Spirit is not threatening at all if you have spinechill

Spinechill hard counters her and pair that with being good at gens makes it a gg. The only thing bs about her is that she has 2 broken addons but if she's not running those it's pretty winnable
If you are at a loop and she does the "fake" standing still but stares at you the whole time, Spinechill will light up regardless which makes it useless in that situation.
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It does hard counter her quite significantly.
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this proves she's weak and needs a buff.
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Spinechill kinda counters a lot of Killers, because you can simply stay out of range and deny them a game in the first place. I run it all the time and when I just want to win, I vacate when I see it on for more than two seconds. It gives the Killer absolutely nothing to work with.
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Spine Chill is good against Spirit, sure. Mainly because it saves time because you can commit to gens and know when the leave instead of being scared of her phasing noises.
But if you're injured and she has Stridor its pretty much GG.
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Hey guys look at my one match anecdotal evidence that proves the complaints about this killer are wrong.
That is what I'm getting from this post.
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And then you literally take 2 steps to your left and now it works just as OP describes. You're not gonna stand in front of her staring at her face and then be like look guys it doesn't work now.
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you surprised?
take this video as an example of tru3 saying Hag is not a good killer: https://youtu.be/tqEEXOAoEqE
If people actually gonna do this, at least showcase different games and how well the killer performed compared to each other in skill level.
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Nah I've done this plenty of times where spine chill proves to be effective against spirit. Want me to upload 3 more videos proving that's the case? Btw I already said the only problems with her is those 2 op addons
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The same thing done in the video is repeatable over and over. Anything he could post bar a statistical data spread sheet of hundreds of games you would call anecdotal. IE almost anything anyone posts here is going to be anecdotal.
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It's hilarious how adepts of "spirit is uncounterable" are finding millions excuses why posts like this (since this isn't the only recent post about escaping spirit) are not valid.
If only people were spending all that time they spend complaining how Spirit is unfair to actually play against her and invent ways to beat her...
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I think around 100 games should be an effective benchmark. Especially since the number of games occurring per day it should be a good starting point to see how effective spine chill is.
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And if you're not injured she just lost at least half a generators worth of survivor objective time for going to that gen and getting nothing. That is huge. People like to only ever talk about while injured while completely ignoring the half the entire game spent uninjured where you are at a significant advantage.
Not to mention even if you are injured and literally just start running in a straight line from the time your spine chill goes off bar good addons she generally won't even reach you before her power bar runs out.
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Technically, you can run early with Spine Chill against every Killer btw. It's good against literally everyone.
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I really hate that spirit only counters are perks as opportunities to skillful gameplay. Makes it unfun for both sides imo
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Wow a single video this proves so much.
This video here clearly shows Spirit is underpowered and deserpately needs a buff to make her viable.
And this one shows that The Game isn't survivor sided and needs further buffs to be stronger to Survivors.
But this one shows that Speed Limiter Bubba is completely unbeliably overpowered and BHVR needs to nerf it immidiately if not sooner.
One video can be used to prove whatever you want it to. Plus, that Spirit was atrocious.
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Watch video, 1 minute into it Spirit misses 2 M1 (one was DH so it gets a pass), tries to mindgame several low wall loops, loses a non Iron Will Nea twice and circles the small hill instead of getting on top of it (that would have given her better vision, allow her to detect your position and a chase right after a hook), Im sure it was all Spine Chill's work and not that Spirit being bad.
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My point is that spinechill hard counters spirit, why would I need 100 videos to prove that? You can see in the video that it's impossible to grab me off a gen, she can't fake phasing, and looping her with spine chill just makes my job way easier then without it.
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As a Spirit main, its easy to identify Spine Chill with her fake phasing, and once she identfies that you have Spine Chill, she can use the perk against you.
Never really understood how Yakuyoke Amulet and MD Ring is broken. Yeah sure it gives her great map pressure but she's a 110 killer and not only that it puts her power on a longer cooldown. She can't see scratch marks meaning she has to fully depend on sound. I really don't understand what's wrong with this add on combo. Its like getting upset that you are constantly being pressured
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Why don’t you just explain how spine chill hard counters spirit rather than posting a video that proves nothing
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Spine chill tells you when a killer is LOOKING at you. Not which DIRECTION the killer is looking at you. Spine Chill doesn't work on my Spirit. I just clap all survivors XD
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In other words you can’t, gg nice bait
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ScottJund's challenge is still open, if you'd like to take it. I don't think you'll like how that turns out, by the way. :P
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I already explained
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@SilentHillOnDvD I have an 8-hour stream of myself playing Spirit to prove my point. I only lost once with a 2-man escape and that was due to me being nice. The rest was 4k's. Plenty of Spine Chill users trying to juke me and always got hit. A LOT of complaining at end game chat how Spirit is OP.
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Your definition of explained must be different to the one in a dictionary then...
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Weak? She is arguably one of the most op killer in the game and that's a fact
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I'd gladly take that challenge if he asked me to.
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Or take the initiative and send a PM on the forum or ask him on his stream? I mean, this is a claim you're making. So, prove it! You could be the first one to prove us all wrong about Spirit counterplay : )
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Not op she's a strong killer.
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i was being sarcastic lol. a single video doesn't show that she's weak because a survivor might bring a certain perk.
that would be like me posting a video of a 4k i got with a clown and saying he's s-tier.
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But the point isn't what's uniquely good against Spirit, the entire point of the post is what simply is good against Spirit. Whether it's just Spirit or includes other killers is entirely irrelevant.
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People always gotta make an extreme that kills their argument when trying to makea point lol....
Does it counter spirit to a degree? Yes.
Does it make her no longer threatening, absolutely not.
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i dont run spine chill and im not going to use one perk that only counters certain killers. spirit is already painful enough to go against, stand still at a loop and have the survivor freak out a bit having to flip a coin that decides whether they live or die
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Wait, does spine chill trigger when she's looking in her phase?
Cuz like I run spine chill all the time and I still die to her (yellow ranks), what's her counterplay besides iron will?
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Someone tell ScottJund it'll make him go bat ######### crazy
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Can you link your stream please or give the Twitch name so I can find it. I want to learn spirit but can’t find anyone who plays her for hours to watch to learn from. Thank you
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yeah samantha hasnt gotten an exit gate escape on herself since 2019 because 1 perk denies an enitre killer from existing 5head
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lmao play crossplay off and get Spirits who moonwalk phase. Then come back and tell us what you think.
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People really like to say this exaggerated claim all the time but it's just not reality. In near 7k hours I have not once ever seen a killer moonwalk to avoid a Spine Chill proc. Not to mention the killer doesn't know for a fact they're running it, just simply through observation. So you're talking about moonwalking to every.single.gen on the chance it's being ran. Simply impractical. Also without going into how facing away can literally have them walk away without you seeing them because you're in fact not even looking towards them.
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@despised7 I'm not a Spirit main but I 4k'd for almost 9 hours straight :) here you go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujFXvOsrEvI
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Well it depends on how good of a survivor you are. If you're a god survivor with spinechill, knowing when she is and is not looking at you in chase is great information so you can make plays you couldn't do without spinechill. If you're average, it will help a little bit but not much if you're not a great looper.
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Take off one of the 4 second chance perks you use everything game and you'll be fine. Spinechill counters all killers and helps in chase btw
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Ty! I can find a couple videos on youtube on a best build but I wanted to see something that consistently is good and playstyle for a couple hours or so to get a good idea of playstyle and not in 1 game. Thank you
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@despised7 No worries. I'll start uploading Spirit videos tonight to show you how to do it. It's mainly just high volume with a good headset. Just hit first THEN phase on someone.
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@despised7 I did a video for you but I don't know if you want more or just 5 games straight? Up to you. Also, I called you, "Despair" because I didn't realize your name was Despised at the time XD So ignore that lol. (Edit: It'll be done uploading and processing in about an hour and 20 minutes! Also, it's against a TRUE SWFs BULLY Squad XD It's pretty funny to watch)
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No one is dismissing that; it's just you are overselling it is all.