hag: Remove the ability to plant traps near hooked survivors, seriously, it's stupid that that is something you can get away with and gives so many free hits it's kinda unreal

Doctor: change the UI for madness tiers, as killer it is kinda hard to tell, just put the same sort of background that the old UI had that would be fine

Huntress: Same as Nurse, FIX THE HITBOXES

Bubba: Let him also break through a pallet or wall at default but make it so that if you do break a pallet like this then you can't insta down, it would make chases with Bubba much more interesting

Freddy: Make it so that the clocks that spawn are at the closest spawn location instead of the farthest, you already waste enough time getting to the damn thing and Freddy can just put you back into it the second he finds you

Pig: make traps kill if the EGC is active and they try to leave, Pig really can't do much at endgame and this would make her a lot better

Clown: Buff the Antidote to have a more noticeable speed increase, right now it feels really insignificant

Spirit: Make it more obvious when she's phasing, the standing still "mindgame" is still a thing and it annoys me to no end

Legion: Remove the penalty for m1ing people, there is zero reason it is there if you down someone and being able to run at them quickly while they're injured is pointless, so why is the penalty even there?

Plague: Improve the hitbox for her puke, it's broken and sometimes you won't be able to hit someone even as you're vomiting in their face

Ghost Face: Improve the Night Shroud detection, how it has been broken for this long is beyond me

Demo: Let him throw survivors through portals at the cost of a increased cooldown and slower travel speed, This would make Demo more threatening as he'd have more control, but he trade's that control for more time spent unable to do anything and having a longer cooldown

Oni: Let him run through breakable walls in Blood Fury, i don't really see any problem with Oni either way and this would give him more meme value

Deathslinger, remove the ADS spam, it's really stupid, just give it a cooldown of 5 seconds or so

PH: Make Punishment of the Damned inflict Torment, smart survivors will not run into the trails unless you force them to, which wastes a lot of time

Blight: Change Alchemist Ring and Compound 21, those addons are way too good

Twins: Make it so that if the survivor doesn't get Victor off in a certain amount of time they go down, Twins are pretty weak as they are right now and this would be a pretty welcome buff

Trickster: Remove the laceration meter over-time decrease, his power is weak enough as is and this does not help

so yeah, what changes would you guys make?


  • Fuzzels
    Fuzzels Member Posts: 449

    Honestly really like these. Not over the top, and would definitely be improvements. The billy one though kinda broke your own rule as its essentially just making lopro chains into basekit.

  • SilentHillOnDvD
    SilentHillOnDvD Member Posts: 487

    The pyramid one would need to be a addon

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    I can see where you're coming from with that but Lorpo lets you do that infinitely rather then only once so i don't count this as making a addon basekit

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075




  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Trapper - Just let him carry two traps at base. Simple fix.

    Wraith - Increase his movement speed while uncloaking to 1.8 m/s. Somewhere in between where it was, and where it is now. I think he'd be fine with that.

    Hillbilly - Slightly increase his turn rate.

    Nurse - Fix the Bugs.

    Myers - 110% movement speed in Tier 1, and breaks pallets faster and is stunned for less time. Making Tier 1 a resource instead of a hinderance.

    Hag - When a survivor is unhooked, all traps within 8 meters of the hook get disabled.

    Doctor - Is fine as is.

    Huntress - Iri Head now requires shots to be 15 meters or more.

    Leatherface - Is fine as is.

    Freddy - Can't deny BT simply by hitting a survivor and making them fall asleep.

    Pig - Increase crouched movement speed to 100%

    Clown - Survivors hit by Tonic are 'drunk' until they sober up. Survivors must spend 9 seconds sobering up, or their gen repair speed will be reduced by 25%

    Spirit - Grass rustles/moves when she's phase walking. Just something an observant survivor can pay attention to for counterplay.

    Legion - Feral Frenzy Fatigue decreases by .25 seconds per successful hit up to a maximum 1.5 seconds

    Plague - Fine as is.

    Ghostface - Reduce his power cooldown from 30 seconds to 25 seconds. Reduce Chewed Pen's effect to 6 seconds instead of 8.

    Demogorgon - Rat Tail and Rat Liver are base kit.

    Oni - Perfect the way he is.

    Deathslinger - No Clue if I'm being honest.

    Pyramid Head - I think he's fine the way he is.

    Blight - Increase his turn rate on console.

    Twins - Shorten the time to switch between Victor and Charlotte.

    Trickster - Knives take fewer hits to damage.

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667
    edited March 2021

    Trapper - Yellow Bag basekit. That's it.

    Wraith - Maybe make Bone Clapper basekit?

    Hillbilly - I don't think he really needs changes but I kinda like the idea of one pallet being dashed through.

    Nurse - Just fix her millions of bugs or buff some of her addons. A lot of them suck.

    Myers - Make him 110% in T1. He just needs to be better with his early game to balance out his decent power burst. Alternatively, give him mini Enduring and mini Brutal Strength with T3.

    Hag - This is a bit of an outlandish change, but make her 115% with about 7 total traps.

    Doctor - Maybe give him a Static Field for a short time after using Static Blast as sort of a lingering effect for about 10 seconds after, perhaps? Could be interesting.

    Huntress - For each hatchet she's missing, her movement speed increases by 1%.

    Bubba - Perhaps give him a faster recharge time on his charges? Or decrease the amount of stun he gets from using multiple charges, not by a massive amount, just a bit faster recovery?

    Freddy - He should get some kind of penalty to his snares. Too easy to use. Perhaps give him a slow while placing snares, similarly to old Clown? Maybe not as much of a slow as old Clown but like make him 75% while placing the snare.

    Pig - Let Ambush Vault pallets and continue the rush for 0.8 seconds afterwards.

    Clown - Both types of bottle have their own separate reserves. You reload both at the same time at the same duration as now but you get 4 of each kind normally.

    Spirit - While phasing, Scratch Marks are invisible.

    Legion - Decrease his Frenzy cooldown to 3 seconds.

    Plague - Perhaps give her a faster charge speed on Vile Purge for each Fully Sick Survivor, to let her get a bit more snowball without Corrupt Purge.

    Ghostface - Decrease Night Shroud's cooldown to 20 seconds. Rework the addons to compensate.

    Oni - Perhaps give him a smaller Terror Radius until he gets that first hit, to make him have slightly easier early game.

    Deathslinger - I really don't know how to change him without making him OP or useless. Maybe make his Terror Radius louder?

    Pyramid Head - Remove the ability to negate the cooldown after leaving Rites Of Judgement by instantly M1'ing. It's tech but it makes him insanely unfun to play against.

    Blight - Doesn't really need any changes, in my opinion. Maybe a nerf to Alchemist's Ring? Like, it only gives back one or two charges instead of all of them?

    Twins - Give Victor a Terror Radius. Those grunts are silent and it just leads to really frustrating scenarios on maps like Badham where you just can't see him at all.

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158


    Hear me out....

    Cut off his legs

  • Leader7th
    Leader7th Member Posts: 26

    Only going to put killers I play

    Plague: fix her power

    Nurse :fix her bugs

    Blight: increase turn rate on console

    Twins: idk solid mid tier

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Okay let's see

    Trapper: change the algoritm of trap spawns to make them more hidden and let them spawn in armed. That way you can go to the survivors at the start of the game and atleast have some traps there.

    Wraith: reduce the sound of the snarls he makes while cloaked. There already is the bing bong as warning he is about to hit you. The snarls just give away his position really early sometime.

    Hillbilly: remove collision of certain branches and objects, if you can walk through it you should be able to chainsaw through it.

    Nurse: when a blink spot is blocked make the next available spot the destination instead of the nearest one. That would fix like half of the blinking bugs i think

    Myers: yeah bassicly your idea. Make all his action speeds be faster in tier 3. And make them scale with the amount of times you went to tier 3. Also remove the slowdown in tier 1. There really is no reason you need to stun yourself for a time just to become a regular killer.

    Hag: make it traps don't trigger near hooked survivors and shorthly afterr a unhook. I wouldn't remove the ability to place them completly as some hooks are around loops you want to trap but it shouldn't be used to camp from 40 feet away

    Doktor: add moving illusions. Same like now but just moving forward. I don't think anybody has ever been fooled by the standing still ones

    Huntress: make her humming stop when out of hatchets for sneaky m1 hits.

    Bubba: recharge his tokens when someone gets unhooked further then 32m away? Idk lol something to reward the good bubba's who actually play the game

    Freddy: yeah just let any clock wake you up. It always being the furtest one is kinda cluncky

    Pig: make it so every trap has a specific amount of attempts. So 1 trap always comes of first try. 1 trap always second etc etc. Just to reduce the rng at least a little

    Clown: increase the velocity of his bottles. This would make him a lot more user friendly as you don't need to think 5 seconds in advance where the bottle needs to go. Also remove the astma attack he gets when he vaults a window

    Spirit: that bug where she made noise every couple of seconds while phasing was actually really interresting and should become a feature

    Legion: add the oblivious status effect while mending. Will make it a little more dangerous to just instantly mend when you get hit and make it more exciting too. No staring at the mend bar fill up if you have to look if Legion is coming

    Plague: add more particles to her puke. And make it that when a survivor is fully sick for 3 minutes a random fountain becomes corrupt.

    Ghost face: make revealing him less cluncky and make his base recharge speed of his power better while lessening the addons to compensate

    Demo: on the one hand i want less sound queue's on the other the sound queues makes matching against them really exciting. But atleast when he has undetectable out of the portal his stompy feet need to be more quiet. The tooltip of "they won't hear you coming" still makes me laugh

    Oni: reduced terror radius when he hasen't drawn any blood yet to get the ball rolling

    DS: slight delay after aiming without firing to tone down the zoning a little also slightly increase the range. Long range shots are just fun

    Pyramid head: give his booty back

    Blight: pov is getting fixed soon and that's all i really wanted. Allow survivors to be an object for pinballing but making them immune to your rush attack untill you bounce of something again would be funny but probably not doable

    Twins: give Charlotte something. Anything at all. That or make her attack in dormant state when a survivor gets in front of her so she can be a makeshift trap

    Trickster: ricochet base pls. It's so fun don't hide it behind a addon pls.

    Just spouted stuff out for half of these so don't take them to serious.