what killer do you main?

doctor main here.
Myers and Jigsaw.
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Deathslinger and huntress
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In this order.
- Billy
- Demo
- Deathslinger
There's also Freddy who I played a ton....
But I play him cause he's strong and doesn't require much effort.
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Spirit because she’s a waifu
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Piggy & Pyramid Head are my favs. Spirit when I just want to destroy.
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Legion! They're easy enough to learn as i'm pretty new to the game and I love their aesthetic :) Though I've recently been trying to pick up Nurse since she seems really rewarding to actually learn, now that i have an okay grip of the basics from playing as Legion, even if the two killers don't really have much in common, haha
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Spirit because I love mind-gaming survivors
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She can definitely shut down loops fast.
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Oni! 👹
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Demo, Clown and Bubba rn, trying to learn Twins.
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Bubba, my precious bubba...
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Legion was my first too, and they are a blast. It's like I kind of forget about them for some reason, but I should play them more. Great for BP.
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I main the boogeyman himself Mikey Myers.
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Susie, clown
Spirit when I need to Open-a-can-of-whoop-ass.
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Trapper and Ghostface
The traps feel so rewarding, especially when you set them up in advance knowing they will be triggered.
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Freddy. He is my babe. He is perfect.
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Twins, PH, and Oni
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I main 4 Myers Ghostface Susie and Spirit
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I played mainly Myers once he got released for a few years up until Demo got revealed. I still play Myers here and there but I probably have more time in Demogorgon games then I do on most killers combined.
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Amanda panda. Nice lady, misunderstood. Snoot booping her way into survivor hearts....... kidneys, livers too!
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Nurse <3
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Wraith, but I'm also trying to learn Blight.
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I’ve only really Main the Old Freddy. Since his rework, I play everyone. I will say I’m on my 2nd week of Twins, I might main them.
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mr buzzkill...
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Nice to meet you, fellow Old Freddy main. Let me guess, miss our old killer?
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Survivor main detected
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I main Demogorgon, who I wholeheartedly believe is secretly really powerful. His portals essentially do THREE things all at once, to varying degrees of strength. It provides great map traversal, limited intel, and they're something else that survivors have to spend time addressing (so they're not doing gens, even if it's just for a few seconds). His shred can also be really useful in most, but definitely not all loops. His power really shines in areas where survivors get bottlenecked. His shred can also kinda work like how P-Head's POTD worked before the nerd. If a survivor is runnning towards a window, you can charge up the shred, if they vault, let it loose and smack em. If they don't, you've scared them away from it and can chase them like normal. Also his shred is immensely satisfying to land.
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I used to also play Legion and Plague, but that dream is over. Can't beat a good old W key with them.
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Yea, I mean, who would spend so much timing learning and mastering a killer and then be 100% okay with a full rework?
Wish they would get the rights to Robert Englunds Freddy and the bring back Old Freddy. I’m down for Freddy and Retro Freddy and your damn right, between both of those Freddy being playable, I’d still choose the more difficult power.
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I main Myers with a side of Doc. Sometimes an extra side of Legion.
Needless to say, I have no delusions of getting into a high MMR. 😂🤣
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Legion main here.
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Deathslinger I'd say.
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1) Wraith - The only one for me <3
3) Trapper - me and Evan have a complicated relationship. I had a month period where I didn't put him down then I found Wraith. I hadn't touched him for a while until about a week ago, getting back into it and I remember why I loved him so much!!
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Billy, Oni, and Hag.
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The best traps are the ones which are in not so obvious places or useful spots but on a pure instinctive level you know someone is going to step on them and go "WHAT THE HECK?! WHO PUTS A TRAP THERE?!".
My favourite is between 2 tree trunks in swamp maps, those that are almost narrow enough to fat shame Killers and Survivors.
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Lately mostly Blight, now I've gotten used to his speed and insane map pressure, I feel like I can't get used to other Killers (what other Killer can be in a survivors face <10 seconds into the match!... well maybe Billy)
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Yea, I know how that feels. I've spent hours trying to master Old Freddy, and even more hours trying to master the current one. I like the current Freddy, but I would do anything to play the old one again. He was a very underrated killer which, honestly, didn't need a full rework, just some buffs and QoL changes.
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Used to main Billy before his nerf, now I main Huntress, Bubba, Deathslinger.
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1. Doctor. Gotta love my shocky joy boi
2. Trapper. Respect for the OG.
3. Myers. Long time Halloween fan, just can't help it.
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Doc & Blight
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Spirit, nurse and Freddy when I want to reach red ranks..
But enjoy more pyramid head and clown..
Darn I love the 🤡..
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Freddy main here most of my 115 hours in this game have been spent playing him and I’ve leveled him all the way up to prestige 3 level 50. Now I’m working on getting Pig to prestige 3 and have been enjoying her a lot, possibly enough to make her my new main. I might also consider maining Trickster when he comes out because I want to get really good with a weak killer to show their true potential.
With all that being said I would have loved to play old Freddy and wish we still had him. Especially with a Robert Englund skin. That’s why I’m excited about the upcoming Freddy nerf. I don’t care if he’s weaker afterwards, I just want Freddy to have a higher skill ceiling. If he gets this he will remain my main.
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I main Legion and Spirit. I play a lot of Myers as well. I’m hoping Trickster becomes more viable is buffed cause I want to play a lot of him.
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I think Legion and Bubba
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For someone who's a Clown like myself, you can probably guess who I main.