So, BHVR got hacked and personal informations got access to personal information of players.
What kind of kindergarden childsplay is this trash?
This is absolutly unacceptable.
And I found out about this randomly on youtube. No need to make this super public and warn your players asap right?
CD Project Red got also hacked, and they are the biggest gamin company in Europe. Its nothing special and nothing one can do against. But what would have been the consequences, what would you do? You are so exploding I am just wondering what would have changes if you new the very second it happened.
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So I take it you want to talk to the manager?
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Saw the in-game announcement.
Also, every company can get hacked. Sony gets hacked, Microsoft gets hacked ect ect
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You will survive don't worry.
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They put a post in the start screen about it. I saw it the moment I logged in. I don't think there is a single company that handles online information that hasn't already or will eventually have a hacker be able to gain access to their systems and players information. From what I gather the information isn't anything that can lead them to steal your identity.
Let's say they called you immediately after they found out about this? What would you have done? I think you are overreacting.
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Even Sony and Microsoft get hacked from time to time. BHVR doesn't have nearly as much resources as them.
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AAA publishers & other big tech companies get hacked.
Facebook got hacked multiple times...
What makes you think BHVR is special?
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And? Still makes it unacceptable. Just because madheads murder people here doesnt make murdering people there alright.
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CD got hacked, and? Whats your point?
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What data was lost? Do BHVR even hold payment information for example, or are the transactions always made through a platform (e.g. Steam, PS Online, Windows Store, etc.)
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You found out of it on a video because they MADE IT PUBLIC.
Also please just check what exactly they said before you spread wrong news.
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It has been made public in the in-game news.
Here is an explanation of what happened. Please read this for more information. Everything has been done to take immediate precautions.