ghost face sohuldnt be able to 99

maybe a little clikbaity but heres the deal... 99 is so unfair and unbalanced because first of all you dont know if he can stalk you sometimes and i mean sure i always out go from that im 99% but when you havent sene the killer for + half the match it should start going down because its not even fair to outplay someone hard the nwhen they get close the can pop the 99 and get a insta down without you gaining any distance so its basically a guaranteed down a 1 or 2 sec stund would do the job or make it so it goes down by time because you shouldn't be able to 99 someone on teh start of the match then use it during endgame collapse. or as an alternative make it visible that you are like 99 or atleast 75+ just some que so you know. every killer has it billy iwth fast chainsaw you will probably hear him rev it really fast so you know that its a 1 sec chainsaw you can see om michael mayers if its a tombstone or not by the hand everyone has a que besides ghsotface.. now its not the end of the world but its just so damn annoying to outplay someone hard and then they use the 99% on you that they got from the first minute thats been saved up for 5 minutes
then they use the 99% on you that they got from the first minute thats been saved up for 5 minutes
That's five minutes of uninterrupted generator and rescuing time, because that means the Killer hasn't hit you at all whatsoever.
If getting 99'd late in the match is irritating you, play more aggressively. Get in his way when he's carrying someone else, and force him to hit you to reset the stalk meter.
Ghostface is already a low tier Killer, there's no need to nerf one of the only viable tactics he has available to him.
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Just no... He's already a weak killer, made weaker still by spine chill and SWF. Leave poor ghostie boy alone
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Not really
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If a ghostface was able to 99% stalk you without you noticing him stalking you, then he's literally playing the killer correctly.
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Ghostface should be able to 99, you're just salty.
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You know this is a killer forum, don’t you? You can only ask for surv nerfs
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then why can myers
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Gates can be at 99% so can healing too.
If the Dev's address one thing they're going to have to address them all.
Remember the uproar when they nerfed mori's and not keys?
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Yes, really. That hurt my eyes.
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The thing about ghosty is if you THINK you're 99ed, you just make him hit you. Its pretty simple. Its so incredibly rare that a ghost face 99s you and gets it off later. Especially if Im with a group, we just coordinate whose saving or going to be doing the riskier movements. At that point you force him to wait for his power to reset, or you make him hit you and he loses his power. Unlike mikey he actually has fantastic counter play. People just don't complain about mikey because he has a cap on how much he can use his power. Which is kinda insane seeing as he is the only killer in the game who can actually stop having a power at a point but not the point.
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Alright then, so survivors shouldn't be able to 99% gates and healing. It is only fair.
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I have no issue with Ghostface 99’ing me, I just wish his stalk and reveal mechanics worked better for both sides. Half the time revealing him doesn’t work, or you reveal him through a rock. When playing as him, there have been tons of instances where he should be able to stalk but he just can’t.
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You do love to claim that.
I would say it's about evenly mixed, if anything the majority of posters play both sides.
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If Ghostie can't 99, Survivors shouldn't be able to 99 generators nor should Myers shouldn't be able to 99 Tier 2.
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99ing people is quite literally the only thing that makes stalking as GF viable though, it allows him to avoid his biggest weakness (being pallet looped because he has nothing else to help him in chase)
Remove it and ghost face becomes m1 man without terror radius
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If they remove 99ing, then they have to buff his cooldown to previously-ridiculous proportions.
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99ing more of an issue with a Myers. You can’t negate Michael’s power just by looking at him as you can with a Ghostface. Why not ######### about him instead?
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Separate your thoughts.
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99ing a survivor is literally the only thing he has going for him. I get that it's not very fun getting 99ed and not being able to reveal him because his mechanic is still so buggy (it goes both ways, getting revealed behind walls is stupid as well) but it's the only thing he has that's actually good. At least he has to stalk you to expose you and you're not gonna eat an unavoidable instadown due to your teammates feeding the killer like Myers.
On that note I really hope they try and fix his reveal mechanics soon, there's definitely a fun killer there under all of the bugs.
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I also dislike the idea of Ghostface 99ing survivors and then activating Night Shroud mid chase and in plain view for the last 1%. But only from a design perspective really. It does not feel right.
But in practice, its nowhere near overpowered and Ghostface sort of need it to be a decent killer.
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Dude he is already weak enough and killers get instant lobby. If dev nerf him pls refund my money then I'm fine.
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He's a killer who has no mobility like nurse, billy, blight. No anti-loop like clown, PH, doctor and you can effectively take away his power for a good amount of time just by looking at him or getting hit once.
His stealth is also countered by spine chill and open areas in maps.
Basically, he's weak leave him alone.
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yea but my point is you shouldnt be able to 99 and keep it at 99 for 5 minutes
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im not saying to remove it im saying that it should go down so you cant 99 the first 30 sec then use it 5 minutes after
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im not saying he shouldnt be able to 99 im saying he shoudlnt be able to 99 u at the start of the game then use it 5 minutes later
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Uh, yeah, that's removing it.
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you misunderstood me im not saying that they should remove 99ing im saying that you shouldnt be able to 99 30 sec into the game then use that 99 5 minutes later
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the thing is with mayers you kinda have a feel if he is 99ed on ghostface you dont
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the thing is he stalked me the first 30 seconds of the game then 5 minutes later he activated it mid chase
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i edited it twice while mid game and after i posted it sry for that xd
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i mean if they added a way to see if he is around 99ed which you can do on gens, doors etc or maybe added a 1.5 sec stun when he uses it i mean for me a 1 sec stun would be enough
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i was typing fast its spelling mistakes but you get the deal
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Right. Ghostface should be able to 69
don't bonk me
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Again ghostface isnt strong he's very mid tier. You need experiance on gf because what your suggesting is nerf pig levels of terrible. Stun himself post exposure is an awful idea. Most people playing gf stick with just going invisible and attacking promoting that entirely and adding this stun you might as well throw out the stalk mechanic entirely.
I cannot stress how terrible gf would be if this was implemented and you need to experiance the killer (play about 20 games around purple ranks and up).
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Ghostface is already close to c tier lol and want him nerfed?
99 percent is the only viable thing in him right now that actually has some chances to win . If he is stalking you best thing is just face him and reveal him and thats it ! He has very little map pressure its ridiculous already!
seriously im kinda tired of these survivor biased posts pretend to be killer mains .........
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I dont want him nerfed no i want him buffed but i want an indication that you are 99ed its not fun to out play someone the whole match get 99ed the first 30 sec then 5 minutes later he insta downs me and its gg for me
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im rank 3 survivor i just doesnt think its fair to 99 and use the 99 5 minutes later
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His power needs fixing in many regards.
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He is ones of the weakest killers, also if you let him 99 you then why are you complaining?
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It's not about being killer biased, it's about correcting incorrect opinions.
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No play as the killer. How can you understand a killers balance if you don't play them not just play vs them. I don't thinks its fair that I get blood lodge as ghostface that doesn't mean I'm going to say they should disable blood lodge if ghostface is the killer. I can't strand posts that like nerf x without considering hey this b tier killer might need something to compensate for the fact that your making them significantly worse.
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This. His stalk/reveal is so inconsistent.
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Too late son
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@Superyoshiegg already gave a a pretty good way to deal with GF 99ing% you. Simply play more aggressive, keep breaking him out of his stealth when he's focusing your allies, bodyblock like crazy when he's Transporting someone to the hook etc
If all else fails just start pre dropping pallets and try and create as much distance as you can or take him too a strong loop with a window, the more time he spends stalking you is more time for your allies on Gens.
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Survivors shouldn't be able to 99 gates and rescue the other 2 survivors from the hook and have the Gate 99'd 5 minutes later.
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I mentioned the counterplay to exactly that though. If you detect him and can body block for someone else in chase, you can force him to lose the effectiveness of his power. In that split second he has to decide "do I keep my 99 or do I just hit them", which I promise you, is a choice they are not prepared to make. You will disrupt the chase, they will lose time, or they will regret their choice. Either way you have successfully counterplayed him