New Killer: The Frost, The Iceman, The Mountaineer

Nationality: Australian

Height: Tall

Terror Radius: 32 metres

Movement Speed: 4.6 m/s


After charging this ability for 2 seconds, the Killer would become an intangible mist like figure and will be able to go through any wall and solid object. Any wall with doors or windows be frozen and create a sheet of ice blocking every exit. This ability can only affect two walls at a time. The Killer can also strike out of this form but will be briefly stunned for a short period of time. Survivors that touch the ice or struck by the Killer using his power will suffer from hypothermia.

Hypothermia: a new status effect that can cause survivors to suffer from the drawback of slowed actions other than running. From repairing generators to healing others to sabotaging hooks to opening exit doors, this status effect will slow them down considerably. It can be quickly remedied by two or more survivors.



Whenever Survivors are uninjured, you can gain a token for every one that you manage to strike. After accumulating 4/3/2 tokens, your next strike will then instantly down the next uninjured survivor. Any instant down strike will not count towards a token.


You remember the one who managed to fight back against you thus giving you more of a reason to hunt them down. Whenever you are stunned by a survivor by any means, they garner a chance of becoming exposed any time they repeat the same action. The chance is increased by 10%/15%/20% up to max of 3 stacks.


Whenever you hook a Survivor, generators that are being worked on by any Survivor further a radius of 50 metres will then instantly explode and regress by 10%. For every generator affected, you will gain bonus to all Bloodpoints up to a maximum of 20%/35%/50%.

So what do you guys think? I'm working on a Survivor as well. Please do note that I'm new so any criticism or critiques are welcome as long as it's civil.


  • Scecheim
    Scecheim Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2021

    Some aspects of the power seem really broken, being able to go through any solid object (like nurse, who is the best killer in the game), being able to block off 2 exits *and* being able to hit out of the form is a bit much.

    Id make it somethin like this.

    The Frost may make 2 mist portals by consuming 1 of 3 "Mist counters" per portal, the portal is usable by both The Frost and survivors and both my pass through instantaniously via doing the "Pass through" action. Placing a portal takes 10 seconds. The Frost may also use its Mist counters to block off a door way, pallet or window with an Ice sheet which takes 3 seconds. If the survivor moves through the blocked off point they will get afflicted with a stack of hypothermia which caps out at 3 and the ice sheet breaks. If you use more then 3 tokens, the oldest placed token gets replaced.

    Hypothermia slows down actions such as repairing a generator, sabotaging hooks and opening the exit gates by 5/10/15% (per hypothermia stack) and slows down vault speed by 1% every 20 seconds that survivor isnt in a chase (capped at 20%) . The status effect can be cured by another survivor doing the "Warm up" action on them which takes 15 seconds. The status effect may also end by working on a generator when it explodes.

    I like the names and effects of the perks but id change up petty rememberance by making them gain a stack when they stun the killer by any means and the percent is the chance they will be put into the dying state when you hit them and once they are put into the dying state by any means the stacks reset to 1/1/2 out of 3.

    Overall a really great concept, and i know i changed it a bunch but i reckon it would be really busted if the power stays that way. Maybe even make it a 110% movement speed killer with my reworked power i did.

    Loved the idea tho

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I like the idea of hypothermia a lot, but needs to be done by survivor at a hot spot, more akin to Plague and the cleansing.

    Ability id say no, causing hypothermia is strong enough imo. It'll be like a pseudo-doctor which I'm okay with as a Doctor main.

    For his Hex Perk, I'd make it a non-hex perk tbh. Surge is 32m from when you down a survivor. Depending on where you hook the survivor you may get 1 gen to explode, and thats if it was worked on. Completely useless if you set up a strong 3 gen, unless you feel like hooking somebody clear across the map.

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    Also, why Australian and cold? I would think somebody from Nepal would be more appropriate due to the Himalayas.

    Australian I would think would be a ranged killer throwing boomerangs laced with venom. Venom would be interesting given number of venmous creatures in Australia

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    First of all, I always think if every Killer affect a unique status on Survivor, it would bring unique gameplay from each of them. (Plag with infected, Freddy with dream, Doctor with madness...). Along with something to interact (fountain, jigsaw, clock...)

    As other said, able to go through wall is broken. Nurse is already broken even though she's super hard to play.

    I think his power should only slow down Survivors' actions. In mist mode, hes harder to control. Can slow down survivor to the point he can hit a survivor twice easily since they become so slow


    After charging this ability for 2 seconds, the Killer would become an intangible mist like figure and able to charge & dash through survivor (like Demo Shrek). Everytime the dash through hit survivors, they gain stack on Hypothermia status.

    • When in Mist mode, he move slow like Nurse, he can only charge, aim at a direction and dash. Longer the charge, longer the dash.
    • Each dash consume 15% power bar. The power bar itself slowly decreased (1sec consume 2%). Which likely hes able to dash 5 times when full bar.
    • Mist can go through environment (like Nurse blink)
    • A success dash increase 1 level of Hypothermia, up to 5 levels.


    • Each level slow down survivor all action by 5% but not running.
    • Hypothermia status slowly decrease it self, or can fast remove by simply staying at 2m near from 2 firecamps that spawn around map (decrease 1 level every 3sec)


    • Killer can dash through firecamp to disable it for 90sec.

    If the power is too weak, can add in that he can mist dash through objects to cold them, survivor interact with it will slowly increase their Hypothermia.

    Like the idea.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    I created an entire document for a character like this too named the Mountaineer. If anyone would care to see it i can make a post, but he basically was a map control character with status effects, and his ability let him create ice on the ground that caused running to be harder to control making survivors run less efficient. I wrote his lore and perks as well.

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I just saw that post and questioned if it was the same OP lol ill check it out later, but did you and OP collab or something, or is it you both came up with similar killers?

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    I actually wrote mine out about a month ago, but I never posted it only showed it to some friends, but I saw OP's post with the same killer name and thought hey lmao I may as well post mine.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Man, this character can add another map to Ormond realm. Make the realm has equal maps as Crotus, Red forest, Yamaoka.

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593
    edited March 2021

    Love the concept but here me out the power is kinda OP atm so here's my idea I like the idea of blocking things so like demo you get a certain amount of ice sheets you could use said ice sheets on doorways and vaults, survivors can break the ice sheets however killer gains a notification once it's started and when it's finished also the survivor gains the hypothermic status also I would change the hex perk too once all gens are done the exit gates gears freeze over until the standing hex is destroyed. That would be my changes like I say tho really good idea it'd be nice

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Sounds superb.