Dead hard is the most stupid idea for a perk

It rewards the survivor for playing like #########, oh I messed up on a loop just press e or oh I need distance, e and it takes no skill to use just e and you win the game. My opinions to fix this is make it a one time use or just completely rework it. It's on of the most op ######### in this game. Oh and I better not see any "what about noed" yeah well you can ######### break noed and you can't break dh it's just that ######### simple.
Place for exhausted on the ground comment here
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Do you notice that dead hard exhaustion is only 40 seconds.
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Get good
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You're saying that to the survivor players that use dh?
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you're certanly better with your freddy than him, killer-god
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I would say to just limit the number of time you can use dead hard. 3 uses and afterwards that's it. You permanently have the exhaustion status.
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That is a perfect idea!
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such counter-untuitive mechanic shouldn't exist at all. DH needs complete rework
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One..two, one two three, clap your hands....
Reminds me of superman ohhhhh by black lace is how i see dead hard lol
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You get a Dead Hard token you can use every time you're hooked.
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Also a great idea.
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Here’s a simple nerf when you dead hard your not allowed to do any actions for 2 seconds. Examples, Repairing, healing, sabotage, cleansing a totem, unhooking another survivor, vaulting a pallet or window, dropping a pallet and opening the exit gate.
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I would make it 5 seconds but yeah that's a good one too
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It doesn't need a nerf.
It have plenty of counterplay already. Nerfing it would just reduce the skill cap for both killer and survivor.
Stop making the game even more boring than it already is.
You guys are the reason this game is so boring and survivor just press w.
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Also anyone else feel dead head when looking at it with a perk or hook looks like an ole lady tripping?
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Of course the bad survivor main with the dh pfp is talking lol, imagine having a perk carrying you in a game just tell me your bad at the game
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Just wait for it. Sprint Burst is still better anyways. Dead Hard is not as versatile, doesn't give as much distance.
git gud
also exhausted on the ground
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i bet you're fan of iron will too. I'll camp you if we meet
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Waiting is not counter play.
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That's like saying "just don't get hit that's the counter to noed"
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Imagine not being able to wait for the dead hard. Next you'll whine about people that 99 sprint burst.
Just get good seriously.
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You're telling ME to get good even though you run dh and just press e to fix your mistakes
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Remember these are the developers who brought you such amazing ideas as Decisive Strike, Mettle of Man, infinite loops, full gen BNPs, first down moris. People seem to assume if something is in the game its fine but I don't see why it's so hard to acknowledge that the developers have made a lot of really, really bad decisions over the years.
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Amount of people with dead hard avatar who got triggered is hilarious. I hope they'll nerf it soon and YOU actually have to get gud because you can't undo your mistakes anymore
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Definitely can wait whenever a survivor can just dh for distance.
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Personally I think dead hard is a good idea for a perk, anything that makes the chases more interactive for the survivor, and adds an extra level of skill, is a good thing.
The problem is, loops are already powerful enough, and in the hands of a good player, Dead Hard can really break the game.
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*insert killer lunge is longer than dead hard here*
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Yes, wait until the survivor DH to a pallet or window🤪
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Can you explain how it rewards bad play? What benefit does the player get from the mistake you wouldn´t have gotten without the mistake?
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Dh for distance is a thing btw.
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DH has counters, play Myers or Ghostface if its such a huge problem for you.
Or as someone else has already said, git gud.
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In term of time difference there's no real difference. I could loop a window with the help of dead hard or i could loop less and use lithe to gain massive amount of distance that i can use to get to another loop. There's no difference in the amount of time you lose.
I really don't get this whining about dead hard for distance. All the other exhaustion perk are better at this than dead hard is.
Dead hard is just more versatile that's why it's more used by experienced players.
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It rewards bad play because you can easily ######### us then press e and drop a pallet
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Please do not tell me to "git gud" I you run dh
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First, waiting is counter play, yes. You are literally baiting them to use the Dead Hard.
Second, this isn't even a valid comparison. You can literally wait for them to use the Dead Hard. That is a counter. There are different types of counter play and acting like there isn't is disingenuous. The counter to NOED is simply doing the totems.
If you want to criticize Dead Hard, apply the same logic to all of the exhaustion perks. "They messed up since I gained distance on them? Oh they can just run faster to fix it."
Dead Hard is best for extending loops just as Lithe, Sprint Burst, and Balanced Landing are best for gaining distance on the killer. Play around it and stop making forums posts about what is the least annoying exhaustion perk for those who actually have a brain.
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Can't get it back in a chase ? That's literally how exhaustion work. Maybe i don't understand what you mean but If you are in a chase you pretty much run all the time so your exhaustion don't get down. You have to walk which is a big risk when you are in a chase.
I pretty much never use dead hard more than once in one chase.
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Except for normal exhaustion perks it rewards you for good gameplay balenced landing rewards you for falling down and running away and having good chases, but dh you just press one button and you win the chase, be quiet and realize that you are bad
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lol okay found the troll
should've realized that earlier
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What troll?
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Play Myers to counter Dead Hard. This rank 20 who clearly doesn't understand the game telling others to git gud lmao
Let me guess, you bait it out all the time? when David decides to use it in the middle of a dead zone?
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They treat it like it's a mistake when it's not. Survivor knows their distances. If he's doing one more loop where you would have gotten a hit without dead hard. It's because he knows with dead hard he can do it. That's not a mistake.
If he didnt have dead hard he would have done 1 less loop thrown the palette and use his other exhaustion perk.
and guess what. You would have lost the same amount of time.
That's my last post. This thread is stupid.
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Honestly I have no issue with dead hard other than maybe that it lets you go over trapper traps which feels a bit unfair since he can't step over his own traps for some reason. It also doesn't many any sense logically given you still step through it.
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I answered absurdity with more absurdity but it obviusly flew over your head. Whoever has such amount of problems with DH really needs to git gud because its not that strong OR you can wait until the MMR gets active and puts you lot against Survivors more suited to your level of gudness. I reckon the later will take less time and requires less self-examination.
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Or... now just throwing this out there. Dont fall for Dead Hard....? Most dont even use it well and it frustrates them if you just wait it out
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EZ counter.
Break the pallet OR leave after you get the first hit
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Dead Hard is literally a single player game perk that got shoved inside a multiplayer game.
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I 100% agree with this.
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Complaining about dead hard shows more about how bad you are as a killer more than anything. The number of times I've had killers remember I had it and just wait it out and still kill me or the times I did the same to survivors is astounding and its so easy. It doesn't need any nerf. Just learn how to counter it. Waiting it out, exhaustion add ons for killers exist, that one perk that gives survivors exhaustion, mind games at pallets or windows.
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It's not good, literally one of the most picked perks by the top players but ok....I guess they choose it for the memes.