no more FREE hatch (SUGGESTION)

While a hatch escape is a fair last attempt at escape for a solo survivor who's team didn't pull their weight while they hammered out gens. I feel they should update the hatch to deny access to any survivor that didn't personally unlock it through in game achievements (gen completion, chases, saves & cleansing)
As a killer you can apply heavy map pressure to slow or hault any kind of generator progression only to still loose the 4k to a lucky hatch find by a survivor who's performance 'in my opinion' doesn't deserve an escape.
And as a survivor it's equally as annoying to have a team mate who doesn't contribute the entire game but instead hides running perks like: premonition, spine chill, left behind & urban evasion combined with offerings like annotated blueprint. And just waits for the rest of the team to die, purposely leaving team mates on hooks praying for them to just let go. So they can go for a hatch win.
The hatch is often denied by the killer closing it but I also believed it should be earned by each individual survivor in the first place.
Currently the game rewards points for each achievement such as pallet stuns, unhooks, blinding the killer with a flashlight, gen completion ext. There should be a score requirement before you are permitted access to the hatch in the event you are the last survivor, and a small icon that will appear on screen when you have reached a high enough score to be granted access to the hatch.
What does everyone think?
That is a change that could actually make immersive players into something approaching team players. I like it.
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I'm not against implementing a universal mechanic to punish deadweight teammates, along the lines of AFK crows. A system that doesn't get false positives very often but can still catch out extreme circumstances.
However, I don't think blocking the Hatch is the right way to go about this, for two reasons:
- Sole Survivors (not to be confused with the perk, I mean people who go into the game with the purpose of never touching gens and just waiting for the team to die while immersed) don't JUST rely on the hatch. They have Exit Gate opening after the Hatch has closed as a backup.
- If the Hatch is blocked like this, it'd result in softlock/game held hostage scenarios where the Survivor is just hiding and the Killer either looks aimlessly or triggers the EDC.
I would prefer something like a debuff that increases in potency as hook states/generators advance, and decreases massively if you get hook rescues/repair gens/break hex totems, decreases slowly while you're in chase with the Killer/healing others/looting chests, and pauses while you're in the Killer's TR. If the debuff increases to seriously large amounts (I would say going ~2 and a half generators' worth of progress without doing any of these decreasing actions) then the game starts feeding the Killer free information on your position like the AFK crows do.
Something like that, I think, could force these Survivors to at least pretend like they care about objectives.
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That is an interesting idea, only allowing hatch to survivors who actually did something.
Maybe they could earn hatch by doing at least half or more of a generator? Or a safe unhook?
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Nah, hatch is fine as it is. I have no problem with it.
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I wouldn't hate it but I don't think it's a necessary change. The only problem with the hatch the devs have to address is keys.
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Exit gates are also an option but as last man standing very difficult to open before the killer catches you since they really just need to spot the 1st or 2nd light from a distance to know which door you are working on. Also I should have mentioned that in situations where only 1 survivor remains but the hatch doesn't open due to lack of progress by the survivor the end game timer would immediately begin so as to not end up in limbo as you said.
I also thought of alternative solutions such as auras being revealed on Survivors who don't reach a specific points tier by mid game resulting in them dying as a punishment but this would also be a system that gets abused as killers would learn to recognize the revealed survivor as no threat and an easy end game kill so they would ultimately ignore them and gain more confidence.