Reworking Hex Perks

Hex perks are supposed to be high risk high reward perks. If they don't get cleansed, they will destroy the game, but if they do, you now will have one less perk in your build. The most iconic one I can think of is Devour Hope as it let you even kill a survivor with it.

However, not all hex perks follow this logic as some of them are more high risk medium reward. Huntress Lullaby, Blood Favor, The Third Seal and some may argue even Ruin to some extent don't have such a powerful reward to risk using them without a hex protection perk. These perks that I have mentioned, with the exception of Ruin, are rarely used. That's why I thought of a solution that can still keep these perk's essence giving it more usage as well.

My idea is simple. I think that those perks should be "partially hexes". What do I mean by that? Let's take Huntress Lullaby for example.

Huntress Lullaby has 2 effects. The first is giving an extra 5% penalty for missed skill checks and the other is silencing the skill check sound based on the amount of tokens you have. With my idea of it being "partially a hex" it would make that only the silencing effect of Huntress Lullaby gets removed when cleansing the totem. Now instead of a high risk medium reward, Huntress Lullaby would become a medium risk medium reward perk as it would not mean completely losing it by removing the perk. As for the other perks, I thought of similar ideas.

Blood Favor: The area of effect is 32 meters with the totem active but it drops to 16 meters when it gets cleansed.

The Third Seal: When the totem gets cleansed, only survivors in the injured state gets the blindness effect.

Ruin: After the totem gets destroyed, generators stop instantly regressing after a survivor stops working on them. However, when you kick a generator, the regressing speed continues to be 200% of the normal one.


  • Mistercookie
    Mistercookie Member Posts: 147

    These are actually very good ideas

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    IMO, all hex perks should have a non hex part to them. Weak, but still there. Hex perks can bring huge advantages, but you can drop from 4 to 3 perks in the first minute of the game.

    This, or maybe they should work very much on improving hex totems spawn. There are some maps, speciffically Coldwind, where totems can spawn in plain sight in the midle of nothing.

  • UnentitledBunnyMan
    UnentitledBunnyMan Member Posts: 313

    yeah maybe make ruin get 5% regression after destroyed for each dull totem exist in the game. If ruin get cleasned but there r still 3 dull totems then it still has auto 15% regression.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    My largest part with Blood Favor is it has a cooldown and like you said hexes are high risk high reward. The cooldown plus the small radius just isn't good. They should really consider cutting the cooldown in half at the least if they need one and increasing the range of the perk. At the moment unless you're on like The Game map where there will be like 8 pallets stacked on top of each other this perk is useless.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    It's been brought up many times that Hex perks shouldn't have cooldowns considering the downsides they come with. Blood Favor is, at best, strong in very niche situations that are very hard to manufacture, and yet it was clearly treated like it might be completely overpowered somehow.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    I actually think your idea is pretty good. It would make it so hexes that are destroyed right away still have an effect on the match, but not to the extent of being super powerful.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    Yes! Thank you!

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    It's actually not a bad idea , it needs a few tweaks but definitely worth the devs taking a look at. When I play killer I've totally quit using any hex perks for the simple fact the spawn points are broken and survivors will literally spawn in view of your hex sometimes and you might as well have brought just 3 perks at that point .

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    Killers should get 5 perks with one automatically dedicated to a hex.

  • TimeOutTimmy
    TimeOutTimmy Member Posts: 135

    This is a really great starting point!! I also think Ruin should be a basekit hex totem, which opens a perk slot for killers. It is probably the easiest and fairest way to slow gen progression.

    Hag would need a new perk though.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981

    The only hex perks that I didn't mention were the hex protection perks (Undying, Haunted Grounds, Retribution and Thrill of the Hunt), NOED and Devour Hope. The protection perks are redundant to give a secondary effect since their only purpose is to protect the main hex perk. NOED only work at the end of the game, so even if you give it a secondary effect, it would not matter much since the game is already at its end. As for Devour Hope, his active effects are pretty strong so I don't see a reason to give a permanent effect to it.

  • HMason212
    HMason212 Member Posts: 26

    I actually really like these ideas Ngl. I play mostly survivor and agree that most hexes aren’t really good, especially when I decide to bring a map or small game. BHVR pls.