Why are good players always on the other team?
This puzzles me so much.
Why are all the survivors always professional loopers and ultra altruistic, blocks hooks, sabotages hook, start the first 3 generators in under 2 minutes, blocks killer (me) and never leave anybody to die?
But when I play survivor:
None of the other survivors ever blocks the killer, they never hide behind a pallet to stun him, they never flashlight save me, when I get hooked they always run the other way, most of them never even start a generator throughout the entire match and when the game is over noboy even thinks about healing me or saving me if I am on the hook. They just exit the gate as fast as they can.
I'm thinking bad, selfish players don't get friends and has to chose the solo que and that good players always plays with friends and has voice chat, but is there something more to it?
Any ideas?
You've got two potential answers:
1) SWF
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It may also be due to a shortage of killers?
So when playing killer there is a high chance you get survivors who are generally better than you and are more aggressive. When I play killer at night the survivors tend to have over 1K hours.
When playing survivor you will generally get placed to people "closer" to you, I usually get people who have played 100-1K hours.
Another factor is solo queue is completely random, I've had team mates who would body block for you/flashlight save etc. And I have team mates that hide in a bush as soon as they hear the heartbeat. Due to the randomness of solo, some survivors won't bother risking it for you as it might end up in them getting killed, sucks but that's solo queue for you :)
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The biggest reason is SWF. The simple ability to communicate with teammates is a huge, huge buff that hardcore players usually really want, and if you're a solo player you're rarely going to get 3-person SWF teammates, and for obvious reasons you will never see the 4-person teams. This mixes with the shortage of killers to create a game where you load in as a killer and get the people that are there to use you as a toy, but never really see teammates like that as a survivor.
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As someone who play killer at night, i can tell you i either face really good survivor team or rank 15 and above team.
As someone who either play duo or solo survivor, i can tell you we/i either get real good teammates or potatoes.
It's a matter of players closest to you more than actual "player of your level" situation ^^
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You vs swf as killer and play solo as survivor.
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I'd say its just bad luck. Usually my rounds as survivor are 50% okay or decent teammates and 50% useless teammates, but the last week i only played with real potatoes and i can understand your frustration 100%.
My only tipp for you here is to play killer, since youre on your own and not depending on any teammates, but if you feel like you also get good survivors when playing killer then you maybe should take a break from the game.
Taking a break can really help you getting less frustrated and you'll probably also have more enjoyable matches when you come back. At least it was often the case for me.
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Its simple confirmation bias. You remember losing more than you remember winning
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Well it is called "Lady Luck" . Overall most of the survivors that play good and organized are SWF teams. Other than that the others are mostly playing selfish sadly. I play solo survivor only and unless I get 2-3 SWF there are few matches I saw really good survivor. Also I play killer and I can say that most of the surv teams are well organized. It is about rank,teams and bit of luck.
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So games are like life, if you suck, nobody wants you?
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Not entirely true me and my friend play with random who are bad and when we see them struggling and are out of their depth we offer to play with them and show them how to play better as long as they're on Xbox and I can offer them aid I will. Unless you tried throwing me under the bus in which case I'll offer to play with you then bring in a flashlight and show killer where you are with it mostly I'm nice tho
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Because if you are in the team, it can't be a good team anymore (because of you).
Just kidding.
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You answered your own question:
"I'm thinking bad, selfish players don't get friends and has to chose the solo que and that good players always plays with friends and has voice chat, but is there something more to it?"
Good solo survivors exist but the majority of long term solos are just awful at the game on average based on my personal experience.
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Just because you solo que doesn't mean you're bad or 'dont have friends'. Many people prefer solo que to SWF.
At the same time, this applies to SWF. Just because you destroy a killer doesn't mean you're good.
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There is no SWF in this game, stop to say everything is due to SWF.
SWF doesn't even represent 5% of the trials...
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Wow you get it dude lol :)
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whats PEBCAK?
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You are right. Here is why I think this is the case:
When you are killer, there is a very high chance that you are playing against SWF (even if it is just a Duo).
When you are solo, there is a lower chance that you are in a lobby with an SWF compared to when you play killer because a 4-man is impossible when you are a solo, but somewhat likely as you play killer. (Hope that makes sense)
If you are "lucky" enough to be the random with a 3-man, SWF players often aren't too bothered about their solo team mate, their priority is to get all their SWF out ASAP so they will not be too interested in going out of their way to save you. Even if they are interested, you cannot relay exactly when and where you are going down making pallet and flashlight saves far less likely.
Alternatively, Conspiracy Theorists might argue that the Entity deliberately gives 4-man SWFs easy games so that their YouTube channels will get hits generating interest and potential new customers buying the game.
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A quick google search would give you a result.
But if you insist, it is an IT term when diagnosing an issue someone/customer may have.
PEBCAK is an acronym for Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard, which means the USER is the source of the problem.
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I honestly cannot tell if you're being sarcastic, so all I'll say so that I'm not actually complaining. Solo is underpowered AF and if all my trials were agaisnt people not blatantly on each others friends lists (I check when I can and my Spidey sense is almost always spot on) then I would be extremely bored of the easy, perkless Trapper 4k's.
Seriously, SWF is fine. Some people abuse it, most people just use it.
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solo queue is trash