DS is an absolute joke

I saw on another post that DS was about to get nerf.
When is this change coming because I'm seriously considering just uninstalling the game. This perk alone makes playing killer one of the most frustrating thing I've ever seen in a game.
The core of the talent (preventing the killer from killing you right after hook) is fine (prevents noobs killers from just grabbing you directly but instead they got to use their heads) but the 1 minute window is a complete joke. The killer can literally just stand there and wait (lose the game) or leave.
The window has to be reduce to like 15-20 secs, as of now it's complete nonsense.
The nerf is coming next week but you can't be surprised that if yourself and other killers are tunneling people off the hook most matches that a survivor isn't going to bring the perk to prevent them from having their match end quickly. That's like camping and then being mad at BT.
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Don't go for the saved, go for the Savior.
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It’s coming in a week but for now just slug them out or eat it
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I'm gonna be honest, I rarely get DSed. I think it's overpowered during end game where you down them after a hook and they either crawl out or stick the DS and get out anyway. That feels pretty helpless.
But during a game? Nah. I don't care about not tunneling a survivor - I hit whoever is closest or is the better target - but I leave them slugged and apply pressure to another survivor or a gen in the meantime. If they have unbreakable, that's out of the way. If they don't, another survivor is gonna have to pick them up. If they don't, I get another hook within 60 seconds. Infectious Fright is a really great perk for this, because you know exactly how many survivors are near the slug and where to go. You don't need a hook to get momentum.
Is it annoying to have to play like every survivor runs DS? Yes, absolutely. Can you still play around it and have it be close to a non-issue a majority of your games? Also yes.
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I don't understand what you're trying to say exactly, the nerf makes it so that the survivor can't progress the game while it's active. It doesn't matter if the perk is 60 seconds or a hour long, doing anything to progress the game will deactivate the perk.
The lengthy timer is to make sure that the killer can't tunnel you efficiently by waiting out the timer.
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I think this is a rant/complaint from a new player about ds atm not the upcoming nerfed version. Maybe a relative new player already getting fed up with the free trial progress from the perk, idk?
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I'm 100% sure playing killer myself. That there is really hard nut perks we have that survivors don't.
Also, isn't the whole point of being a survivor is to go for the saves if their team is hooked
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''Preventing tunneling'' would be fine for a maximum of 20 seconds. 1 minute anti-funnel is completely ridiculous.
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Indeed, I think DS should not work after all gens are done.
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Don't worry if the nerf next week comes as promised than survivor either can't make progress in a trial to keep ds for a minute or it gets deactivated when they work on a gen, heal someone else or destroy a totem. So they either get no progress done or won't have the full minute.
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Hes crazy
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60s is fine. 60s that they won't progress the game any further unless they want their precious DS stun turned off. It could be a whole 5 minutes for me if it meant that the survivor would just run in circles doing nothing.
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... no?
Are you just facecamping people?
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Oh no, one meta perk is getting, boo hoo. I can't even count how many meta perks survivors have, I run Unbreakable and Soul guard which is pretty OP.
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Yeah I'm literally sitting there for a full min like I enjoy losing thr game for free.
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Learn how to go after others, and you don't have to worry about DS.
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Was just in game on midwich hooked a meg then hooked a nea a gen was being worked on and the only person in the area was the meg fully healed and on that gen so I chased her of it and she went down I still got ds how is that even fair.
As far as I'm concerned and I don't tend to tunnel but if your fully healed and back on a gen then your free game
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That's why it's being nerfed next week to only work if you're actually being tunnelled.
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TF for that because that was kinda annoying that a fully healed person and back on gens still had it.
Like I'm gonna ignore a survivour on a gen lol
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Agreed, but this whole argument is flawed with the upcoming nerf like 20 other people already said. Next one.
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Why do people keep saying ######### like this when it's objectively false? I seriously do not get it.
I know it's false. You know it's false. Even after the perk rework, it will still be objectively false--because DS is still active in those end-game scenarios with few survivors left (literally just one at times) and where you're organically hooking multiple players in quick succession without "tunneling" a damn one.
Still, every ######### comment section is a flood of "counter: don't tunnel lol!" originality. It's like some mantra empowered by chanting in succession. Even some people reading this very post will still jump at the next jambroni to wander in here complaining about a bad match with a BS DS to offer up this sage advice.
It's just not true. Killers should always be conscious of DS whether tunneling or not. Dropping your guard over DS because you "don't tunnel" will only bite you in the ass all those times you're not still tunneling but liable to get smacked down by it anyhow unless paying attention. [And this + free end-game escape potential are exactly why everyone and their mama will still keep running DS even after the nerf finally launches.]
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Yeah exactly the change is perfect imo because it will actually only work now if you're being tunnelled and you can't just be invincible on a gen.
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No it's true and it's your fault for picking someone up knowing that they were just on the hook a few seconds ago. I don't have a problem with DS like so many do. If I know they were just on the hook I slug them and go after someone else.
I keep track of my targets know when they were hook last who hasn't been hooked try to keep the match fun and enjoyable as possible. Instead of camping and tunneling players out of the match and then coming to the forums and complaining about DS.
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Ya so now everyone who has a brain will just save it for endgame.
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Assuming they make it anyway....
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Killers that tunnel off the hook are an absolute joke, I hope everyone keeps running ds just for fun players like yourself.
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I mean that would kind of make the perk useless, I love Decisive striking killers at the gates and they lose their mind.
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It's precisely because of people like yourself who take pleasure in being toxic toward other players with current DS why the perk receives the nerf.
Sorry, but what you're doing is just despicable.
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I don't even run DS much anymore but even after the nerf, it's still gonna help people escape at EGC.
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Bro. These anti ds threads are getting ridiculous. If you can't deal with not tunneling, then that's on you. As a killer main it's literally the easiest thing in the world to avoid DS and maintain Rank 1.
1) Go after the unhooker
2) If for some reason you do come across the same person, slug them. The number of people that run both DS/Unbreakable isn't as big as you think. At the end of the day, that person is still out of the match for 30 seconds.
3) If there's still 3+ gens left, just eat the DS?
4) Don't tunnel?
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And that's why your queue is taking forever. U r just a big bully
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That's BS on literally all aspects, and I can tell you've played killer probably 5 times out of 100.
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Look I agree is the exit gate aspect and the 60 secs in a swf but for the most part I find out survivors have DS or DS/UB in the end game. Most of the time they don't get to use it. Just watch for the signs. Just rescued an on a gen likely DS. Slug and chase someone else. That way 3 survivors are busy. 1 in chase, 1 eating dirt, one coming to pick up, spamming lockers? ignore or wait and time a perfect hit but do not grab them thats what they want. let them spam you it means they not on gens. Those the best survivors.
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No. You said "just go after others & you don't have to worry!" which is objectively false. The fact you're slugging people when relevant IS you worrying about DS and actively aware of the situation.
You know sixty seconds isn't "a few" and that its still easy to organically end up in that situation without camping/tunneling people out of the game, so don't pretend like it isn't. If it weren't, you wouldn't need to be slugging anyone the first place...
And, by the way, slugging still won't do a damn thing in those end-game scenarios with a deliverance/last minute rescue. DS won't be as bad elsewhere after the nerf, but it's still a weapon (and the OP is clearly just venting about a recent match where its just as strong). You'll still get to watch survivors either slowly crawl out on their bellies or actively help them run out the gates so you can get the match over that much faster. Because you're the big bad killer who can't stop someone literally bleeding to death from escaping by shoving your foot in their back.
There's a difference between what you said (effectively "its easy peasy & not a thing!") and accepting those situations as "welp I'm #########" (which you are) and not caring/complaining. Don't pretend it's only a thing because you're camping and tunneling. It's not. You know that.
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Rarely will DS activate on a hook right outside of an exit gate; I've had that happen once. There's no need for such vitriol over such a singularity.
Moreover, 15-20 seconds is ridiculous. A killer can tunnel you off of hook, and a chase with BT will likely last 15-20 seconds anyways. If not, they can just wait and count. The old DS is fine; it's a second chance in case a survivor happens to be tunneled, intentional or not. If you do come across a survivor with DS, you can 1) chase and slug them; a slugged survivor is a survivor who isn't doing objectives, and a survivor healing that slugged survivor is a survivor who isn't doing objectives 2) find someone else. There are plenty fo fish in the sea.
The core of DS is not to prevent being tunneled off of the hook; it simply requires that you are tunneled off of hook, with the latest updates. The core of DS is to provide a second chance, if you happen to be tunneled off of hook. DS has always been a second chance, and with every forced mutilation to force it into the gruesome approximation of an anti-tunnel perk, it grows weaker and weaker.
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My biggest issue with DS was shown about a week ago in a game against a well-coordinated group, where I managed to down someone at a gen they were working on within their 1 minute DS window, and I could not pick them up, nor could I leave them because there were teammates around and they'd be up and running again in no time. This was also one of my last three gens so I had to defend it, but also had to defend my other two gens. I felt helpless.
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Exactly go after others
And I'm slugging to create pressure 1 slug 1 being chased one of the two have to get off the gen to heal, and if I down the one being chased the other has to go for the unhooking. The way I play is different then you and others play that's one of the reasons I don't have a problem with DS.
I gave up on ranking up and all that a long time ago I don't care if they all escape or I get a 4K I play to have fun and try to make the match enjoyable.
I do understand the problem that you and lot have with DS. So why can't you understand I don't have a problem with DS.
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Question as a survivor only. Is DS just as unfair as when i successfully ran the killer a couple times, did a couple gens, unhooked and healed some teammates without getting hit the whole time. Just to be killed by NOED at the end. Not trying to start an argument, just asking.
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Okay you go after others: you hit the healthy rescuer and the speed boost takes them out the gates too, so they all escaped anyhow. Congrats?
The part I'm taking offense with enough to keep replying isn't that you're not bothered by DS. I long ago stopped taking it personally & just accept it as a fact of life too. My own response is the same sarcastic nonchalance "oh that's what I get for tunneling" as most everyone else. The issue I'm raising is how you're promoting this fiction that it's ONLY because you're tunneling/camping when that's objectively not true, or you wouldn't ever need to slug in the first place (which sure as hell ain't fun for survivors either).
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I can't break 5 items around the map to take DS away before you can use it, so no. It isn't the same.
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How realistic is it that all 5 totems go down? I only play solo (cause i have no friends lol) and i never see it happen. Is that a big SWF higher rank thing?
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Not always an option.
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Or is it more of a jimmy johnson, tom brady thing? 😀
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Who knows if it's really coming next week? Maybe they'll delay it. They're trying so very hard to stall for this nerf that should have happened years ago.
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That's one hell of an accusation!
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You know, you are exactly right. There should be 5 randomly hidden survivor hexes that the Killer can work on and if he destroys all 5, DS is no longer available. I am more than happy for that change and I think every survivor would be happy with that change.
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Happens a lot in purple and red ranks, maybe that's the difference.
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The nerf is much needed but I doubt it's the ds nerf that's holding the update back, it's more likely bugs from the new chapter that they're trying to fix before release.
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You may be kidding, but I do think it could add to the gameplay if Survivors had some perks dependant on map items like that. Maybe not ds, but something to change up the tactics and keep matches fresh.
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If it gets to that stage then you didn’t play well enough to deserve the kill