My Fan Killer [The lurker]

Narancia Member Posts: 25

The whole idea of this character is to add new things to do in the game.... anyways backstory

Backstory: little is known about this unidentified killer, and most refer to him as [THE LURKER] most attacks happen in closed off areas and most contain a shower. 80% of the deaths happen in the bathroom but as the killer got more aggressive he started lurking everywhere public bathrooms, stores, parties.......[ERROR]

Figure: The Killer has a pole type body/stickman type body with its head being a shower house the killer is as tall as plague.

Passive: every 15 seconds it will passively shoot water from its face when it comes in contact with a survivor they gain the [Disfigured Status] when this status is active the survivor quickly loses health they have 25 seconds to consume the [Repair Water] at a bathtub around the map or they will instantly go into the dying state (pauses if in chase) (takes 2seconds to drink)

Passive 2: this killer terror radius only activates If he is in a chase.

Perk 1: [lurk] once the match starts you have 3 tokens, everytime you kick a generator it instantly regresses to 0% but you lose a token.

Perk 2: [now you see me now you dont] Everytime a survivor performs a rush action they see a hallucination of you that blocks their screen for 1/3/6 seconds.

Perk 3: [Shower In Blood] everytime you down a injured survivor every survivor within a 15meter range will be slowed down for 3/8/12 seconds

Power: [Water Hose] The killer shoots water at high speeds at its target when it comes in contact they gain the [Disfigured Status] 

This also makes them run 5% slower and Moan 5% louder 

This ability can also break pallets 

This ability also can leave water puddles around the map if water has been shot at a specific spot for 5seconds, and when stepped on they will be transported to a bathroom where they will then be shot with water until they reach a second stage of health. In order to remove this ability. 

 [ not the whole ability of the character]   they must pray at [Mirrors] that are around the map once they pray this ability will be destroyed there's a total of 3 mirrors.

Give feedback if you think this killer is broken or not 

I'm not gonna lie its prolly hella unbalanced and unfun but eh it's a new killer.


  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 204

    your formatting is really bad my dude but let's ignore that.

    First passive: So basically, if someone is standing in front of you, you slap on a 25 second timer before they are instantly downed. I mean, that just sounds like a round about deep wou- Wait. At least deep wound allows you to mend and it pauses during mending or when you're running. You need to go to a specific box or whatever on the map to heal this. So when you squirt on someone, you can just follow behind them at a distance and they can't do #########. Sure, it doesn't work on a chase but old Legion could moonwalk you to death without entering a chase.

    Second passive: What the #########? You know that basically means that the killer is functionally undetectable the whole match? This just makes the first passive even worse because you can just walk up to someone without them realizing what's up and basically down them in 25 seconds without any effort.

    Perk 1: "Oh hey, you know how you're at 99%?" "Sure do, Mr. Killer man." "How about I make you 79 seconds of your time by kicking the gen and setting it to 0%?" "Oh no!"

    Perk 2: "Oh boy, I like not being able to see anything when I'm trying to vault through a window in a chase! WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE'S NO COOLDOWN!"

    Perk 3: This perk will never activate to a meaningful extent.

    Power: So you basically slow someone down permanently once you hit them with the water and it can also break pallets. That is...way too good for something you get for free at the start of the match. I mean sure, they can heal it but only three times in the whole match. Eventually all survivors will permanently be stuck at 95% running speed which sounds awful.

    ILEECHIPS Member Posts: 29

    I will say for the most part its okay but thr first perk seems a bit Op i would consider changing it to maybe a percent base not a full reset for example pop goes the weasel something like a 35% at max tier.

    The third perk is a bit broken as well it just becomes constant I recommended adding a cool down to it

    I don't know exactly how it would look in game but a instant down passive seems a bit broken especially with a perk that slows movement not even mentioning bloodlust you wouldn't have to even hit them just chase them till they instantly get down. I recommend making it a injured state instead of dying.

  • Narancia
    Narancia Member Posts: 25

    Your right uh I didn't add cooldowns ill just rework this whole Idea

  • Narancia
    Narancia Member Posts: 25