can i get help and tips to escape the tunnel deadzone if rank 15-10

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Thanks and most of the time I do that but even when I'm immursed I'm targeted over others and one way to put it everyone was injured and the killer ran past them all as they tried to block him as its my last life just to kill me is it because I were prestige clothing?0
Possibly. The blood makes some killers think you're the best in the lobby and target you. But also, if theyve already hooked you once, they're gonna want the sacrifice. Try running maybe premonition for the early warning or kindred so they can see if they're unhooking you in front of him.
Even when hiding right, sometimes you'll get caught. Just when you start the match, dont rush a gen. Lurk about, see if you cant get sight or a sign as to what killer it is before you start, or if you see someone else has taken damage you're usually in the clear. But start of game hide. All killers patrol gens or place traps and with no idea where anyone is, its typically first seen is first chased.0 -
Thanks for the help0
And it works I took the blood off and play more stealthily and helping and I got 3pips and no depips0
You're never really safe from a tunnel, it'll happen at all ranks.
Two things:
1) Run iron will. If you're injured, they won't hear you. They'll still try to go for you, but if you hide they might just give up and go for the next person they find.
2) If you're playing with someone you know, have them sprint away from the hook after they save you while you hide nearby. Chances are they'll follow the scratch marks and think it's you they're chasing. Combine with iron will for best results.
Other than that, there's not much else you can do. If they want you, they're going to get you. You just gotta'
do everything in your power to make sure they don't find you again in the first place. If they're camping, you're pretty much boned.1 -
Peanits said:
You're never really safe from a tunnel, it'll happen at all ranks.
Two things:
1) Run iron will. If you're injured, they won't hear you. They'll still try to go for you, but if you hide they might just give up and go for the next person they find.
2) If you're playing with someone you know, have them sprint away from the hook after they save you while you hide nearby. Chances are they'll follow the scratch marks and think it's you they're chasing. Combine with iron will for best results.
Other than that, there's not much else you can do. If they want you, they're going to get you. You just gotta'
do everything in your power to make sure they don't find you again in the first place. If they're camping, you're pretty much boned.0 -
And u run iron will and self care all the time now lol but tbh u gotta put time into Quinton so I have a set up for any random Freddy/docs showing up with calm spirit and wake up0
@redsopine1 said:
Reason I'm asking is because I want to get my p2jake out of this area but everytime I play I'm always the first dead because I'm tunnledDont be the first guy found
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Master said:
@redsopine1 said:
Reason I'm asking is because I want to get my p2jake out of this area but everytime I play I'm always the first dead because I'm tunnledDont be the first guy found
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Go to YouTube. Type: Dead by Daylight, how to juke.
Trust me.
Learn.0 -
Just play.. You can pip most games, even if they’re not fun. Do a few gens, save people off hooks, get chased.
I have been using Alert, Iron Will, Adrenaline, and Wake Up.
It doesn’t matter what rank you are. I’ll get chased an entire game by R1 Killers. Most people who play this game are not very good.0 -
@altruistic said:
Just play.. You can pip most games, even if they’re not fun. Do a few gens, save people off hooks, get chased.I have been using Alert, Iron Will, Adrenaline, and Wake Up.
It doesn’t matter what rank you are. I’ll get chased an entire game by R1 Killers. Most people who play this game are not very good.
That's not very fair though. Just because a killer may tunnel doesn't mean they are bad. They just use a strategy that is effective for them, especially against gen rush if they kill off one survivor fast enough. It's on the devs for nerfing strategies like tunneling, or in particular, camping, you can't fault killers for using viable strategies given to them from the game.
Also when talking about tunneling you got to be careful. Some killers just obviously tunnel without any reason than it being a viable strategy. But in a scenario where the survivor who unhooked someone runs to a really safe loop, while the survivor who got unhooked is running into nothingness, of course it's only smart to go for the unhooked survivor cause you can just catch him very easily. Yet some people would call that tunneling too.0 -
@redsopine1 said:
Reason I'm asking is because I want to get my p2jake out of this area but everytime I play I'm always the first dead because I'm tunnled- Don't just start a gen unless you have a team mate with you, do a quick scout and know what you're up against, do a totem or chest first if they are nearby.
- Run stealth perks like Iron Will and Urban Evasion, perks like Bond and Empathy can help you keep an eye on team mates and the killer and try not to wear flashy cosmetics if you keep getting found.
- Know the layout of the map, where pallets are, where you can utilize a decent loop, if you're inexperienced Windows of Opportunity is a great perk for map awareness, also keep away from the basement if possible.
- Keep playing: the only way to really rank is just to grind games.
- Understanding killer weaknesses and strengths: this takes experience and learning the best way to loop them.
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@redsopine1 said:
Reason I'm asking is because I want to get my p2jake out of this area but everytime I play I'm always the first dead because I'm tunnledIt's up to the killer if you get tunneled or not so the best advice I can give is that once you're found, give him a damn good run for his money. Learn the maps. When you start off, do a quick scout to see your surroundings and if you're at a safe gen. Look around and spot a pallet you can use if you get run up on. Watch good survivor streamers to see how they run loops. Good streamers will even say what they did and why they did it. Just don't get frustrated if you seem to die too much as you're learning. Even the good survivors with thousands of hours get got.. alot.
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Thanks guys and Yer it was the bloody clothing as soon as I took it off they started going after other players and not just me0